2 research outputs found
The Post-Modern Era: Chronic Disease and the Onslaught of a Sedentary Lifestyle
- Author
- A Andermann
- A Bauman
- A Bauman
- A Blum
- A Bornø
- A Cohen
- A deGaray
- A Designs
- A Fleisch
- A Fleisch
- A Holmgren
- A Kereszty
- A LaGerche
- A Loraschi
- A Lucia
- A Norman
- A Notghi
- A O’Dowd
- A Pappous
- A Pelliccia
- A Pelliccia
- A Rode
- AB Dubois
- AD Webborn
- AG Suozzo
- AH Kissebah
- AI Moldoveanu
- AJ Ryan
- AL Barach
- American College of Sports Medicine
- American College of Sports Medicine
- AR Hsu
- Australian Government
- B Caballero
- B Crary
- B Ekblom
- B Gherman
- B Gormley
- B Johnson
- B Jonson
- B Larsson
- B Levy
- B Mallon
- B O’Connor
- B Plamondon
- B Román-Viñas
- B Saltin
- B Sjödin
- BD Levine
- BH Marcus
- BJ Maron
- BJ Maron
- BK Pedersen
- BK Pedersen
- BR MacIntosh
- BW Timmins
- C Bateman
- C Bouchard
- C Bouchard
- C Bouchard
- C Bouchard
- C Bouchard
- C Bouchard
- C Hausswirth
- C Perret
- C Shea-Simonds
- C Tudor-Locke
- CA Czeisler
- Canada Fitness Survey
- Canadian Association for Physical Education and Recreation
- Canadian Heart Foundation
- Canadian Heritage
- Canadian Public Health Association
- Canadian Public Health Association
- CE Cooper
- CE Garber
- Centers for Disease Control
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CH Wyndham
- CI Eastman
- CI Eastman
- CL Craig
- CR Griffith
- CV Gisolfi
- CV Ulmer
- D Campbell
- D Corrado
- D Corrado
- D Heath
- D Lawler
- D Maraniss
- DA Bailey
- DA Baron
- DA Cunningham
- DA Doran
- DC McKenzie
- DER Warburton
- DER Warburton
- DER Warburton
- DER Warburton
- DG Rowbottom
- DH Chenoweth
- DH Paterson
- DH Perrin
- DJ McFarlane
- DJ Oborne
- DL Costill
- DL Dekker
- DL Humphreys
- DM Chisholm
- DM Mertens
- DM Rosen
- DM Wright
- DRE Warburton
- DT Kirkendall
- E Bingham
- E Eid
- E Fort
- E Mohme-Lundholm
- E Zoico
- EC Hoffer
- EE Kossek
- EM Glaser
- ER Burke
- ES Yim
- European Union
- F Barré-Sinoussi
- F Buick
- F Coalter
- F Godlee
- F Lagarde
- F Landry
- F Lickint
- F Lothian
- F Taktak
- F Trudeau
- F Wilt
- FA Kesaniemi
- FA Milan
- FJ Berto
- Food and Agriculture Organisation
- FW Turek
- G Camus
- G Godin
- G Grimby
- G Prior
- GA King
- GD Tharp
- GJWM Rietjens
- GM Oppenheimer
- GM Wright
- GN Sorensen
- GR Cumming
- GR Cumming
- GR Wright
- GW Bush
- H Alfredson
- H Bøggild
- H Cantelon
- H Daynes
- H Feigenbaum
- H Gabriel
- H Heck
- H Kraus
- H Mellerowicz
- H Northoff
- H Park
- H Park
- H Vandevalle
- H Weicker
- HC Lukaski
- HD Sesso
- HG Pope
- HG Thistle
- HJ Roth
- HK Abrams
- HK Abrams
- House of Commons Select Committee on Culture Medicine and Science
- HT Hammel
- I Adler
- I Bernstein
- I Edler
- I Janssen
- I Rabi
- I Waddington
- I Ã…strand
- International Olympic Committee
- J Aitken
- J Blessinger
- J Bonneau
- J Bryant
- J Chelly
- J Chrétien
- J Floyer
- J Laxer
- J LeBlanc
- J Lemco
- J Nyboer
- J Sallis
- J Sawatzky
- J Snellen
- J Stray-Gunderson
- J Vague
- JA Davis
- JA Hunter
- JC Eisenmann
- JD Buckley
- JE Goodwin
- JE McLaughlin
- JE Moores
- JF Conway
- JF Harris
- JH Meyers
- JH Weis
- JJ Parker
- JK Cooley
- JL Prevost
- JL Simpson
- JL Simpson
- JM Harrington
- JR Ashton
- JR DeJong
- JR Greene
- JR Sutton
- JS Milledge
- JS Milledge
- JS Weiner
- JW Severinghaus
- K Bennell
- K Borodulin
- K Bruck
- K Okada
- K Sidney
- K Wasserman
- KD Fitch
- KD Fitch
- KH Cooper
- KJ Killian
- KL Andersen
- KN Ballantyne
- KS Reddy
- L Hermansen
- L Hoffman-Goetz
- L Linnan
- L Mackey
- L Pérusse
- L Scrivener
- L Spriet
- L Stahl
- LA Garvican
- LB Pett
- LC Clark
- LE Morehouse
- LH Zang
- LJ Folinsbee
- LL Spriet
- LP Masteralexis
- LT MacKinnon
- LT Mackinnon
- M Bamberger
- M Benson
- M Burtscher
- M Eisenberg
- M Fourestier
- M Gleeson
- M Gochfeld
- M Hattenhauer
- M Lalonde
- M Lawrence
- M Ng
- M Nolan
- M Roden
- M Wilson
- MA Fiatarone
- ME Mundel
- MJ Belman
- ML Collis
- ML Howell
- ML Ladenheim
- MR Goldman
- MR Nowak
- MT Gilbert
- MT Sharratt
- N Gledhill
- N Gledhill
- N Gledhill
- N Oldridge
- N Southam
- National Department of Health and Welfare
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- NL Jones
- OG Edholm
- P Abernethy
- P Anderson
- P Das
- P Edwards
- P Hart
- P Litt
- P Newman
- P-H Kingisepp
- PA Rechnitzer
- PA Rechnitzer
- PD Beaubien
- PD Wagner
- PG Bourne
- PG Roe
- PH Sonksen
- PL Schneider
- PRM Jones
- PT Macklem
- PV Karpovich
- R Casaburi
- R Chodo
- R Collier
- R Cooper
- R Dallek
- R Dallek
- R Doll
- R Gibson
- R Poor
- R Proctor
- R Proctor
- R Proctor
- R Shave
- R Simmons
- RA Clark
- RA Lawrie
- RC Brownson
- RC Fowler
- RC Hawkes
- RJ Barilleaux
- RJ Barnard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RJ Shephard
- RL Moss
- RL Wilber
- RM Barnes
- RW Piwonka
- RZ Goetzel
- S Godfrey
- S Jonas
- S Mansfield
- S Reeve
- S Starky
- S Thomas
- S Tinley
- S Vail
- S Weinbruch
- SA Hawkins
- SA Pigalev
- SE Ambrose
- SE Crouter
- SH Pollack
- SK Hong
- SM Cohen
- SM Horvath
- SM Horvath
- SN Blair
- SS Jackson
- Statistics Canada
- T Butz
- T Derderian
- T Geva
- T Kavanagh
- T Kavanagh
- T Kavanagh
- T Kavanagh
- T Kavanagh
- T Myers
- T Verde
- TB Tomasi
- TD Noakes
- TD Noakes
- TD Noakes
- TD Noakes
- TD Noakes
- TF Novacheck
- TG Neilan
- TH Hettinger
- TH Tulchinsky
- TL Petty
- TP Huston
- TRA Davis
- TS Church
- TW Anderson
- TW Anderson
- U Bergh
- V Drake
- V Klissouras
- V Louhevaara
- V Walsh
- VA Jansen
- VK Krishnamoorthy
- VP Pravosudov
- W Kinsella
- W LaPorte
- W LaPorte
- WD McArdle
- WD Stanish
- WE Buckley
- WJ O’Hara
- WK Engel
- WL Proudfit
- WP James
- WP Morgan
- WR Orban
- Y Aoyagi
- Y Aoyagi
- Y Verkhoshanski
- YC Chagnon
- Z Ashwell
- Z Radak
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Peak Oxygen Uptake and Respiratory Function in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury.
- Author
- Baldwin E DEF Cournand A and Richa
- Coutts KD Rhodes EC and McKenzie D
- Cowell LL Squires WG and Raven PB
- Davis GM and Shephard RJ
- Fugl-Meyer AR
- Gass GC and Camp EM
- Glaser RM Sawka MN, Brune MF and W
- Hjeltnes H
- Kokkola K Mö
- McCann BC
- Nilsson S Staff DH and Pruett EDR
- Silver JR
- Veeger HEJ Yahmed MH, Van Der Woud
- Wicks JR Oldridge NB and Cameron B
- Yamasaki M Irizawa M and Ishii K
- Zwiren L and Bar-Or O
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1996
- Field of study