52 research outputs found
Typical offsets for threatened species
- Publication venue
- NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub; Brisbane, Australia
- Publication date
- 12/08/2021
- Field of study
Short-term response of a declining woodland bird assemblage to the removal of a despotic competitor
- Publication venue
- John Wiley & Sons Ltd
- Publication date
- 26/02/2020
- Field of study
Interspecific aggression by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), a highly despotic species, is homogenizing woodland avifaunas across eastern Australia. Although a native species, the noisy miner's aggressive exclusion of small birds is a Key Threatening Process under national law. Large-scale removal of noisy miners has been proposed as a management response to this threat following increases in miner presence due to anthropogenic land use practices. We tested this proposal by experimentally removing noisy miners from eucalypt woodland remnants (16-49 ha), assigned randomly as control (n = 12) or treatment (miner removal) sites (n = 12). Standardized bird surveys were conducted before and after removal, and generalized linear mixed models were used to investigate the effect of miner removal on bird assemblage metrics. Despite removing 3552 noisy miners in three sessions of systematic shooting, densities of noisy miners remained similarly high in treatment and control sites, even just 14 days after their removal. However, there was evidence of an increase in richness and abundance of small birds in treatment sites compared to controls-an effect we only expected to see if noisy miner densities were drastically reduced. We suggest that miner removal may have reduced the ability of the recolonizing miners to aggressively exclude small birds, even without substantially reducing miner densities, due to the breakdown of social structures that are central to the species' despotic behaviour. However, this effect on small birds is unlikely to persist in the long term. Synthesis and applications: Despite evidence from other studies that direct removal of noisy miners can result in rapid and sustained conservation benefit for bird communities at small scales, our findings cast doubt on the potential to scale-up this management approach. The circumstances under which direct control of noisy miners can be achieved remain unresolved
Data from: Short-term response of a declining woodland bird assemblage to the removal of a despotic competitor
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 16/04/2018
- Field of study
Interspecific aggression by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), a highly despotic species, is homogenizing woodland avifaunas across eastern Australia. Although a native species, the noisy miner's aggressive exclusion of small birds is a Key Threatening Process under national law. Largeâscale removal of noisy miners has been proposed as a management response to this threat following increases in miner presence due to anthropogenic land use practices. We tested this proposal by experimentally removing noisy miners from eucalypt woodland remnants (16â49 ha), assigned randomly as control (n = 12) or treatment (miner removal) sites (n = 12). Standardized bird surveys were conducted before and after removal, and generalized linear mixed models were used to investigate the effect of miner removal on bird assemblage metrics. Despite removing 3552 noisy miners in three sessions of systematic shooting, densities of noisy miners remained similarly high in treatment and control sites, even just 14 days after their removal. However, there was evidence of an increase in richness and abundance of small birds in treatment sites compared to controlsâan effect we only expected to see if noisy miner densities were drastically reduced. We suggest that miner removal may have reduced the ability of the recolonizing miners to aggressively exclude small birds, even without substantially reducing miner densities, due to the breakdown of social structures that are central to the species' despotic behaviour. However, this effect on small birds is unlikely to persist in the long term. Synthesis and applications: Despite evidence from other studies that direct removal of noisy miners can result in rapid and sustained conservation benefit for bird communities at small scales, our findings cast doubt on the potential to scaleâup this management approach. The circumstances under which direct control of noisy miners can be achieved remain unresolved
Data from: Short-term response of a declining woodland bird assemblage to the removal of a despotic competitor
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
Interspecific aggression by the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), a highly despotic species, is homogenizing woodland avifaunas across eastern Australia. Although a native species, the noisy miner's aggressive exclusion of small birds is a Key Threatening Process under national law. Largeâscale removal of noisy miners has been proposed as a management response to this threat following increases in miner presence due to anthropogenic land use practices. We tested this proposal by experimentally removing noisy miners from eucalypt woodland remnants (16â49 ha), assigned randomly as control (n = 12) or treatment (miner removal) sites (n = 12). Standardized bird surveys were conducted before and after removal, and generalized linear mixed models were used to investigate the effect of miner removal on bird assemblage metrics. Despite removing 3552 noisy miners in three sessions of systematic shooting, densities of noisy miners remained similarly high in treatment and control sites, even just 14 days after their removal. However, there was evidence of an increase in richness and abundance of small birds in treatment sites compared to controlsâan effect we only expected to see if noisy miner densities were drastically reduced. We suggest that miner removal may have reduced the ability of the recolonizing miners to aggressively exclude small birds, even without substantially reducing miner densities, due to the breakdown of social structures that are central to the species' despotic behaviour. However, this effect on small birds is unlikely to persist in the long term. Synthesis and applications: Despite evidence from other studies that direct removal of noisy miners can result in rapid and sustained conservation benefit for bird communities at small scales, our findings cast doubt on the potential to scaleâup this management approach. The circumstances under which direct control of noisy miners can be achieved remain unresolved
Data from Davitt et al 2018
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 17/04/2018
- Field of study
Summarised bird survey results and corresponding vegetation and site context data from each survey at each site as described in Davitt et al. 2018
Evaluating the evidence of culling a native species for conservation benefits
- Author
- Publication venue
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Publication date
- 15/08/2023
- Field of study
Controlling problem species for conservation can be fraught, particularly when native species are subject to lethal control. The noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), has been the target of numerous lethal control efforts. Outcomes of these noisy miner removals have varied substantially, so identifying the circumstances under which they are effective is essential for ethical and effective management. We compiled data for all identified noisy miner removals (n = 45), including both permit-based and unofficial removals. We investigated whether methodological and ecological factors explained the effectiveness of removals in reducing noisy miner density or increasing woodland bird richness and abundance. The only predictor of any measure of success was time between first and final culls which was positively related to reduction in noisy miner density. Surprisingly, despite removals mainly failing to reduce noisy miner density to below a threshold above which noisy miners impact smaller birds, woodland birds usually still increased. Disrupted social structure as noisy miners recolonized may have led to less effective aggressive exclusion of small birds. Further removals may not need to reduce noisy miner density to below this threshold to benefit woodland birds, but consistent monitoring and reporting would support better evaluation of effectiveness and correlates of success
Ancient scholastic logic as the source of medieval scholastic logic
- Author
- Ackrill
- Adams
- Adams
- Adorno
- Agricola
- Alan
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
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- Albinus
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- Alcuin
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- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Algazel
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- Allmand
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- Alluntis
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- Almain
- Almain
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- Alvarus
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- Ammonius
- Ammonius
- Ammonius
- Anawati
- AndrĂS
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anscombe
- Anscombe
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apuleius
- Arbus
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Ashworth
- Ashworth
- Aubert
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustinus
- Augustinus
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
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- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- B[ranchereau]
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- Baeumker
- Baeumker
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- Barnes
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- Barth
- Barth
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- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
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- Baur
- Baur
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- BazĂĄn
- BazĂĄn
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- Becker
- Becker-Freyseng
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- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
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- Belmond
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- Bernard
- Bernard
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- Bertola
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- Bettoni
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- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- Bodin
- Bodin
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boh
- Boh
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- Boler
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- Bonaventure
- Bonaventure
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- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bottin
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- Boyer
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- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
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- Brady
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- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
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- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
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- Brunner
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- Bucher
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- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
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- Buytaert
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- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
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- Carlo
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- Chenu
- Chenu
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- Chossat
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- Clagett
- Clagett
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- Contenson
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- Courtenay
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- Cousin
- Cousin
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- Crakanthorpe
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- Cranz
- Cranz
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- Crowley
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- D'Alverny
- D'Alverny
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- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
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- Dal
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- Daly
- Daly
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- Davies
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- Dempf
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- Dexippus
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- Diogenes
- Diogenes
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- Domanski
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- Dondaine
- Dondaine
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- Duhem
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- Duzy
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- DĂŒring
- DĂŒrr
- DĂŒrr
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Eberenz
- Eckermann
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- Ehrle
- Elie
- Emden
- Enders
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- Engelhardt
- Epictetus
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- Evans
- Evans
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- Eynde
- Eysinga
- Fabre
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- Fabro
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Faral
- Faral
- Farr
- Farrel
- FassĂČ
- FassĂČ
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- Ferrer
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- Figgis
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- Fortescue
- Fortin
- Foucher
- Four
- Fraassen
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- Francis
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- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Frede
- Frede
- Frede
- Frede
- Frede
- Frede
- Friedmann
- Friedrich
- Fumagalli
- Gabriel
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- Gaetano
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- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
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- Garcia
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- Gardet
- Gardiner
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garlandus
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geanakopolos
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Genicot
- Gerard
- Gerl
- Gewirth
- Gewirth
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Ghisalberti
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Giesey
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilby
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Gilmore
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Giorgianni
- Giusberti
- Giusberti
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Goichon
- Goichon
- Goldman
- Golius
- Gollancz
- Gonsalvus
- GonzĂLez-Llubera
- Goudin
- Goudin
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Graeser
- Grajewski
- Grant
- Gray
- Grech
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Gregory
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- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
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- Grisez
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- Grotius
- Guelluy
- Guerault
- Guillaume
- Guillet
- Gunther
- GutiĂRrez
- Guy
- Guy
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hain
- Halm
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- Hamlyn
- Hamman
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- Haskins
- Hayen
- Heiberg
- Heiberg
- Heidingsfelder
- Hendley
- Henke
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Heredia
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hessen
- Hexter
- Heynick
- Hill
- Hill
- Himm
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hissette
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- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
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- Hoenen
- Hoenen
- Hoeres
- Hoeres
- Hoffmann
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
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- Holscher
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- Honoré
- Hooker
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- Hopkins
- HorvĂĄth
- Hourani
- Howell
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- Hubien
- Hubrecht
- Hugh
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- Hunt
- Hutchins
- Hyma
- Hyma
- Hyman
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn-Jacobs
- Imle
- Incerti
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- Isaac
- Isidore
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- Jacquin
- Jalbert
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- James
- James
- Jardine
- Jeauneau
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnston
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- Jolivet
- Jolivet
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- Juan
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- KaluĆ» A
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- Kantorowicz
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- Kidd
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- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
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- Kluxen
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- Knuuttila
- Knuuttila
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- Koch
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- Korolec
- Korolec
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- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kuksewicz
- Kuksewicz
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- KöLmel
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- Lachance
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- Lagarde
- Lagarde
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- Lang
- Lang
- Langhade
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- Leclercq
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- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
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- Lewis
- Lewis
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- LiebeschĂŒtz
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- Lio
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- Little
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- LongprĂš
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- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lottin
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- Lupoid
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- Lynch
- Lynch
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- Macclintock
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- Machiavelli
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- Macken
- Macken
- Macken
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- Mahieu
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- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- Maintain
- Maistre
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Manegold
- Manin
- Manser
- Manzalaoni
- Mariani
- Maritain
- Markowski
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Martin
- Martin
- Marty
- Maréchal
- Masnovo
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- Mates
- Matthew
- Matthews
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- Maurer
- Maurer
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- Mccall
- Mcdonald
- Mcdonnell
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- Mcgrade
- Mckeon
- Mcllwain
- Mcllwain
- Mclnerny
- Mclnerny
- Mcmullin
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melani
- Meller
- Menges
- Mercati
- Mercken
- Merzbacher
- Mesnard
- Mesnard
- Meulen
- Meynell
- Michael
- Michael
- Michael
- Michael
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- MichaudâQuantin
- MichaudâQuantin
- Michel
- Michel
- Miczka
- Mignucci
- Milburn
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Ministeri
- Mittelstrass
- Mochi Onory
- ModriÄ
- Molina
- Molina
- Molland
- Molland
- Monfasani
- Monfrin
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- More
- Moreau
- Morewedge
- Mornet
- Morrall
- Morrall
- Morris
- Morris
- MorĂĄn
- Moses
- Moses
- Muck
- Mugica
- Mullally
- Muller-Thym
- Mullinger
- Munz
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murray
- Muñoz Delgado
- MĂŒller
- MĂŒller
- Nagy
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nash
- Nash
- Nasr
- Naus
- Nebrija
- Nebrija
- NeufchĂTeau
- Neumann
- Newman
- Newman
- Nicephorus
- Nicephorus
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicolas
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nielsen
- Niemeyer
- Nifo
- Nifo
- Noble
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- NĂ©doncelle
- O'Brien
- O'Callaghan
- O'Malley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oberman
- Obertello
- Obertello
- Obertello
- Oeing-Hannhoff
- Olgiati
- Onclin
- Ong
- Opicinus
- Ostlender
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Owen
- Owens
- Owens
- Ozment
- Padley
- Paissac
- Palu
- Pape
- Park
- Parkes
- Pascoe
- Pasquali
- Pater
- Pater
- Pattin
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paulo
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Pedersen
- Peghaire
- Pegis
- Pegis
- Peifer
- Pelster
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Pertusi
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peters
- Petrarch
- Petrus
- Pfligersdorfier
- Pfligersdorfier
- Philippe
- Philippe
- Phillipson
- Picard
- Picavet
- Piernikarczyk
- Pierre
- Pighius
- Piltz
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pine
- Piper
- Plantinga
- Plato
- Plato
- Plotinus
- Pocock
- Pocock
- Pollard
- Ponet
- Poppi
- Poppi
- Porphyry
- Porphyry
- Porphyry
- Porphyry
- Posthumus
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Prantl
- Prentice
- Prezioso
- Prior
- Prior
- Priscian
- Priscian
- Proclus
- Pseudo-Albertus
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Pseudo-Petrus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Quillet
- Quillet
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quintilian
- Rabeau
- Radetti
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Rahman
- Rahman
- Ralph
- RamiĂšre
- RamĂrez
- RamĂrez
- Rand
- Randall
- Rashdall
- Raymond
- Reardon
- Reichling
- Reilly
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Remigio
- Remigio
- Renan
- Renard
- Renard
- Renard
- Renaudet
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Reynolds
- Rhabanus
- Rhabanus
- Richard
- Richard
- Richard
- Riesenberg
- Riet
- Riet
- Riet
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rinaldi
- Risse
- Risse
- Rivera
- RiviĂšre
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robins
- Robson
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rommen
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Rose
- Ross
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Roure
- Roure
- Rubenstein
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Rzadkiewicz
- RĂ©gis
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabine
- Sainte-Beuve
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SajĂł
- Sala
- Salamonius
- Salamucha
- Salembier
- Salembier
- Salman
- Salter
- Sambursky
- Sanctius Brocensis
- Sanderson
- Sanseverino
- Santeler
- Santonastaso
- Sarton
- Sarubbi
- Savonarola
- Scaliger
- Schafer
- Scheibler
- Schenk
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schilling
- Schmandt
- Schmaus
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmugge
- Schneider
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Schrimpf
- Schumacher
- SchĂŒtz
- Seton
- Sextus
- Sextus
- Shapiro
- Sharp
- Sharp
- Sheppard
- Shields
- Siematkowska
- Siewerth
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Sigmund
- Sikes
- Simon
- Simon
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simplicius
- Simplicius
- Simplicius
- Siwek
- Skinner
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smet
- Smiglecki
- Smith
- Sorabji
- Soto
- Soto
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spettmann
- St Elpidius
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- Stahl
- Stahl
- Starkey
- Steele
- Steele
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- StegmĂŒller
- Stelling-Michaud
- Steneck
- Steneck
- Stiegler
- Stone
- Stratenwerth
- Strauss
- Strayer
- Streckenbach
- Stump
- Stump
- Stump
- Suarez
- Sullivan
- Sullivan
- Susemihl
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- Swiezawski
- Sylla
- SĂŒdhoff
- Tacitus
- Tatnall
- Terrero
- Teufel
- Themistius
- Themistius
- Theophrastus
- Theophrastus
- Thierry
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thurot
- Théry
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tihon
- Todi
- Tooke
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trentman
- Trinkaus
- Tromp
- Troxler
- Tschackert
- Turk
- Tusquets
- Twcedale
- Tyrrell
- Ubaghs
- Ubaghs
- Ullman
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Untervintl
- Urban
- Ushaw
- Uña Juårez
- Vahlen
- Valla
- Valois
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vaux
- Ven
- Ven
- Vennebusch
- Ventura de
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Vereecke
- Verger
- Versteegh
- Vescovini
- Veuthey
- Victorinus
- Victorinus
- Victorinus
- Vier
- Villey
- Villey
- Villey
- Vitoria
- Vitoria
- Vives
- Voigt
- VÂŽsquez
- Wallace
- Wallerand
- Wallies
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walther
- Walton
- Walz
- Walzer
- Watanabe
- Webb
- Webering
- Wehrli
- Weigand
- Weinberg
- Weinberg
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weiss
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wilenius
- Wilkins
- Wilks
- Wilks
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Wilpert
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wolf
- Wolfson
- Wolin
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Workman
- Workman
- Wright
- Wrobel
- Wulf
- Wulf
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂŒsdörfer
- Yates
- Ypma
- Ypma
- Zabarella
- Zabughin
- Zavalloni
- Zigliara
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zippel
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zumlceller
- Zumlceller
- Ćukasiewicz
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
Abelard and the culmination of the old logic
- Author
- Ackrill
- Adams
- Adams
- Adorno
- Agricola
- Alan
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albinus
- Alcuin
- Alcuin
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Algazel
- Allan
- Allen
- Allmand
- Allmand
- Alluntis
- Alluntis
- Almain
- Almain
- Almain
- Altschul
- Alvarus
- Alvarus
- Ammonius
- Ammonius
- Anawati
- AndrĂS
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anscombe
- Anscombe
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apuleius
- Arbus
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Ashworth
- Ashworth
- Aubert
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustinus
- Augustinus
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Avesani
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- B[ranchereau]
- Baebler
- Baeumker
- Baeumker
- Baeumker
- Baldanza
- Baldus
- BaliÄ
- BaliÄ
- Barcia Trelles
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barozzi
- Barth
- Barth
- Barth
- Batllori
- Battaglia
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baur
- Baur
- Baur
- BazĂĄn
- BazĂĄn
- BazĂĄn
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker-Freyseng
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Belmond
- Belmond
- Bendiek
- Berges
- Bergh
- Bergmann
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bertola
- Bertola
- Berube
- Bettoni
- Bettoni
- Black
- Blackley
- Blake
- Blanche
- Blanché
- Bliemetzrieder
- Blondel
- Bloomfield
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- Bodin
- Bodin
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boh
- Boh
- Boler
- Boler
- Bonald
- Bonansea
- Bonaventure
- Bonaventure
- Bonaventure
- Borak
- Bos
- Bosley
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bougerol
- Bouillard
- Bourgeois
- Bourke
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Brady
- Brady
- Breda
- Brentano
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brosch
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Browne
- BruckmĂŒller
- Bruder
- Bruni
- Brunner
- Bucher
- Bucher
- Buchner
- Buisson
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Buytaert
- Buytaert
- Båñez
- Caesarius
- Cairns
- Cajetan
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Campanella
- Campania
- Camporeale
- Canizzo
- Capelli
- Caplan
- Cargill Thompson
- Carlo
- Carlo
- Carlyle
- Casacci
- Casado
- Cassiodorus
- Cassirer
- Chabod
- Charette
- Chenevert
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chevrier
- Chodorow
- Chomsky
- Chossat
- Chossat
- Chossat
- Chrimes
- Christine
- Christine
- Church
- Claessens
- Clagett
- Clagett
- Clagett
- Clarembald
- Clark
- Clarke
- Classen
- Classen
- Cobban
- Coing
- Colish
- Collins
- Combes
- Composta
- Contenson
- Contenson
- Copleston
- Cornoldi
- Costello
- Cotta
- Courtenay
- Courtenay
- Cousin
- Cousin
- Cousin
- Crakanthorpe
- Crakanthorpe
- Cranz
- Cranz
- Cranz
- Crawford
- Crescini
- Crombie
- Crosby
- Crowe
- Crowley
- Crowley
- Cunningham
- Curtis
- Czartoryski
- D'Alverny
- D'Alverny
- D'Alverny
- D'Angelo
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- Dabin
- Dal
- Dal
- Dales
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Dante
- Danto
- David
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davitt
- Day
- De Benedictis
- De Fourny
- Decker
- Deku
- Del Prado
- Delhaye
- Dempf
- Dempf
- Denifle
- Descartes
- Destrez
- Dewan
- Dexippus
- Dezza
- Di Napoli
- Diem
- Dijksterhuis
- Diogenes
- Diogenes
- Dirks
- Dmowski
- Doig
- Domanski
- Domanski
- Donagan
- Doncoeur
- Dondaine
- Dondaine
- Dondaine
- Donzé
- Dowdall
- Duhem
- Duhem
- Duin
- Dumbauld
- Dumitriu
- Dunbabin
- Duzy
- Dyckmans
- Dziewicki
- DĂ€hnert
- Döring
- DĂŒring
- DĂŒrr
- DĂŒrr
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Eberenz
- Eckermann
- Ehrle
- Ehrle
- Elie
- Emden
- Enders
- Engelbert
- Engelhardt
- Epictetus
- Ermatinger
- Evans
- Evans
- Eynde
- Eynde
- Eynde
- Eysinga
- Fabre
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Faral
- Faral
- Farr
- Farrel
- FassĂČ
- FassĂČ
- Fauser
- Faust
- Ferguson
- Ferrari
- Ferree
- Ferrer
- Ferrer
- Figgis
- Figgis
- Finance
- Fink-Errera
- Fioravanti
- Fisher
- Fitch
- Fitzpatrick
- Fletcher
- FlĂŒckiger
- Fobes
- Fois
- Folz
- Forest
- Fortescue
- Fortescue
- Fortin
- Foucher
- Four
- Fraassen
- Franceschini
- Francis
- Franklin
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Frede
- Frede
- Frede
- Friedmann
- Friedrich
- Fumagalli
- Gabriel
- Gaeta
- Gaetano
- Gaetano
- Gagnér
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galindo Romeo
- Gandillac
- Garceau
- Garcia
- Gardeil
- Gardet
- Gardet
- Gardiner
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garlandus
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geanakopolos
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Genicot
- Gerard
- Gerl
- Gewirth
- Gewirth
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Ghisalberti
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Giesey
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilby
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Gilmore
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Giorgianni
- Giusberti
- Giusberti
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Goichon
- Goichon
- Goldman
- Golius
- Gollancz
- Gonsalvus
- GonzĂLez-Llubera
- Goudin
- Goudin
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Graeser
- Grajewski
- Grant
- Gray
- Grech
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Gregory
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grisez
- Grisez
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Guelluy
- Guerault
- Guillaume
- Guillet
- Gunther
- GutiĂRrez
- Guy
- Guy
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hain
- Halm
- Hamblin
- Hamilton
- Hamlyn
- Hamman
- Harding
- Haskins
- Hayen
- Heiberg
- Heidingsfelder
- Hendley
- Henke
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Heredia
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hessen
- Hexter
- Heynick
- Hill
- Hill
- Himm
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hissette
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hoenen
- Hoenen
- Hoenen
- Hoeres
- Hoeres
- Hoffmann
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
- Holmes
- Holscher
- Honnefelder
- Honoré
- Hooker
- Hopkins
- Hopkins
- HorvĂĄth
- Hourani
- Howell
- Hubert
- Hubien
- Hubrecht
- Hugh
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hutchins
- Hyma
- Hyma
- Hyman
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn-Jacobs
- Imle
- Incerti
- Isaac
- Isaac
- Isidore
- Jacob
- Jacquin
- Jalbert
- James
- James
- James
- Jardine
- Jeauneau
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnston
- Jolivet
- Jolivet
- Jolivet
- Jolivet
- Joseph
- Joynson
- Juan
- Juan
- Kaiser
- KaluĆ» A
- Kantorowicz
- Kantorowicz
- Kasper
- Kearney
- Keckermann
- Keeler
- Keen
- Keicher
- Kenny
- Kidd
- Kleineidam
- Kleutgen
- Klingsford
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Kluge
- Kluxen
- Kluxen
- Kneale
- Knudsen
- Knuuttila
- Knuuttila
- Knuuttila
- Koch
- Koch
- Korolec
- Korolec
- Korolec
- Kosegarten
- KotarbiĆSki
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kuksewicz
- Kuksewicz
- Kuttner
- KöLmel
- KöLmel
- La BriĂšRe
- La Mare
- La Rochelle
- La VaissiĂšre
- Labis
- Labrosse
- Lachance
- Lachance
- Lagarde
- Lagarde
- Lagarde
- Lakner
- Lambert
- Lamennais
- Landgraf
- Lang
- Lang
- Lang
- Langhade
- Lapparent
- Laso
- Latham
- Lawrence
- Le Bras
- Le Goff
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Lefranc
- Lerner
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liberatore
- LiebeschĂŒtz
- LiebeschĂŒtz
- Lindeboom
- Linhardt
- Lio
- Lio
- Little
- Little
- Lloyd
- Lohr
- Lonergan
- LongprĂš
- LongprĂš
- Loserth
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lotz
- Loux
- Lovejoy
- Lung
- Lupoid
- Luquet
- Luscombe
- Lynch
- Lynch
- Lyons
- Maccarrone
- Macclintock
- Macclintock
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Macken
- Macken
- Macken
- Macken
- Madkour
- Mahieu
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- Maintain
- Maistre
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Manegold
- Manin
- Manser
- Manzalaoni
- Mariani
- Maritain
- Markowski
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Martin
- Martin
- Marty
- Maréchal
- Masnovo
- Mates
- Mates
- Matthew
- Matthews
- Maurer
- Maurer
- Maurer
- Mazzarella
- Mcalister
- Mccabe
- Mccall
- Mcdonald
- Mcdonnell
- Mcfarlane
- Mcgrade
- Mcgrade
- Mckeon
- Mcllwain
- Mcllwain
- Mclnerny
- Mclnerny
- Mcmullin
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melani
- Meller
- Menges
- Mercati
- Mercken
- Merzbacher
- Mesnard
- Mesnard
- Meulen
- Meynell
- Michael
- Michael
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- MichaudâQuantin
- MichaudâQuantin
- Michel
- Michel
- Miczka
- Mignucci
- Milburn
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Ministeri
- Mittelstrass
- Mochi Onory
- ModriÄ
- Molina
- Molina
- Molland
- Molland
- Monfasani
- Monfrin
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- More
- Moreau
- Morewedge
- Mornet
- Morrall
- Morrall
- Morris
- Morris
- MorĂĄn
- Moses
- Moses
- Muck
- Mugica
- Mullally
- Muller-Thym
- Mullinger
- Munz
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murray
- Muñoz Delgado
- MĂŒller
- Nagy
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nash
- Nash
- Nasr
- Naus
- Nebrija
- Nebrija
- NeufchĂTeau
- Neumann
- Newman
- Newman
- Nicephorus
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicolas
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nielsen
- Niemeyer
- Nifo
- Nifo
- Noble
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- NĂ©doncelle
- O'Brien
- O'Callaghan
- O'Malley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oberman
- Obertello
- Obertello
- Oeing-Hannhoff
- Olgiati
- Onclin
- Ong
- Opicinus
- Ostlender
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Owen
- Owens
- Owens
- Ozment
- Padley
- Paissac
- Palu
- Pape
- Park
- Parkes
- Pascoe
- Pasquali
- Pater
- Pater
- Pattin
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paulo
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Pedersen
- Peghaire
- Pegis
- Pegis
- Peifer
- Pelster
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Pertusi
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peters
- Petrarch
- Petrus
- Pfligersdorfier
- Philippe
- Philippe
- Phillipson
- Picard
- Picavet
- Piernikarczyk
- Pierre
- Pighius
- Piltz
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pine
- Piper
- Plantinga
- Plato
- Plato
- Plotinus
- Pocock
- Pocock
- Pollard
- Ponet
- Poppi
- Poppi
- Porphyry
- Porphyry
- Posthumus
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Prantl
- Prentice
- Prezioso
- Prior
- Prior
- Priscian
- Priscian
- Proclus
- Pseudo-Albertus
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Pseudo-Petrus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Quillet
- Quillet
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quintilian
- Rabeau
- Radetti
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Rahman
- Rahman
- Ralph
- RamiĂšre
- RamĂrez
- RamĂrez
- Rand
- Randall
- Rashdall
- Raymond
- Reardon
- Reichling
- Reilly
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Remigio
- Remigio
- Renan
- Renard
- Renard
- Renard
- Renaudet
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Reynolds
- Rhabanus
- Rhabanus
- Richard
- Richard
- Richard
- Riesenberg
- Riet
- Riet
- Riet
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rinaldi
- Risse
- Risse
- Rivera
- RiviĂšre
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robins
- Robson
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rommen
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Rose
- Ross
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Roure
- Roure
- Rubenstein
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Rzadkiewicz
- RĂ©gis
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabine
- Sainte-Beuve
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SajĂł
- Sala
- Salamonius
- Salamucha
- Salembier
- Salembier
- Salman
- Salter
- Sambursky
- Sanctius Brocensis
- Sanderson
- Sanseverino
- Santeler
- Santonastaso
- Sarton
- Sarubbi
- Savonarola
- Scaliger
- Schafer
- Scheibler
- Schenk
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schilling
- Schmandt
- Schmaus
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmugge
- Schneider
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Schrimpf
- Schumacher
- SchĂŒtz
- Seton
- Sextus
- Shapiro
- Sharp
- Sharp
- Sheppard
- Shields
- Siematkowska
- Siewerth
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Sigmund
- Sikes
- Simon
- Simon
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simplicius
- Simplicius
- Siwek
- Skinner
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smet
- Smiglecki
- Smith
- Sorabji
- Soto
- Soto
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spettmann
- St Elpidius
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- Stahl
- Starkey
- Steele
- Steele
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- StegmĂŒller
- Stelling-Michaud
- Steneck
- Steneck
- Stiegler
- Stone
- Stratenwerth
- Strauss
- Strayer
- Streckenbach
- Stump
- Stump
- Suarez
- Sullivan
- Susemihl
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- Swiezawski
- Sylla
- SĂŒdhoff
- Tacitus
- Tatnall
- Terrero
- Teufel
- Themistius
- Theophrastus
- Thierry
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thurot
- Théry
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tihon
- Todi
- Tooke
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trentman
- Trinkaus
- Tromp
- Troxler
- Tschackert
- Turk
- Tusquets
- Twcedale
- Twcedale
- Tyrrell
- Ubaghs
- Ubaghs
- Ullman
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Untervintl
- Urban
- Ushaw
- Uña Juårez
- Vahlen
- Valla
- Valois
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vaux
- Ven
- Vennebusch
- Ventura de
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Vereecke
- Verger
- Versteegh
- Vescovini
- Veuthey
- Victorinus
- Victorinus
- Vier
- Villey
- Villey
- Villey
- Vitoria
- Vitoria
- Vives
- Voigt
- VÂŽsquez
- Wallace
- Wallerand
- Wallies
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walther
- Walton
- Walz
- Walzer
- Watanabe
- Webb
- Webering
- Wehrli
- Weigand
- Weinberg
- Weinberg
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weiss
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wilenius
- Wilkins
- Wilks
- Wilks
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Wilpert
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wolf
- Wolfson
- Wolin
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Workman
- Workman
- Wright
- Wrobel
- Wulf
- Wulf
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂŒsdörfer
- Yates
- Ypma
- Ypma
- Zabarella
- Zabughin
- Zavalloni
- Zigliara
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zippel
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zumlceller
- Zumlceller
- Ćukasiewicz
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
From the beginning to the early fourteenth century
- Author
- Ackrill
- Adams
- Adams
- Adorno
- Agricola
- Alan
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albinus
- Alcuin
- Alcuin
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Algazel
- Allan
- Allen
- Allmand
- Allmand
- Alluntis
- Alluntis
- Almain
- Almain
- Almain
- Altschul
- Alvarus
- Alvarus
- Ammonius
- Ammonius
- Anawati
- AndrĂS
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anscombe
- Anscombe
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apuleius
- Arbus
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Ashworth
- Ashworth
- Aubert
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustinus
- Augustinus
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Avesani
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- B[ranchereau]
- Baebler
- Baeumker
- Baeumker
- Baeumker
- Baldanza
- Baldus
- BaliÄ
- BaliÄ
- Barcia Trelles
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barozzi
- Barth
- Barth
- Barth
- Batllori
- Battaglia
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baur
- Baur
- Baur
- BazĂĄn
- BazĂĄn
- BazĂĄn
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker-Freyseng
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Belmond
- Belmond
- Bendiek
- Berges
- Bergh
- Bergmann
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bertola
- Bertola
- Berube
- Bettoni
- Bettoni
- Black
- Blackley
- Blake
- Blanche
- Blanché
- Bliemetzrieder
- Blondel
- Bloomfield
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- Bodin
- Bodin
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boh
- Boh
- Boler
- Boler
- Bonald
- Bonansea
- Bonaventure
- Bonaventure
- Bonaventure
- Borak
- Bos
- Bosley
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bougerol
- Bouillard
- Bourgeois
- Bourke
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Brady
- Brady
- Breda
- Brentano
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brosch
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Browne
- BruckmĂŒller
- Bruder
- Bruni
- Brunner
- Bucher
- Bucher
- Buchner
- Buisson
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Buytaert
- Buytaert
- Båñez
- Caesarius
- Cairns
- Cajetan
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Campanella
- Campania
- Camporeale
- Canizzo
- Capelli
- Caplan
- Cargill Thompson
- Carlo
- Carlo
- Carlyle
- Casacci
- Casado
- Cassiodorus
- Cassirer
- Chabod
- Charette
- Chenevert
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chevrier
- Chodorow
- Chomsky
- Chossat
- Chossat
- Chossat
- Chrimes
- Christine
- Christine
- Church
- Claessens
- Clagett
- Clagett
- Clagett
- Clarembald
- Clark
- Clarke
- Classen
- Classen
- Cobban
- Coing
- Colish
- Collins
- Combes
- Composta
- Contenson
- Contenson
- Copleston
- Cornoldi
- Costello
- Cotta
- Courtenay
- Courtenay
- Cousin
- Cousin
- Cousin
- Crakanthorpe
- Crakanthorpe
- Cranz
- Cranz
- Cranz
- Crawford
- Crescini
- Crombie
- Crosby
- Crowe
- Crowley
- Crowley
- Cunningham
- Curtis
- Czartoryski
- D'Alverny
- D'Alverny
- D'Alverny
- D'Angelo
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- Dabin
- Dal
- Dal
- Dales
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Dante
- Danto
- David
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davitt
- Day
- De Benedictis
- De Fourny
- Decker
- Deku
- Del Prado
- Delhaye
- Dempf
- Dempf
- Denifle
- Descartes
- Destrez
- Dewan
- Dexippus
- Dezza
- Di Napoli
- Diem
- Dijksterhuis
- Diogenes
- Diogenes
- Dirks
- Dmowski
- Doig
- Domanski
- Domanski
- Donagan
- Doncoeur
- Dondaine
- Dondaine
- Dondaine
- Donzé
- Dowdall
- Duhem
- Duhem
- Duin
- Dumbauld
- Dumitriu
- Dunbabin
- Duzy
- Dyckmans
- Dziewicki
- DĂ€hnert
- Döring
- DĂŒring
- DĂŒrr
- DĂŒrr
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Eberenz
- Eckermann
- Ehrle
- Ehrle
- Elie
- Emden
- Enders
- Engelbert
- Engelhardt
- Epictetus
- Ermatinger
- Evans
- Evans
- Eynde
- Eynde
- Eysinga
- Fabre
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Faral
- Faral
- Farr
- Farrel
- FassĂČ
- FassĂČ
- Fauser
- Faust
- Ferguson
- Ferrari
- Ferree
- Ferrer
- Ferrer
- Figgis
- Figgis
- Finance
- Fink-Errera
- Fioravanti
- Fisher
- Fitch
- Fitzpatrick
- Fletcher
- FlĂŒckiger
- Fobes
- Fois
- Folz
- Forest
- Fortescue
- Fortescue
- Fortin
- Foucher
- Four
- Fraassen
- Franceschini
- Francis
- Franklin
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Frede
- Frede
- Frede
- Friedmann
- Friedrich
- Fumagalli
- Gabriel
- Gaeta
- Gaetano
- Gaetano
- Gagnér
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galindo Romeo
- Gandillac
- Garceau
- Garcia
- Gardeil
- Gardet
- Gardet
- Gardiner
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garlandus
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geanakopolos
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Genicot
- Gerard
- Gerl
- Gewirth
- Gewirth
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Ghisalberti
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Giesey
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilby
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Gilmore
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Giorgianni
- Giusberti
- Giusberti
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Goichon
- Goichon
- Goldman
- Golius
- Gollancz
- Gonsalvus
- GonzĂLez-Llubera
- Goudin
- Goudin
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Graeser
- Grajewski
- Grant
- Gray
- Grech
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Gregory
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grisez
- Grisez
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Guelluy
- Guerault
- Guillaume
- Guillet
- Gunther
- GutiĂRrez
- Guy
- Guy
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hain
- Halm
- Hamblin
- Hamilton
- Hamlyn
- Hamman
- Harding
- Haskins
- Hayen
- Heiberg
- Heidingsfelder
- Hendley
- Henke
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Heredia
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hessen
- Hexter
- Heynick
- Hill
- Hill
- Himm
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hissette
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hoenen
- Hoenen
- Hoenen
- Hoeres
- Hoeres
- Hoffmann
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
- Holmes
- Holscher
- Honnefelder
- Honoré
- Hooker
- Hopkins
- Hopkins
- HorvĂĄth
- Hourani
- Howell
- Hubert
- Hubien
- Hubrecht
- Hugh
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hutchins
- Hyma
- Hyma
- Hyman
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn-Jacobs
- Imle
- Incerti
- Isaac
- Isaac
- Isidore
- Jacob
- Jacquin
- Jalbert
- James
- James
- James
- Jardine
- Jeauneau
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnston
- Jolivet
- Jolivet
- Jolivet
- Joseph
- Joynson
- Juan
- Juan
- Kaiser
- KaluĆ» A
- Kantorowicz
- Kantorowicz
- Kasper
- Kearney
- Keckermann
- Keeler
- Keen
- Keicher
- Kenny
- Kidd
- Kleineidam
- Kleutgen
- Klingsford
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Kluge
- Kluxen
- Kluxen
- Kneale
- Knudsen
- Knuuttila
- Knuuttila
- Knuuttila
- Koch
- Koch
- Korolec
- Korolec
- Korolec
- Kosegarten
- KotarbiĆSki
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kuksewicz
- Kuksewicz
- Kuttner
- KöLmel
- KöLmel
- La BriĂšRe
- La Mare
- La Rochelle
- La VaissiĂšre
- Labis
- Labrosse
- Lachance
- Lachance
- Lagarde
- Lagarde
- Lagarde
- Lakner
- Lambert
- Lambert
- Lamennais
- Landgraf
- Lang
- Lang
- Lang
- Langhade
- Lapparent
- Laso
- Latham
- Lawrence
- Le Bras
- Le Goff
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Lefranc
- Lerner
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liberatore
- LiebeschĂŒtz
- LiebeschĂŒtz
- Lindeboom
- Linhardt
- Lio
- Lio
- Little
- Little
- Lloyd
- Lohr
- Lonergan
- LongprĂš
- LongprĂš
- Loserth
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lotz
- Loux
- Lovejoy
- Lung
- Lupoid
- Luquet
- Luscombe
- Lynch
- Lynch
- Lyons
- Maccarrone
- Macclintock
- Macclintock
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Macken
- Macken
- Macken
- Macken
- Madkour
- Mahieu
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- Maintain
- Maistre
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Manegold
- Manin
- Manser
- Manzalaoni
- Mariani
- Maritain
- Markowski
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Martin
- Martin
- Marty
- Maréchal
- Masnovo
- Mates
- Mates
- Matthew
- Matthews
- Maurer
- Maurer
- Maurer
- Mazzarella
- Mcalister
- Mccabe
- Mccall
- Mcdonald
- Mcdonnell
- Mcfarlane
- Mcgrade
- Mcgrade
- Mckeon
- Mcllwain
- Mcllwain
- Mclnerny
- Mclnerny
- Mcmullin
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melani
- Meller
- Menges
- Mercati
- Mercken
- Merzbacher
- Mesnard
- Mesnard
- Meulen
- Meynell
- Michael
- Michael
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- MichaudâQuantin
- MichaudâQuantin
- Michel
- Michel
- Miczka
- Mignucci
- Milburn
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Ministeri
- Mittelstrass
- Mochi Onory
- ModriÄ
- Molina
- Molina
- Molland
- Molland
- Monfasani
- Monfrin
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- More
- Moreau
- Morewedge
- Mornet
- Morrall
- Morrall
- Morris
- Morris
- MorĂĄn
- Moses
- Moses
- Muck
- Mugica
- Mullally
- Muller-Thym
- Mullinger
- Munz
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murray
- Muñoz Delgado
- MĂŒller
- Nagy
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nash
- Nash
- Nasr
- Naus
- Nebrija
- Nebrija
- NeufchĂTeau
- Neumann
- Newman
- Newman
- Nicephorus
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicolas
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nielsen
- Niemeyer
- Nifo
- Nifo
- Noble
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- NĂ©doncelle
- O'Brien
- O'Callaghan
- O'Malley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oberman
- Obertello
- Obertello
- Oeing-Hannhoff
- Olgiati
- Onclin
- Ong
- Opicinus
- Ostlender
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Owen
- Owens
- Owens
- Ozment
- Padley
- Paissac
- Palu
- Pape
- Park
- Parkes
- Pascoe
- Pasquali
- Pater
- Pater
- Pattin
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paulo
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Pedersen
- Peghaire
- Pegis
- Pegis
- Peifer
- Pelster
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Pertusi
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peters
- Petrarch
- Petrus
- Pfligersdorfier
- Philippe
- Philippe
- Phillipson
- Picard
- Picavet
- Piernikarczyk
- Pierre
- Pighius
- Piltz
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pine
- Piper
- Plantinga
- Plato
- Plato
- Plotinus
- Pocock
- Pocock
- Pollard
- Ponet
- Poppi
- Poppi
- Porphyry
- Porphyry
- Posthumus
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Prantl
- Prentice
- Prezioso
- Prior
- Prior
- Priscian
- Proclus
- Pseudo-Albertus
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Pseudo-Petrus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Quillet
- Quillet
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quintilian
- Rabeau
- Radetti
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Rahman
- Rahman
- Ralph
- RamiĂšre
- RamĂrez
- RamĂrez
- Rand
- Randall
- Rashdall
- Raymond
- Reardon
- Reichling
- Reilly
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Remigio
- Remigio
- Renan
- Renard
- Renard
- Renard
- Renaudet
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Reynolds
- Rhabanus
- Rhabanus
- Richard
- Richard
- Richard
- Riesenberg
- Riet
- Riet
- Riet
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rinaldi
- Risse
- Risse
- Rivera
- RiviĂšre
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robins
- Robson
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rommen
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Rose
- Ross
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Roure
- Roure
- Rubenstein
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Rzadkiewicz
- RĂ©gis
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabine
- Sainte-Beuve
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SajĂł
- Sala
- Salamonius
- Salamucha
- Salembier
- Salembier
- Salman
- Salter
- Sambursky
- Sanctius Brocensis
- Sanderson
- Sanseverino
- Santeler
- Santonastaso
- Sarton
- Sarubbi
- Savonarola
- Scaliger
- Schafer
- Scheibler
- Schenk
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schilling
- Schmandt
- Schmaus
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmugge
- Schneider
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Schrimpf
- Schumacher
- SchĂŒtz
- Seton
- Sextus
- Shapiro
- Sharp
- Sharp
- Sheppard
- Shields
- Siematkowska
- Siewerth
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Sigmund
- Sikes
- Simon
- Simon
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simplicius
- Simplicius
- Siwek
- Skinner
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smet
- Smiglecki
- Smith
- Sorabji
- Soto
- Soto
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spettmann
- St Elpidius
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- Stahl
- Starkey
- Steele
- Steele
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- StegmĂŒller
- Stelling-Michaud
- Steneck
- Steneck
- Stiegler
- Stone
- Stratenwerth
- Strauss
- Strayer
- Streckenbach
- Stump
- Stump
- Stump
- Suarez
- Sullivan
- Susemihl
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- Swiezawski
- Sylla
- SĂŒdhoff
- Tacitus
- Tatnall
- Terrero
- Teufel
- Themistius
- Theophrastus
- Thierry
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thurot
- Théry
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tihon
- Todi
- Tooke
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trentman
- Trinkaus
- Tromp
- Troxler
- Tschackert
- Turk
- Tusquets
- Twcedale
- Tyrrell
- Ubaghs
- Ubaghs
- Ullman
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Untervintl
- Urban
- Ushaw
- Uña Juårez
- Vahlen
- Valla
- Valois
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vaux
- Ven
- Vennebusch
- Ventura de
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Vereecke
- Verger
- Versteegh
- Vescovini
- Veuthey
- Victorinus
- Victorinus
- Vier
- Villey
- Villey
- Villey
- Vitoria
- Vitoria
- Vives
- Voigt
- VÂŽsquez
- Wallace
- Wallerand
- Wallies
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walther
- Walton
- Walz
- Walzer
- Watanabe
- Webb
- Webering
- Wehrli
- Weigand
- Weinberg
- Weinberg
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weiss
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wilenius
- Wilkins
- Wilks
- Wilks
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Wilpert
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wolf
- Wolfson
- Wolin
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Workman
- Workman
- Wright
- Wrobel
- Wulf
- Wulf
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂŒsdörfer
- Yates
- Ypma
- Ypma
- Zabarella
- Zabughin
- Zavalloni
- Zigliara
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zippel
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zumlceller
- Zumlceller
- Ćukasiewicz
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
The reception and interpretation of Aristotle's Politics
- Author
- Ackrill
- Adams
- Adams
- Adorno
- Agricola
- Alan
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albert
- Albinus
- Alcuin
- Alcuin
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Algazel
- Allan
- Allen
- Allmand
- Allmand
- Alluntis
- Alluntis
- Almain
- Almain
- Almain
- Altschul
- Alvarus
- Alvarus
- Ammonius
- Ammonius
- Anawati
- AndrĂS
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anscombe
- Anscombe
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Anselm
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apollonius
- Apuleius
- Arbus
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Aristoteles
- Ashworth
- Ashworth
- Aubert
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustine
- Augustinus
- Augustinus
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Averroes
- Avesani
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- Avicenna
- B[ranchereau]
- Baebler
- Baeumker
- Baeumker
- Baeumker
- Baldanza
- Baldus
- BaliÄ
- BaliÄ
- Barcia Trelles
- Barnes
- Barnes
- Barozzi
- Barth
- Barth
- Barth
- Batllori
- Battaglia
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baudry
- Baur
- Baur
- Baur
- BazĂĄn
- BazĂĄn
- BazĂĄn
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker-Freyseng
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Bellarmine
- Belmond
- Belmond
- Bendiek
- Berges
- Bergh
- Bergmann
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bernard
- Bertola
- Bertola
- Berube
- Bettoni
- Bettoni
- Black
- Blackley
- Blake
- Blanche
- Blanché
- Bliemetzrieder
- Blondel
- Bloomfield
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- BocheĆski
- Bodin
- Bodin
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boehner
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boethius
- Boh
- Boh
- Boler
- Boler
- Bonald
- Bonansea
- Bonaventure
- Bonaventure
- Bonaventure
- Borak
- Bos
- Bosley
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bottin
- Bougerol
- Bouillard
- Bourgeois
- Bourke
- Boyer
- Boyer
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Braakhuis
- Brady
- Brady
- Breda
- Brentano
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brerewood
- Brosch
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Brown
- Browne
- BruckmĂŒller
- Bruder
- Bruni
- Brunner
- Bucher
- Bucher
- Buchner
- Buisson
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Burgersdijck
- Buytaert
- Buytaert
- Båñez
- Caesarius
- Cairns
- Cajetan
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Callus
- Campanella
- Campania
- Camporeale
- Canizzo
- Capelli
- Caplan
- Cargill Thompson
- Carlo
- Carlo
- Carlyle
- Casacci
- Casado
- Cassiodorus
- Cassirer
- Chabod
- Charette
- Chenevert
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chenu
- Chevrier
- Chodorow
- Chomsky
- Chossat
- Chossat
- Chossat
- Chrimes
- Christine
- Christine
- Church
- Claessens
- Clagett
- Clagett
- Clagett
- Clarembald
- Clark
- Clarke
- Classen
- Classen
- Cobban
- Coing
- Colish
- Collins
- Combes
- Composta
- Contenson
- Contenson
- Copleston
- Cornoldi
- Costello
- Cotta
- Courtenay
- Courtenay
- Cousin
- Cousin
- Cousin
- Crakanthorpe
- Crakanthorpe
- Cranz
- Cranz
- Cranz
- Crawford
- Crescini
- Crombie
- Crosby
- Crowe
- Crowley
- Crowley
- Cunningham
- Curtis
- Czartoryski
- Czartoryski
- D'Alverny
- D'Alverny
- D'Alverny
- D'Angelo
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- D'EntrĂšves
- Dabin
- Dal
- Dal
- Dales
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Daly
- Dante
- Danto
- David
- Davies
- Davies
- Davis
- Davitt
- Day
- De Benedictis
- De Fourny
- Decker
- Deku
- Del Prado
- Delhaye
- Dempf
- Dempf
- Denifle
- Descartes
- Destrez
- Dewan
- Dexippus
- Dezza
- Di Napoli
- Diem
- Dijksterhuis
- Diogenes
- Diogenes
- Dirks
- Dmowski
- Doig
- Domanski
- Domanski
- Donagan
- Doncoeur
- Dondaine
- Dondaine
- Dondaine
- Donzé
- Dowdall
- Duhem
- Duhem
- Duin
- Dumbauld
- Dumitriu
- Dunbabin
- Duzy
- Dyckmans
- Dziewicki
- DĂ€hnert
- Döring
- DĂŒring
- DĂŒrr
- DĂŒrr
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Ebbesen
- Eberenz
- Eckermann
- Ehrle
- Ehrle
- Elie
- Emden
- Enders
- Engelbert
- Engelhardt
- Epictetus
- Ermatinger
- Evans
- Evans
- Eynde
- Eynde
- Eysinga
- Fabre
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Fabro
- Faral
- Faral
- Farr
- Farrel
- FassĂČ
- FassĂČ
- Fauser
- Faust
- Ferguson
- Ferrari
- Ferree
- Ferrer
- Ferrer
- Figgis
- Figgis
- Finance
- Fink-Errera
- Fioravanti
- Fisher
- Fitch
- Fitzpatrick
- Fletcher
- FlĂŒckiger
- Fobes
- Fois
- Folz
- Forest
- Fortescue
- Fortescue
- Fortin
- Foucher
- Four
- Fraassen
- Franceschini
- Francis
- Franklin
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Fredborg
- Frede
- Frede
- Frede
- Friedmann
- Friedrich
- Fumagalli
- Gabriel
- Gaeta
- Gaetano
- Gaetano
- Gagnér
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galen
- Galindo Romeo
- Gandillac
- Garceau
- Garcia
- Gardeil
- Gardet
- Gardet
- Gardiner
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garin
- Garlandus
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Gauthier
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geach
- Geanakopolos
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Geiger
- Genicot
- Gerard
- Gerl
- Gewirth
- Gewirth
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Geyer
- Ghisalberti
- Gibson
- Gibson
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Gierke
- Giesey
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilbert
- Gilby
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Giles
- Gilmore
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Gilson
- Giorgianni
- Giusberti
- Giusberti
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Glorieux
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Goichon
- Goichon
- Goldman
- Golius
- Gollancz
- Gonsalvus
- GonzĂLez-Llubera
- Goudin
- Goudin
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Grabmann
- Graeser
- Grajewski
- Grant
- Gray
- Grech
- Grech
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Green-Pedersen
- Gregory
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grignashi
- Grisez
- Grisez
- Grotius
- Grotius
- Guelluy
- Guerault
- Guillaume
- Guillet
- Gunther
- GutiĂRrez
- Guy
- Guy
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- GĂMez
- Hadot
- Hadot
- Hain
- Halm
- Hamblin
- Hamilton
- Hamlyn
- Hamman
- Harding
- Haskins
- Hayen
- Heiberg
- Heidingsfelder
- Hendley
- Henke
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Henry
- Heredia
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hervaeus
- Hessen
- Hexter
- Heynick
- Hill
- Hill
- Himm
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hintikka
- Hissette
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hocedez
- Hoenen
- Hoenen
- Hoenen
- Hoeres
- Hoeres
- Hoffmann
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
- Holdsworth
- Holmes
- Holscher
- Honnefelder
- Honoré
- Hooker
- Hopkins
- Hopkins
- HorvĂĄth
- Hourani
- Howell
- Hubert
- Hubien
- Hubrecht
- Hugh
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Hutchins
- Hyma
- Hyma
- Hyman
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn
- IJsewijn-Jacobs
- Imle
- Incerti
- Isaac
- Isaac
- Isidore
- Jacob
- Jacquin
- Jalbert
- James
- James
- James
- Jardine
- Jeauneau
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- John
- Johnston
- Jolivet
- Jolivet
- Jolivet
- Joseph
- Joynson
- Juan
- Juan
- Kaiser
- KaluĆ» A
- Kantorowicz
- Kantorowicz
- Kasper
- Kearney
- Keckermann
- Keeler
- Keen
- Keicher
- Kenny
- Kidd
- Kleineidam
- Kleutgen
- Klingsford
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Klubertanz
- Kluge
- Kluxen
- Kluxen
- Kneale
- Knudsen
- Knuuttila
- Knuuttila
- Knuuttila
- Koch
- Koch
- Korolec
- Korolec
- Korolec
- Kosegarten
- KotarbiĆSki
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kretzmann
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kristeller
- Kuksewicz
- Kuksewicz
- Kuttner
- KöLmel
- KöLmel
- La BriĂšRe
- La Mare
- La Rochelle
- La VaissiĂšre
- Labis
- Labrosse
- Lachance
- Lachance
- Lagarde
- Lagarde
- Lagarde
- Lakner
- Lambert
- Lamennais
- Landgraf
- Lang
- Lang
- Lang
- Langhade
- Lapparent
- Laso
- Latham
- Lawrence
- Le Bras
- Le Goff
- Leclercq
- Leclercq
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Leff
- Lefranc
- Lerner
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Liberatore
- LiebeschĂŒtz
- LiebeschĂŒtz
- Lindeboom
- Linhardt
- Lio
- Lio
- Little
- Little
- Lloyd
- Lohr
- Lonergan
- LongprĂš
- LongprĂš
- Loserth
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lottin
- Lotz
- Loux
- Lovejoy
- Lung
- Lupoid
- Luquet
- Luscombe
- Lynch
- Lynch
- Lyons
- Maccarrone
- Macclintock
- Macclintock
- Machiavelli
- Machiavelli
- Macken
- Macken
- Macken
- Macken
- Madkour
- Mahieu
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Mahoney
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- Maier
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- MaierĂč
- Maintain
- Maistre
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Mandonnet
- Manegold
- Manin
- Manser
- Manzalaoni
- Mariani
- Maritain
- Markowski
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marlasca
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Marsilius
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Martin
- Marty
- Maréchal
- Masnovo
- Mates
- Mates
- Matthew
- Matthews
- Maurer
- Maurer
- Maurer
- Mazzarella
- Mcalister
- Mccabe
- Mccall
- Mcdonald
- Mcdonnell
- Mcfarlane
- Mcgrade
- Mcgrade
- Mckeon
- Mcllwain
- Mcllwain
- Mclnerny
- Mclnerny
- Mcmullin
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Meersseman
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melanchthon
- Melani
- Meller
- Menges
- Mercati
- Mercken
- Merzbacher
- Mesnard
- Mesnard
- Meulen
- Meynell
- Michael
- Michael
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- Michalski
- MichaudâQuantin
- MichaudâQuantin
- Michel
- Michel
- Miczka
- Mignucci
- Milburn
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Minio-Paluello
- Ministeri
- Mittelstrass
- Mochi Onory
- ModriÄ
- Molina
- Molina
- Molland
- Molland
- Monfasani
- Monfrin
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- Moody
- More
- Moreau
- Morewedge
- Mornet
- Morrall
- Morrall
- Morris
- Morris
- MorĂĄn
- Moses
- Moses
- Muck
- Mugica
- Mullally
- Muller-Thym
- Mullinger
- Munz
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murdoch
- Murray
- Muñoz Delgado
- MĂŒller
- Nagy
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nardi
- Nash
- Nash
- Nasr
- Naus
- Nebrija
- Nebrija
- NeufchĂTeau
- Neumann
- Newman
- Newman
- Newman
- Nicephorus
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas
- Nicolas
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nicole
- Nielsen
- Niemeyer
- Nifo
- Nifo
- Noble
- Nuchelmans
- Nuchelmans
- NĂ©doncelle
- O'Brien
- O'Callaghan
- O'Malley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oakley
- Oberman
- Obertello
- Obertello
- Oeing-Hannhoff
- Olgiati
- Onclin
- Ong
- Opicinus
- Ostlender
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Overbeke
- Owen
- Owens
- Owens
- Ozment
- Padley
- Paissac
- Palu
- Pape
- Park
- Parkes
- Pascoe
- Pasquali
- Pater
- Pater
- Pattin
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paul
- Paulo
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Paulus
- Pedersen
- Peghaire
- Pegis
- Pegis
- Peifer
- Pelster
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Pelzer
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Percival
- Pertusi
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peter
- Peters
- Petrarch
- Petrus
- Pfligersdorfier
- Philippe
- Philippe
- Phillipson
- Picard
- Picavet
- Piernikarczyk
- Pierre
- Pighius
- Piltz
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pinborg
- Pine
- Piper
- Plantinga
- Plato
- Plato
- Plotinus
- Pocock
- Pocock
- Pollard
- Ponet
- Poppi
- Poppi
- Porphyry
- Porphyry
- Posthumus
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Poupard
- Prantl
- Prentice
- Prezioso
- Prior
- Prior
- Priscian
- Proclus
- Pseudo-Albertus
- Pseudo-Augustinus
- Pseudo-Petrus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Pseudo-Scotus
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Ptolemy
- Quillet
- Quillet
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quinn
- Quintilian
- Rabeau
- Radetti
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Radulphus
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Raeymaeker
- Rahman
- Rahman
- Ralph
- RamiĂšre
- RamĂrez
- RamĂrez
- Rand
- Randall
- Rashdall
- Raymond
- Reardon
- Reichling
- Reilly
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Reina
- Remigio
- Remigio
- Renan
- Renard
- Renard
- Renard
- Renaudet
- Rescher
- Rescher
- Reynolds
- Rhabanus
- Rhabanus
- Richard
- Richard
- Richard
- Riesenberg
- Riet
- Riet
- Riet
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rijk
- Rinaldi
- Risse
- Risse
- Rivera
- RiviĂšre
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robert
- Robins
- Robson
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Roger
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rolland-Gosselin
- Rommen
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Roos
- Rose
- Ross
- Rossi
- Rossi
- Roure
- Roure
- Rubenstein
- Russell
- Russell
- Ryan
- Rzadkiewicz
- RĂ©gis
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabbadini
- Sabine
- Sainte-Beuve
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SaintâPourçain
- SajĂł
- Sala
- Salamonius
- Salamucha
- Salembier
- Salembier
- Salman
- Salter
- Sambursky
- Sanctius Brocensis
- Sanderson
- Sanseverino
- Santeler
- Santonastaso
- Sarton
- Sarubbi
- Savonarola
- Scaliger
- Schafer
- Scheibler
- Schenk
- Schepers
- Schepers
- Schilling
- Schmandt
- Schmaus
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmitt
- Schmugge
- Schneider
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Scholz
- Schrimpf
- Schumacher
- SchĂŒtz
- Seton
- Sextus
- Shapiro
- Sharp
- Sharp
- Sheppard
- Shields
- Siematkowska
- Siewerth
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Siger
- Sigmund
- Sikes
- Simon
- Simon
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simonin
- Simplicius
- Simplicius
- Siwek
- Skinner
- Smalley
- Smalley
- Smet
- Smiglecki
- Smith
- Sorabji
- Soto
- Soto
- Southern
- Southern
- Southern
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spade
- Spettmann
- St Elpidius
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- St Thomas
- Stahl
- Starkey
- Steele
- Steele
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- Steenberghen
- StegmĂŒller
- Stelling-Michaud
- Steneck
- Steneck
- Stiegler
- Stone
- Stratenwerth
- Strauss
- Strayer
- Streckenbach
- Stump
- Stump
- Suarez
- Sullivan
- Susemihl
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- SuĂĄrez
- Swiezawski
- Sylla
- SĂŒdhoff
- Tacitus
- Tatnall
- Terrero
- Teufel
- Themistius
- Theophrastus
- Thierry
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomas
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thomson
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thorndike
- Thurot
- Théry
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tierney
- Tihon
- Todi
- Tooke
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapp
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trapé
- Trentman
- Trinkaus
- Tromp
- Troxler
- Tschackert
- Turk
- Tusquets
- Twcedale
- Tyrrell
- Ubaghs
- Ubaghs
- Ullman
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Ullmann
- Untervintl
- Urban
- Ushaw
- Uña Juårez
- Vahlen
- Valla
- Valois
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vanni-Rovighi
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vansteenkiste
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vasoli
- Vaux
- Ven
- Vennebusch
- Ventura de
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Verbeke
- Vereecke
- Verger
- Versteegh
- Vescovini
- Veuthey
- Victorinus
- Victorinus
- Vier
- Villey
- Villey
- Villey
- Vitoria
- Vitoria
- Vives
- Voigt
- VÂŽsquez
- Wallace
- Wallerand
- Wallies
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walter
- Walther
- Walton
- Walz
- Walzer
- Watanabe
- Webb
- Webering
- Wehrli
- Weigand
- Weinberg
- Weinberg
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weisheipl
- Weiss
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wieland
- Wilenius
- Wilkins
- Wilks
- Wilks
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- William
- Williams
- Wilpert
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wippel
- Wolf
- Wolfson
- Wolin
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Wolter
- Woodward
- Woolf
- Workman
- Workman
- Wright
- Wrobel
- Wulf
- Wulf
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂ©ber
- WĂŒsdörfer
- Yates
- Ypma
- Ypma
- Zabarella
- Zabughin
- Zavalloni
- Zigliara
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zimmermann
- Zippel
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zoubov
- Zumlceller
- Zumlceller
- Ćukasiewicz
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1982
- Field of study
- âŠ