519 research outputs found

    Bulk Gauge Fields in the Randall-Sundrum Model

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    We explore the consequences of placing the Standard Model gauge fields in the bulk of the recently proposed localized gravity model of Randall and Sundrum. We find that the Kaluza Klein excitations of these fields are necessarily strongly coupled and we demonstrate that current precision electroweak data constrain the lowest states to lie above ≃23\simeq 23 TeV. Taking the weak scale to be ∼1\sim 1 TeV, the resulting implications on the model parameters force the bulk curvature, R5R_5, to be larger than the higher dimensional Planck scale, MM, violating the consistency of the theory. In turn, to preserve |R_5|\lsim M^2, the weak scale must be pushed to \gsim 100 TeV. Hence we conclude that it is disfavored to place the Standard Model gauge fields in the bulk of this model as it is presently formulated.Comment: Improved results, 14 pages, Latex fil

    Probing the Universal Randall-Sundrum Model at the ILC

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    The Randall-Sundrum model with all Standard Model (SM) fields in the bulk, including the Higgs, can be probed by precision measurements at the ILC. In particular, the couplings of the Higgs to the gauge bosons of the SM can be determined with high accuracy at the ILC. Here we examine the deviations in these couplings from their SM values within the framework of the Universal Randall-Sundrum Model (URSM) as well as the corresponding couplings of the first Higgs Kaluza-Klein excitation.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figs, contributed to the 2005 ALCPG and ILC Workshops, Snowmass, CO, 8/14-8/27 2005; small typos remove

    Warped Higgsless Models with IR--Brane Kinetic Terms

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    We examine a warped Higgsless SU(2)L×SU(2)R×U(1)B−LSU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L} model in 5--dd with IR(TeV)--brane kinetic terms. It is shown that adding a brane term for the U(1)B−LU(1)_{B-L} gauge field does not affect the scale (∼2−3\sim 2-3 TeV) where perturbative unitarity in WL+WL−→WL+WL−W_L^+ W_L^- \to W_L^+ W_L^- is violated. This term could, however, enhance the agreement of the model with the precision electroweak data. In contrast, the inclusion of a kinetic term corresponding to the SU(2)DSU(2)_D custodial symmetry of the theory delays the unitarity violation in WL±W_L^\pm scattering to energy scales of ∼6−7\sim 6-7 TeV for a significant fraction of the parameter space. This is about a factor of 4 improvement compared to the corresponding scale of unitarity violation in the Standard Model without a Higgs. We also show that null searches for extra gauge bosons at the Tevatron and for contact interactions at LEP II place non-trivial bounds on the size of the IR-brane terms.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    Higgsless Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Warped Backgrounds: Constraints and Signatures

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    We examine the phenomenology of a warped 5-dimensional model based on SU(2)L×_L \times SU(2)R×_R \times U(1)B−L_{B-L} model which implements electroweak symmetry breaking through boundary conditions, without the presence of a Higgs boson. We use precision electroweak data to constrain the general parameter space of this model. Our analysis includes independent LL and RR gauge couplings, radiatively induced UV boundary gauge kinetic terms, and all higher order corrections from the curvature of the 5-d space. We show that this setup can be brought into good agreement with the precision electroweak data for typical values of the parameters. However, we find that the entire range of model parameters leads to violation of perturbative unitarity in gauge boson scattering and hence this model is not a reliable perturbative framework. Assuming that unitarity can be restored in a modified version of this scenario, we consider the collider signatures. It is found that new spin-1 states will be observed at the LHC and measurement of their properties would identify this model. However, the spin-2 graviton Kaluza-Klein resonances, which are a hallmark of the Randall-Sundrum model, are too weakly coupled to be detected.Comment: More detailed analysis, added references, 43 pages, 15 figures, LaTe

    Baryon Destruction by Asymmetric Dark Matter

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    We investigate new and unusual signals that arise in theories where dark matter is asymmetric and carries a net antibaryon number, as may occur when the dark matter abundance is linked to the baryon abundance. Antibaryonic dark matter can cause {\it induced nucleon decay} by annihilating visible baryons through inelastic scattering. These processes lead to an effective nucleon lifetime of 10^{29}-10^{32} years in terrestrial nucleon decay experiments, if baryon number transfer between visible and dark sectors arises through new physics at the weak scale. The possibility of induced nucleon decay motivates a novel approach for direct detection of cosmic dark matter in nucleon decay experiments. Monojet searches (and related signatures) at hadron colliders also provide a complementary probe of weak-scale dark-matter--induced baryon number violation. Finally, we discuss the effects of baryon-destroying dark matter on stellar systems and show that it can be consistent with existing observations.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure

    Constraints on DD Dimensional Warped Spaces

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    In order to investigate the phenomenological implications of allowing gauge fields to propagate in warped spaces of more than five dimensions, we consider a toy model of a space warped by the presence of a anisotropic bulk cosmological constant. After solving the Einstein equation, three classes of solutions are found, those in which the additional (D>5D>5) dimensions are growing, shrinking or remaining constant. It is found that gauge fields propagating in these spaces have a significantly different Kaluza Klein (KK) mass spectrum and couplings from that of the Randall and Sundrum model. This leads to a greatly reduced lower bound on the KK scale, arising from electroweak constraints, for spaces growing towards the IR brane.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures PASCOS2010 International Symposium proceedin

    Collider phenomenology of Higgs bosons in Left-Right symmetric Randall-Sundrum models

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    We investigate the collider phenomenology of a left-right symmetric Randall-Sundrum model with fermions and gauge bosons in the bulk. We find that the model is allowed by precision electroweak data as long as the ratio of the (unwarped) Higgs vev to the curvature scale is v/k≤1/4v/k \le 1/4. In that region there can be substantial modifications to the Higgs properties. In particular, the couplings to WWWW and ZZZZ are reduced, the coupling to gluons is enhanced, and the coupling to γγ\gamma\gamma can receive shifts in either direction. The Higgs mass bound from LEP II data can potentially be relaxed to mH≳80m_H \gtrsim 80 GeV.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures. Minor changes to numerics; replaced with published versio

    Electroweak Constraints on Warped Geometry in Five Dimensions and Beyond

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    Here we consider the tree level corrections to electroweak (EW) observables from standard model (SM) particles propagating in generic warped extra dimensions. The scale of these corrections is found to be dominated by three parameters, the Kaluza-Klein (KK) mass scale, the relative coupling of the KK gauge fields to the Higgs and the relative coupling of the KK gauge fields to fermion zero modes. It is found that 5D spaces that resolve the hierarchy problem through warping typically have large gauge-Higgs coupling. It is also found in D>5D>5 where the additional dimensions are warped the relative gauge-Higgs coupling scales as a function of the warp factor. If the warp factor of the additional spaces is contracting towards the IR brane, both the relative gauge-Higgs coupling and resulting EW corrections will be large. Conversely EW constraints could be reduced by finding a space where the additional dimension's warp factor is increasing towards the IR brane. We demonstrate that the Klebanov Strassler solution belongs to the former of these possibilities.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures (references added) version to appear in JHE

    Brane Localized Curvature for Warped Gravitons

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    We study the effects of including brane localized curvature terms in the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model of the hierarchy. This leads to the existence of brane localized kinetic terms for the graviton. Such terms can be induced by brane and bulk quantum effects as well as Higgs-curvature mixing on the brane. We derive the modified spectrum of Kaluza-Klein (KK) gravitons and their couplings to 4-dimensional fields in the presence of these terms. We find that the masses and couplings of the KK gravitons have considerable dependence on the size of the brane localized terms; the weak-scale phenomenology of the model is consequently modified . In particular, the weak-scale spin-2 graviton resonances which generically appear in the RS model may be significantly lighter than previously assumed. However, they may avoid detection as their widths may be too narrow to be observable at colliders. In the contact interaction limit, for a certain range of parameters, the experimental reach for the scale of the theory is independent of the size of the boundary terms.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, LaTex, minor revision
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