135 research outputs found

    An improved delayed self-heterodyne interferometer for linewidth measurements

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    The authors demonstrated a delayed self-heterodyne interferometer with a recirculating delay, in which loss was partially compensated by an erbium-doped fiber amplifier. A resolution limit of 606 Hz was achieved with an 11-km fiber delay line, as compared to 18.2 kHz for the standard single-pass case. The possible effect of spectral broadening due to amplifier noise is considered and found to have a negligible effect on the system performance

    Frequency locking of an erbium-doped fiber ring laser to an external fiber Fabry-Perot resonator

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    An all-fiber, single-frequency, erbium-doped ring laser has been frequency locked to a resonance peak of an external fiber Fabry-Perot resonator by the Pound-Drever technique. In addition, feedback to the mode selection filter in the laser resonator eliminates occasional mode hopping completely, resulting in frequency-locked, stable, single-frequency operation of the laser for periods of several hours

    Linewidth and frequency jitter measurement of an erbium-doped fiber ring laser by using a loss-compensated, delayed self-heterodyne interferometer

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    The single-mode line width of erbium-doped, single-frequency, fiber ring laser has been measured by using a newly developed loss-compensated delayed self-heterodyne interferometer that has a resolution of less than 600 Hz. The natural linewidth is determined to have an upper bound of less than 2 kHz. In addition, frequency jitter was found to be dominant over the natural linewidth, yielding an effective linewidth of approximately 4 kHz

    Reduction of the intensity noise from an erbium-doped fiber laser to the standard quantum limit by intracavity spectral filtering

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    The high frequency intensity noise of a tandem fiber Fabry–Perot erbium-doped fiber ring laser is reduced to the standard quantum limit, with a 0.5 dB experimental uncertainty. Noise reduction of >~14 dB is achieved by intracavity spectral filtering of weak side modes using a narrow-band fiber Fabry–Perot etalon

    All fiber, low threshold, widely tunable single-frequency, erbium-doped fiber ring laser with a tandem fiber Fabry–Perot filter

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    An all fiber, widely tunable, single-frequency, erbium-doped fiber ring laser was constructed with a threshold pump power as low as 10 mW. Tuning over more than 30 nm was obtained by applying 0 to 17 dc V to an intracavity fiber Fabry–Perot filter. Threshold pump power versus wavelength data showed low variation over the tuning range. Mode hopping suppression with a tandem fiber Fabry–Perot filter is proposed and demonstrated. Stable single-frequency operation was demonstrated with side mode suppression higher than 35 dB

    Measurements of the intensity noise of a broadly tunable, erbium-doped fiber ring laser, relative to the standard quantum limit

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    The intensity noise of an erbium-doped fiber ring laser is measured relative to the standard quantum limit. Over a tuning range of 24 nm, the noise power is within 20 dB of the shot noise floor and varies linearly with laser output power. Oscillations in the noise power spectrum are observed and attributed to beating of the lasing mode with other, strongly damped cavity modes

    Efficiency of broadband four-wave mixing wavelength conversion using semiconductor traveling-wave amplifiers

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    We present a theoretical analysis and experimental measurements of broadband optical wavelength conversion by four-wave mixing in semiconductor traveling-wave amplifiers. In the theoretical analysis, we obtain an analytical expression for the conversion efficiency. In the experiments, both up and down-conversion efficiencies are measured as a function of wavelength shift for shifts up to 27 nm. The experimental data are well explained by the theoretical calculation. The observed higher conversion efficiency for wavelength down-conversion is believed to be caused by phase interferences that exist between various mechanisms contributing to the four-wave mixing process

    Terahertz four-wave mixing spectroscopy for study of ultrafast dynamics in a semiconductor optical amplifier

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    Ultrafast dynamics in a 1.5-µm tensile-strained quantum-well optical amplifier has been studied by highly nondegenerate four-wave mixing at detuning frequencies up to 1.7 THz. Frequency response data indicate the presence of two ultrafast physical processes with characteristic relaxation lifetimes of 650 fs and <100 fs. The longer time constant is believed to be associated with the dynamic carrier heating effect. This is in agreement with previous time-domain pump-probe measurements using ultrashort optical pulses

    Highly nondegenerate four-wave mixing and gain nonlinearity in a strained multiple-quantum-well optical amplifier

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    Highly nondegenerate four-wave mixing was investigated in a 1.5 µm compressively strained multi-quantum-well semiconductor traveling-wave optical amplifier at detuning frequencies up to 600 GHz. A gain nonlinearity with a characteristic relaxation time of 650 fs was determined from the data, and the nonlinear gain coefficient was estimated to be 4.3×10^–23 m^3. Dynamic carrier heating is believed to be the major source of nonlinear gain in this device at the wavelengths investigated