4 research outputs found
Prioritizing Actions of Public Libraries in Iran to Increase the Users' Overall Satisfaction based on the Kano Model and Asymmetric Performance Effect
Objectives:This research aims to prioritize the actions of public libraries in Iran to increase the overall satisfaction of users based on the Kano model and the asymmetric performance effect.Methods: The research method is descriptive in terms of data collection and practical in terms of purpose. The statistical population of this research is the number of 10,000 public library users in Iran, of which 400 people were selected as a sample according to Morgan's table by random cluster sampling. The research tool is a questionnaire that was created and validated by the researcher. Data were analyzed with SPSS software. 23 versions were analyzed.Results: The results showed that the three features of public library services, social and cultural programs, promotion, and introduction of the library are among the basic services with low performance, and the feature of library costs is among the basic services with high performance. The characteristic of the library's fame and popularity is among the functional services with low performance, and the characteristics of librarians, equipment, and collections are among the group of functional services with high performance. The characteristics of ancillary services and social participation are among motivational services with low performance, and the characteristics of activity time, space, place, the feeling of comfort and security, and library system and software are among motivational services with high performance.Conclusions: Basic and low-performance functional services cause dissatisfaction with public libraries, which should be the first priority to increase user satisfaction. In the second priority, low-performance motivational services should be upgraded to high-performance, and in the last priority, the level of basic, functional, and high-performance motivational services should be maintained at the current level. This type of prioritization of actions in public libraries has been done by considering the two principles of highlighting negative performance compared to positive performance and also the ability to remember positive events against negative events
Utjecaj različitih površinski aktivnih tvari i njihovih koncentracija na kontrolirano oslobađanje kaptoprila iz polimernih matriksa
Various methods are available to formulate water soluble drugs into sustained release dosage forms by retarding the dissolution rate. One of the methods used to control drug release and thereby prolong therapeutic activity is to use hydrophilic and lipophilic polymers. In this study, the effects of various polymers such as hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), ethylcellulose (EC) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and surfactants (sodium lauryl sulphate, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide and Arlacel 60) on the release rate of captopril were investigated. The results showed that an increase in the amount of HPMC K15M resulted in reduction of the release rate of captopril from these matrices. When HPMC was partly replaced by NaCMC (the ratio of HPMC/NaCMC was 5:1), the release rate of the drug significantly decreased. However, there was no significant difference in release rate of captopril from matrices produced with ratios of 5:1 and 2:1 of HPMC/NaCMC. The presence of lactose in matrices containing HPMC and NaCMC increased the release rate of captopril. It was interesting to note that although partial replacement of HPMC by EC reduced the release rate of the drug (ratio of HPMC/EC 2:1), the release rate was increased when the ratio of HPMC/EC was reduced to 1:1. The effects of various surfactants on the release rate of captopril from HPMC/EC 1:1 matrices were also investigated. The results showed that the surfactants did not significantly change the release rate of the drug. Release data were examined kinetically and the ideal kinetic models were estimated for the drug release. The kinetic analysis of drug release data from various formulations showed that incorporation of surfactants in HPMC/EC matrices did not produce a zero-order release pattern.Postoje različite metode formuliranja vodotopljivih lijekova u dozirane ljekovite oblike s polaganim oslobađanjem. Jedan od načina postizanja kontroliranog otpuštanja, a prema tome i produljenog učinka je upotreba hidrofilnih i lipofilnih polimera. U ovom radu proučavan je utjecaj različitih polimera poput hidroksipropil metilceluloze (HPMC), etilceluloze (EC) i natrijeve soli karboksimetilceluloze (NaCMC) i površinski aktivnih tvari (natrijevog lauril-sulfata, cetiltrimetilamonijevog bromida i Arlacela 60) na oslobađanje kaptoprila. Rezultati pokazuju da povećanje količine HPMC K15M ima za posljedicu smanjenje oslobađanja kaptoprila iz matriksa. Ako se HPMC djelomično zamijeni s NaCMC (omjer HPMC/NaCMC 5:1), oslobađanje ljekovite tvari značajno se smanjuje. Međutim, nema značajne razlike u oslobađanju kaptoprila iz matriksa s omjerom HPMC/NaCMC 5:1 i 2:1. Prisutnost laktoze u matriksu koji sadrži HPMC i NaCMC povećalo je oslobađanje kaptoprila. Iako djelomična zamjena HPMC s EC smanjuje oslobađanje ljekovite tvari (omjer HPMC/EC 2:1), oslobađanje se povećava uz omjer HPMC/EC 1:1. Nadalje, ispitivan je utjecaj površinski aktivnih tvari na oslobađanje kaptoprila iz matriksa u kojima je omjer HPMC/EC (1:1). Može se zaključiti da površinski aktivne tvari ne utječu značajno na oslobađanje ljekovite tvari. U sklopu istraživanja određen je i kinetički model oslobađanja kaptoprila. Analiza kinetičkih podataka ukazuje da dodatak površinski aktivnih tvari u HPMC/EC matrikse ne slijedi kinetiku nultog reda
Some Factors Affecting Consumption of Fruit and Vegetable by Elderly People in Tehran
Objectives: This study was done to assess the some factors which influence on fruit and vegetable consumption among Iranian's elderly.
Methods and Materials: This study was a cross sectional study which was done on 400 elderly people through a two stages sampling method. 10 elderly centers were selected from all of elderly centers in Tehran. During second stage, a systematic random sampling method was used. Data was collected using multi sectional questionnaire (Knowledge, perceived benefits and barriers, stage of readiness, daily servings of fruit and vegetable in meals, social support). One-way analysis of variance and regression analysis were used to analysis the data.
Results: Fruit and vegetable intake among participations was 1.75±1.12 servings/ day. There was no difference between men and women regarding the fruit and vegetable consumption (P>0.05). Our findings showed economic problems were the major barrier for fruit and vegetable intake and accessibility to sellers was the major farilitator. Regression analysis indicated that, a higher fruit and vegetable consumption was significantly associated with higher knowledge, safe life style, self efficacy and lower perceived barriers. Elderly people in more advanced stages of change of attitudes and health knowledge and safe life style were more likely to consume suitable amounts of fruits and vegetables in their diets.
Conclusion: There are several factors which effect on fruit and vegetable consumption in Iranian's elderlies' diet. Identifying these factors could help health educators to design effective interventions
Physical Child-Abuse in Tehran, Iran
Objective: Child-abuse (physical, mental and sexual) is considered as one of the important problems faced by persons specialized in behavioral Sciences and Forensic Medicine, physicians and pediatricians. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the status of physical child-abuse in Tehran.
Materials & Methods: Forty-five pediatric residents, trained for this purpose, conducted this ten-day study in three teaching hospitals (Children's Medical Center, Bahrami Hospital, Hazrat Ali-Asghar Hospital). A questionnaire on physical child-abuse, designed and proposed by the WHO, was completed for 3019 children (male=1578, 52.3% female=1441, 47.7%) less than 18 years of age, who attended the emergency department of the above hospitals. The children and their parents were interviewed and physical examination was performed for the children.
Results: A total of 347 children (male=14.5%, female =9.6%), which is 12.2% of the total number of children studied, were physically abused. Injuries were mostly present on the face, upper extremities, back and lower extremities, among which 12.8% of the cases were severe and 87.2% were moderate in intensity. Fathers and mothers were responsible for 51.2% and 34.1% of the cases of child-abuse respectively. Among the persons responsible for causing child-abuse, 34.1% had themselves been physically abused during their childhood period and 26.4% had physically abused children before. Hyperactivity, bed-wetting and an unwanted child were among the most common causes of child-abuse.
Conclusion: Factors precipitating child-abuse included: large numbers of children in the family drug addiction of one of the family members, and acute or severe psychological stress during the past 6 months. Using the Chi-square test, a significant relationship (P value=0.00l) was found to exist between physical child-abuse and demographic factors such as age, sex, site of residence, history of divorce or separation of the parents and history of physical abuse in the parents' childhood days