162 research outputs found

    Conceptual knowledge in the interpretation of IDIOMS

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    The issue is devoted to the problems of interpretation of phraseological units in their occasional use. The actuality of the theme is determined by the insufficient development and understanding of the ambiguity of phraseological transformations, their causes, specificity, determined by the type of language and the lack of a comprehensive study and description of all the stages in the formation of phraseological transforms: occasionalisms and neologisms. This paper also focuses on the lexicographic presentation of phraseological units in contextual use, allowing to establish the most widespread phraseological transformations in English and Russian languages. A brief discussion is given to the description of phraseologisms in speech variety and dynamics. Phraseographic practice of various phraseological units' transformations is significant for the detection of the main features of their functioning, giving the idea about phraseological system of unrelated and genetically remote languages. Moreover, lexicographic description of author's transformations in different languages is capable to shed some light on the regularities of common-language phraseological system, reflecting the culture picture of the world and revealing main aspects of word formation

    The aspects of modern phraseology modeling

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    This paper is devoted to the problems of presentation of phraseological units in contextual use, allowing to establish the most widespread phraseological transformations in English and Russian languages. It provides a systematization of these approaches to the study of idioms and offers an integrated modeling method of phraseological transformations based on the identification of syntactic, logico-semantic, motivational, structural, derivational and nominative models of phraseological transforms. A brief analyses is given to the description of all the stages in the formation of phraseological transforms: occasionalisms and neologisms. The main focus is on the need for revealing the most essential language processes found its reflection in the phraseological fund, which have not been investigated by researchers earlier. © IDOSI Publications, 2013

    Development of innovative import substitution in the agro-industrial complex as a key factor in overcoming interregional differentiation and depression of agrarian-oriented and highly subsidized North Caucasian republics

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    The growth of globalization processes, the aggravation of competition and the protracted economic and technological sanctions against the Russian Federation have necessitated adjusting the strategic goals that are being addressed within the context of import substitution. The Russian policy of import substitution in the agricultural sector should be implemented on the basis of large-scale technological modernization of agro-industrial production, the systematic use of innovations at all stages of the production cycle and the creation of conditions for diversification of production. The practice of implementing the strategy of import substitution in the Russian agrarian economy over the past five years has already made it possible to form a stable trend of growth in production of certain types of agricultural products. At the same time, the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products is still quite low due to the low productivity of agricultural machinery, backwardness of selection and genetic engineering, the lack of domestic seeds, etc. No less relevant limiting factor is the lack of an integral concept of innovative import substitution, the imperfection of tools for neutralizing and squeezing out imports by business entities. In these conditions, in our opinion, it is necessary to direct the entire natural resource and scientific and technical potential of the national economy to import substitution, because under current conditions there is no other way to ensure the economic and food security of the Russian Federation. The study of the morphogenesis of the process under consideration made it possible to establish that the features of building and implementation of the import substitution policy in the conditions of an innovation-oriented economy have not yet been analysed; the specific advantages and weak links of import substitution strategies have not been identified. There is still no single interpretation of the main categories; the possibilities and limitations of implementation of import substitution policy in the context of the need to increase the level of innovative activity have not been substantiated. All this, of course, requires the immediate development of theoretical and methodological approaches to the content of the strategy and tools for import substitution, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian agrarian economy, all this determined the choice of our research topic

    Semantics vs pragmatics of a compound word

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    © 2016 Smirnov, Biktemirova and Davletbaeva.This paper is devoted to the study of correlation between semantic and pragmatic potential of a compound word, which functions in informal speech, and the mechanisms of secondary nomination, which realizes the potential of semantic-pragmatic features of colloquial compounds. The relevance and the choice of the research question is based on the following: firstly, the last decades in the study of the language are devoted to the analysis of ‘language in action’ (speech) rather than its inner form; secondly, the human factor is the leading notion in pragmalinguistics; thirdly, pragmatics is closely connected with productive word building and nomination processes. The following scientific methods were used in the research: analysis and synthesis, definition analysis, method of transformations, the semantic analysis, statistical method, descriptive analysis, and contextual method. The materials and methods chosen in the article help to prove that the meaning of a compound word is built not only on the semantic purpose but mostly on the pragmatic one, that is why the inner structure of a colloquial compound is more complicated. The research also shows that the traditional understanding of pragmatics determines the study of communicative features which appear in certain contexts. The obtained results can be applied in the educational system and are of theoretical and practical value for educational professionals who investigate the questions of pragmatics and semantics

    The study of occasional words: Theoretical sspect

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    The notion 'occasional word' or 'nonce word' has a very disputable character in linguistics. Language creativity is a peculiar feature of spoken communication and fiction works, which are a great source for enriching vocabulary of a certain language. The article is devoted to the problem of defining the notion of occasional words in Russian and Western linguistic schools, dealing with the typological peculiarities of author's or speaker's creativity in language. The research is a part of a great work on studying morphological, derivational, semantic, idiomatic, syntactic transformations, aiming to find a unified approach to the study of occasional words and phrases typical to almost all known languages

    Psycholinguistic criteria for understanding phraseological units

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    © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved. This article deals with the problems of mental perception and cultural interpretation of phraseological units in their occasional use in the English and Russian languages. The role of phraseological unit’s inner form in ability to undergo any transformations is investigated, imagery associations are compared, functions of stylistic devices in transformation of phraseological units are defined in structurally different languages as English and Russian. The main goal is to investigate the cultural and national specificity of phraseological units in occasional use, to define language standards and stereotypes, as well as the cultural interpretation of phraseological units. The hypothesis stating that phraseological unit possesses a structure of knowledge including denotative, evaluative, emotional, cultural and stylistic components was experimentally confirmed

    Linguistic peculiarities of the modern political discourse of russia and the usa

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    The article is dedicated to identifying the significant role of language as influential instrument of political ideology by exploring the most iterative linguistic devices used in the contemporary political discourse of two countries, namely Russia and the United States of America, thereby outlining similar and various peculiarities inherent to both countries. Recently political issues have been brought forefront. Therefore, the modern political discourse is of our main interest, namely from linguistic point of view, investigation of lexical stylistic devices used by politicians aimed at achieving specific goals, so far as this aspect has not been comprehensively analyzed yet. The methodology of this research has applied general principles of qualitative research, and it has been based on the discourse analysis of the authentic source materials published in the New York Times, American Rhetoric and RIA novosti. The research is of great value for further scientific investigations in the fields of the political linguistics. The study delineates further perspectives of the comparative investigations in the English and Russian languages and in the field of the different aspects of the political discourse and the political communication

    Effects of temperature and concentration factors on the conformational state and reactivity of potassium poly(oxyethylene glycolate)

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    With the use of pulsed magnetic-field gradient NMR, self-diffusion coefficients of potassium poly(oxyethylene glycolate) macromolecules and solvent molecules (acetone) and the variation in the dimensions of supramolecular structures of potassium poly(oxyethylene glycolate) with temperature and its concentration in acetone are measured. It is discovered that the temperature dependences of change in the rate constants of reactions that proceed during the interaction of potassium poly(oxyethylene glycolate) with 2,4-toluylene diisocyanate do not fit Arrhenius coordinates. © 2010 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd
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