30 research outputs found

    Postnatal mental distress in relation to the sociocultural practices of childbirth:An exploratory qualitative study from Ethiopia

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    AbstractSociocultural patterning of the postnatal period in non-Western settings has been hypothesised to protect against postnatal depression. In 2004, in a predominantly rural area of Ethiopia, we conducted 25 in-depth interviews and five focus group discussions with purposively selected participants including perinatal women, fathers, grandmothers, traditional and religious leaders, birth attendants and community leaders. Our main objectives were (1) to examine societal recognition of problematic distress states in the postnatal period and relate this to Western conceptualisations of postnatal depression and (2) to relate the occurrence of distress states to sociocultural patterning of the postnatal period. Inductive analysis was employed to identify salient themes. Participants spontaneously described culturally problematic distress states occurring in the postnatal period, although did not consider them to be illness. Vulnerability and danger of the postnatal period was emphasised, with risk of supernatural attack and physical harm leading to distress states. Participants also spoke of how gender disadvantage and economic strain intersect with cultural patterning of the postnatal period, threatening mental health due to the resulting disappointed expectations and exclusion, as well as exacerbation of pre-existing problems. Cultural dissonance, where a person's beliefs or actions are out of kilter with strong prevailing cultural norms, may be an important risk factor for postnatal distress in rural Ethiopia, where the postnatal period is extensively culturally elaborated

    Optimizing the Ethiopian health extension programme: strategies to address workforce challenges

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    The Health Extension Programme (HEP) serves as a flagship programme in the delivery of primary health care (PHC) in Ethiopia. However, its implementation has faced various health system barriers. By laying out transformative strategies, the HEP Optimization Roadmap (2020–2035) presents an opportunity to restructure and standardize the programme’s service delivery approach to ensure long-term sustainability and impact

    Understanding the key processes of excellence as a prerequisite to establishing academic centres of excellence in Africa

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    Background: Africa’s economic transformation relies on a radical transformation of its higher education institutions. The establishment of regional higher education Centres of Excellence (CoE) across Africa through a World Bank support aims to stimulate the needed transformation in education and research. However, excellence is a vague, and often indiscriminately used concept in academic circles. More importantly, the manner in which aspiring institutions can achieve academic excellence is described inadequately. The main objective of this paper is to describe the core processes of excellence as a prerequisite to establishing academic CoE in Africa. Methods: The paper relies on our collaborative discussions and real-world insight into the pursuit of academic excellence, a narrative review using Pubmed search for a contextual understanding of CoEs in Africa supplemented by a Google search for definitions of CoEs in academic contexts. Results: We identified three key, synergistic processes of excellence central to institutionalizing academic CoEs: participatory leadership, knowledge management, and inter-disciplinary collaboration. (1) Participatory leadership encourages innovations to originate from the different parts of the organization, and facilitates ownership as well as a culture of excellence. (2) Centers of Excellence are future-oriented in that they are constantly seeking to achieve best practices, informed by the most up-to-date and cutting-edge research and information available. As such, the process by which centres facilitate the flow of knowledge within and outside the organization, or knowledge management, is critical to their success. (3) Such centres also rely on expertise from different disciplines and ‘engaged’ scholarship. This multidisciplinarity leads to improved research productivity and enhances the production of problem-solving innovations. Conclusion: Participatory leadership, knowledge management, and inter-disciplinary collaborations are prerequisites to establishing academic CoEs in Africa. Future studies need to extend our findings to understand the processes key to productivity, competitiveness, institutionalization, and sustainability of academic CoEs in Africa

    Between life and death: exploring the sociocultural context of antenatal mental distress in rural Ethiopia

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    The high prevalence of antenatal common mental disorders in sub-Saharan Africa compared to high-income countries is poorly understood. This qualitative study explored the sociocultural context of antenatal mental distress in a rural Ethiopian community. Five focus group discussions and 25 in-depth interviews were conducted with purposively sampled community stakeholders. Inductive analysis was used to develop final themes. Worry about forthcoming delivery and fears for the woman’s survival were prominent concerns of all participants, but only rarely perceived to be pathological in intensity. Sociocultural practices such as continuing physical labour, dietary restriction, prayer and rituals to protect against supernatural attack were geared towards safe delivery and managing vulnerability. Despite strong cultural norms to celebrate pregnancy, participants emphasised that many pregnancies were unwanted and an additional burden on top of pre-existing economic and marital difficulties. Short birth interval and pregnancy out of wedlock were both seen as shameful and potent sources of mental distress. The notion that pregnancy in traditional societies is uniformly a time of joy and happiness is misplaced. Although antenatal mental distress may be self-limiting for many women, in those with enduring life difficulties, including poverty and abusive relationships, poor maternal mental health may persist

    Lessons learned in developing community mental health care in Africa

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    This paper summarizes the findings for the African Region of the WPA Task Force on Steps, Obstacles and Mistakes to Avoid in the Implementation of Community Mental Health Care. We present an overview of mental health policies, plans and programmes in the African region; a summary of relevant research and studies; a critical appraisal of community mental health service components; a discussion of the key challenges, obstacles and lessons learned, and some recommendations for the development of community mental health services in the African region

    Missed pulmonary tuberculosis: a cross sectional study in the general medical inpatient wards of a large referral hospital in Ethiopia

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    Abstract Background Every year around 4 million people with tuberculosis (TB) are not detected. Thus may not get the medical care that they need and deserve from their respective health systems. Ethiopia is included in the 12 countries who contribute 75% of the globally estimated “missed” cases. This study assessed if there are missed Pulmonary TB (PTB) cases among inpatients of a large referral hospital in Ethiopia. Method A cross sectional survey was conducted in the general medical wards of the large referral hospital from June to August 2015. Inpatients not diagnosed with TB were screened for TB symptoms and requested to submit a morning sputum sample for smear microscopy and molecular testing by GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay. The results of the symptom screening, smear and GeneXpert testing were analyzed as the main outcome characteristics for “missed” PTB cases. Result Over the 3-month period, 300 inpatients were evaluated for TB. The patients median age was 38 years (IQR 26–51.5), 41% were female, median reported duration of sickness before admission was 30 days (IQR 14–240), and median body mass index (BMI) was 21.5 (IQR 20–22.67). HIV status was documented for 198/300 (66%) of patients, 37 (18.7%) were found to be HIV positive, with a median CD4 count of 176 (IQR 52–400). All 300 inpatients submitted a sputum sample and 10 (3.3%) were found to be GeneXpert MTB positive, with 4/10 also being smear positive. All GeneXpert positive inpatients reported having a cough of > 2 weeks duration. Eight had at least 3 common symptoms of TB (i.e. cough, fever, weight loss or night sweat). Co-morbidity with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and HIV was found in 1/10 and 4/10 cases respectively. Conclusion Bacteriological confirmed TB cases were found to have been “missed” amongst the general medical ward inpatients in the hospital. The identified TB cases all reported typical signs and symptoms of TB. Basic clinical practices were not being followed (i.e. history taking/documentation and requesting of appropriate laboratory tests) by the attending health care workers (HCWs) in the hospital. The index of suspicion for TB disease needs to improve and the use of more sensitive technologies, such as GeneXpert could assist the diagnosis of TB. However, the findings of the study need to be investigated in other hospital settings in Ethiopia