14 research outputs found

    In confinibus Turcorum: Ljudi režima Matije Korvina u ugarsko-osmanskom pograničju kasnog petnaestog stoljeća

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    The paper discusses the backgrounds and careers of several lesser-known officials who occupied various positions along the Hungarian-Ottoman frontier during the reign of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (r. 1458-1490). By examining their biographies and their place within the ruling elite of Corvinusā€™s Hungary, the study moreover elucidates how changes in King Matthiasā€™s authority in the borderlands were reflected in the changes in his personnel policies, showing that the king gradually gained more control over his southern lands through a growing network of loyal retainers. The latter, moreover, successfully replaced the vestiges of older regimes ā€“ whose representatives often stood in opposition to royal politics ā€“ thus allowing the introduction of greater royal control.Rad raspravlja pozadine i karijere nekoliko manje poznatih službenika koji su zauzimali različite službe u ugarsko-osmanskom pograničju tijekom vladavine ugarskoga kralja Matije Korvina (1458-1490). Analizirajući njihove biografije i mjesta u vladajućoj eliti Korvinove Ugarske, ova studija nadalje ilustrira kako su se promjene u kraljevom autoritetu u pograničju reflektirale u promjenama u kadroviranju na tom prostoru, pokazujući da je kralj postepeno stjecao kontrolu nad svojim južnim zemljama uz pomoć rastuće mreže odanih familijara. Ovi su, konačno, uspjeÅ”no zamijenili ostatke starijih režima, čiji su predstavnici redovito ustajali protiv kraljevske politike, i tako dozvolili uspostavu čvrŔće kraljeve kontrole

    The Process of Bordering at the Late Fifteenth-Century Hungarian-Ottoman Frontier

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    Following the Ottoman conquest of the Despotate of Serbia in 1459 and the Kingdom of Bosnia in 1463, a new phase of Hungarian-Ottoman relations was introduced. With the disappearance of the Hungarian "buffer" towards the Ottoman-held areas, the territories of the two states became adjacent, and their mutual frontier had to be negotiated afresh. By looking into all available material, Latin, Slavonic, and Ottoman, this paper aims to trace negotiations between the two sides in the period of King Matthias Corvinusā€™ reign and discern their content and application with regard to borders. It tackles the demarcation of the border between the two sides, and highlights the mechanisms employed for its institutional maintenance

    On the Background and Career of Bartholomew of Grabarje, the Prior of the Priory of Vrana between c. 1474 and 1512

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    U ovom prilogu autor kratko raspravlja o porijeklu i karijeri Bartola, priora Vranskog priorata u drugoj polovici petanestog i prvim godinama Å”esnaestog stoljeća. Temeljem dosad malo poznatih izvora, autor tvrdi da je Bartol pripadao onim Berislavićima Grabarskim za koje se u historiografiji smatralo da su za naraÅ”taj stariji od njega, a vjerojatno su mu bili suvremenici i bratići. Autor dalje pokazuje da je Bartol upravljao dobrima priorata ranije nego se dosad mislilo, već od kraja 1473., te pretpostavlja da je na taj položaj dospio zahvaljujući vezama s Nikolom Iločkim, kraljem Bosne između 1471. i 1477. godine. Donose se i transkripcije neobjavljenih izvora koji osvjetljavaju Bartolovu karijeru.This paper focuses on the background and career of Bartholomew of Grabarje, the prior of the Hungarian Hospitaller province (the priory of Vrana) in the second half of fifteenth and the early sixteenth century. Having briefly commented on current views on Bartholomew\u27s background, the author asserts that Bartholomew, unlike previously thought, was a member of an older generation of the family from Grabarje. He was possibly a son of a thus far unknown member of the family and the cousin of the sons of Benedict Berislavić. He further took control over the priory\u27s estates at an earlier date than currently accepted, probably as early as 1473, and assumed the priory thanks largely to his connections to Nicholas of Ilok (ƚjlaki), the king of Bosnia at the time, in whose service Bartholomew seems to have been early in his career. The author also brings transcriptions of thus far unpublished documents referring to Bartholomew

    Rođenja i krÅ”tenja u Labinu od 1861. do 1871.

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    Temeljem analize podataka za desetljeće od 1861. do 1871. upisanih u matičnu knjigu krÅ”tenih župe Labin za razdoblje između 1861. i 1879. godine, ovaj rad donosi informacije o nekim demografskim pokazateljima, ponegdje sličnim i u mnogočemu različitim od podataka iz matica drugih istarskih župa. U labinskoj je župi u promatranom desetljeću, tako, rođeno ukupno 1412 djece, od čega 739 dječaka i 673 djevojčice. Rođeno je tek 28 blizanaca, a prerano je umrlo ukupno 317 novorođenčadi, odnosno netom rođene djece. Ovi su podatci, s obzirom i na gradsku i na seosku provenijenciju, tretirani statistički, pa su i utvrđene određene pravilnosti ili, pak, specifičnosti labinske župe u spomenutom desetljeću. Rad, konačno, donosi i podatke o krstiteljima, župnicima ili njihovim pomoćnicima te o onodobnim labinskim babicama. Donosi također podatke o određenim obrascima ponaÅ”anja pojedinih druÅ”tvenih slojeva kod biranja kumova te podatke o zanimanjima svih zabilježenih odraslih osoba

    Nonnulla documenta pertinentia ad Nicolaum de Wylak, regem ultimum Regni Bosnae

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    Kao prilog poznavanju srednjovjekovne povijesti ugarskog plemstva i političke povijesti Bosne iza 1463. godine, autor donosi transkripcije do sada neobjavljenih dokumenata vezanih uz djelovanje Nikole Iločkog kao kralja Bosne između 1471. i 1477. godine čiji se originali čuvaju u Mađarskom državnom arhivu, Austrijskom državnom arhivu i Nadbiskupijskom arhivu u Zagrebu. Autor donosi i regeste ranije objavljenih dokumenata s pripadajućim referencama, a transkripcije su popraćene kratkim uvodom u problem Nikolinog kraljevstva koji je detaljno analiziran u nedavno obranjenom autorovom magistarskom radu.Upon completing a thesis on Nicholas of Ilok\u27s kingship in Bosnia, the author transcribed several unpublished sources and listed those already published which pertain to Nicholas\u27s activities as the king of Bosnia from 1471 to 1477. Altogether, the author transcribed seven documents whose originals are kept in the National Archives of Hungary, the Archives of the Archbishopric of Zagreb, and the Austrian State Archives, offered a new transcription of a one already published, and listed eight other sources published in various collections to offer a comprehensive overview of diplomatic material originating from the activities of the last king of Bosnia. These transcriptions are intended to both motivate and facilitate further research on the same issues