100 research outputs found

    Análisis comparativo de resistencia a compresión adicionando residuos de PVC y concreto convencional en losa de pavimento rígido, El Dorado

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    La presente investigación constó con el título de “Análisis comparativo de resistencia a compresión adicionando residuos de PVC y concreto convencional en losa de pavimento rígido, El Dorado”, con ubicación en el distrito de San José de Sisa - San Martin, teniendo como tipo de investigación aplicada, de diseño experimental, con una población de 14639 habitantes que beneficiará en la zona rural y urbana. Los resultados se ejecutaron poseyendo en cálculo la NTP 339.034, MTC y ASTM, además se igualaron las propiedades de los materiales del concreto. Las conclusiones fueron que se establecieron las escrituras de la materia prima para el diseño de mezcla convencional f’c = 175 kg/cm , teniendo en cuenta los parámetros estipulados (NTP, MTC): Se ejecutó el cernido, conjuntamente estableciendo el rocío oriundo, peso unitario, absorción y peso específico; y para determinar las características de la grava se realizó el ensayo de humedad, peso unitario, peso específico y absorción. De igual manera, se ejecutó el diseño convencional por el método del ACI del concreto con una resistencia a compresión f’c = 175 kg/cm 2 , la dosificación para ello es lo siguiente: En peso: 3.11 – 2.1 – 3.2 – 0.608 (cemento portland – agregado fino – agregado grueso – agua), por pie cúbico (ft 2 ) de concreto. Asimismo, en Volumen: 3.11 – 1.9 – 3.3 – 0.608 (cemento portland – agregado fino – agregado grueso – agua), por pie cúbico (ft 3 la diferenciación del residuo de PVC metamorfoseado de alta consistencia al 5%, donde se elaboraron testigos de concreto para el diseño convencional, para el concreto convencional adicionando PVC triturado por cada variación de PVC de alta consistencia propuesto en el proyecto de investigación, al determinar la firmeza a la presión del determinado concreto convencional y agregando los residuos de PVC en los especímenes de concreto, se pudo comprobar que la cuantía con residuos de PVC, que respondió de manera más óptima a la compresión de las probetas con fibra de residuo PVC con el concreto patrón, se obtuvo las mejores resistencias, con una ganancia del coeficiente de resistencia a 100% sobre el concreto base

    Using Simulated Instruction to Prepare Students to Engage in Culturally Competent Practice

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    Developing and training students to understand issues of diversity, including the development of a culturally competent social work identity, has long been a challenge for schools of social work. Nevertheless, preparing students to engage with diverse populations is paramount. Simulated learning is an effective pedagogy to enhance and broaden students’ understanding in regard to engaging with diverse populations. This article examines the use of human simulation instruction activities to prepare students to engage in culturally competent practice. More specifically, in this article, the constructs of the cultural competence practice model of Campinha–Bacote (2002) will be examined for practical application in social work education

    Effectiveness and predictability of in-network storage cache for scientific workflows

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    Large scientific collaborations often have multiple scientists accessing the same set of files while doing different analyses, which create repeated accesses to the large amounts of shared data located far away. These data accesses have long latency due to distance and occupy the limited bandwidth available over the wide-area network. To reduce the wide-area network traffic and the data access latency, regional data storage caches have been installed as a new networking service. To study the effectiveness of such a cache system in scientific applications, we examine the Southern California Petabyte Scale Cache for a high-energy physics experiment. By examining about 3TB of operational logs, we show that this cache removed 67.6% of file requests from the wide-area network and reduced the traffic volume on wide-area network by 12.3TB (or 35.4%) an average day. The reduction in the traffic volume (35.4%) is less than the reduction in file counts (67.6%) because the larger files are less likely to be reused. Due to this difference in data access patterns, the cache system has implemented a policy to avoid evicting smaller files when processing larger files. We also build a machine learning model to study the predictability of the cache behavior. Tests show that this model is able to accurately predict the cache accesses, cache misses, and network throughput, making the model useful for future studies on resource provisioning and planning

    Effects of IGSS\u27 job aids-assisted Balanced Counseling Algorithms on quality of care and client outcomes

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    This study identified a need to improve the quality of care at the main maternity hospital of the Social Security Institute (IGSS) in Guatemala. Problems included very short counseling sessions, counseling not focused on clients’ needs, redundancy in the role of physicians and social workers as providers, skewed method mix, and low client return rate for method resupply. The intervention, using Balanced Counseling Algorithms, changed the counseling behavior of physicians and social workers and enhanced the quality of family planning care. The report includes recommendations for continuing these improvements: monitoring provider implementation of the job aids–assisted Balanced Counseling Algorithms, monitoring provider output, adjusting institutional policy and goals to the reality of client preferences, testing reformulated post-choice strategy, and paying particular attention to clients who choose oral contraceptives or condoms

    An Integrated RF Power Delivery and Plasma Micro-Thruster System for Nano-Satellites

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    Progress in satellite technologies is ongoing and eventually finds applications back on Earth. Electric propulsion systems have been proven effective on large scale satellites (NASA DAWN) with better propellant efficiency than chemical or cold gas propulsion, and if miniaturized can be promising for long term operation of nano-satellites (e.g., CubeSats) in low Earth orbit or in deep space (NASA MarCO). However, the power supplies often used to power these electric thrusters, particularly those involving radiofrequency (RF) plasma, typically comprise power inefficient linear mode RF power amplifiers (e.g., class AB). These are simple systems designed to operate reliably under a wide range of loads for versatility, but they suffer low power efficiencies when operating at conditions significantly different from the nominal operating point. The required bulky and heavy thermal management components deem these electric propulsion systems impossible to fit on board nano-satellites. Here we present a compact and efficient switched mode dc-RF power inverter integrated with an electro-thermal plasma micro-thruster for nano-satellite (e.g., Cubesats) propulsion. The integrated system can serve as side panels and structural support of CubeSats, saving precious on-board volume for propellant and/or payloads. A complete assembly has been operationally tested in a space simulation system. This development opens a route for a new generation of power supplies applicable to the space sector, the microelectronics industry as well as the field of bioengineering

    Predicting Resource Utilization Trends with Southern California Petabyte Scale Cache

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    Large community of high-energy physicists share their data all around world making it necessary to ship a large number of files over wide- area networks. Regional disk caches such as the Southern California Petabyte Scale Cache have been deployed to reduce the data access latency. We observe that about 94% of the requested data volume were served from this cache, without remote transfers, between Sep. 2022 and July 2023. In this paper, we show the predictability of the resource utilization by exploring the trends of recent cache usage. The time series based prediction is made with a machine learning approach and the prediction errors are small relative to the variation in the input data. This work would help understanding the characteristics of the resource utilization and plan for additional deployments of caches in the future

    Breakthrough invasive fungal infection among patients with haematologic malignancies: A national, prospective, and multicentre study

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    Objectives: We describe the current epidemiology, causes, and outcomes of breakthrough invasive fungal infections (BtIFI) in patients with haematologic malignancies.Methods: BtIFI in patients with & GE; 7 days of prior antifungals were prospectively diagnosed (36 months across 13 Spanish hospitals) according to revised EORTC/MSG definitions.Results: 121 episodes of BtIFI were documented, of which 41 (33.9%) were proven; 53 (43.8%), probable; and 27 (22.3%), possible. The most frequent prior antifungals included posaconazole (32.2%), echinocandins (28.9%) and fluconazole (24.8%)-mainly for primary prophylaxis (81%). The most common haematologic malignancy was acute leukaemia (64.5%), and 59 (48.8%) patients had undergone a hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Invasive aspergillosis, principally caused by non-fumigatus Aspergillus, was the most fre-quent BtIFI with 55 (45.5%) episodes recorded, followed by candidemia (23, 19%), mucormycosis (7, 5.8%), other moulds (6, 5%) and other yeasts (5, 4.1%). Azole resistance/non-susceptibility was commonly found. Prior antifungal therapy widely determined BtIFI epidemiology. The most common cause of BtIFI in proven and probable cases was the lack of activity of the prior antifungal (63, 67.0%). At diagnosis, antifungal therapy was mostly changed (90.9%), mainly to liposomal amphotericin-B (48.8%). Overall, 10 0-day mor-tality was 47.1%; BtIFI was either the cause or an essential contributing factor to death in 61.4% of cases.Conclusions: BtIFI are mainly caused by non-fumigatus Aspergillus, non-albicans Candida, Mucorales and other rare species of mould and yeast. Prior antifungals determine the epidemiology of BtIFI. The exceed-ingly high mortality due to BtIFI warrants an aggressive diagnostic approach and early initiation of broad-spectrum antifungals different than those previously used.& COPY; 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Association. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Safety and effectiveness of isavuconazole in real-life non-neutropenic patients

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    Objectives: Information is scarce on clinical experiences with non-neutropenic patients with invasive fungal infection (IFI) receiving isavuconazole. We aimed to report the safety and effectiveness of this drug as a first-line treatment or rescue in real life. Methods: A retrospective, observational multicentric study of non-neutropenic patients who received isavuconazole as an IFI treatment at 12 different university hospitals (January 2018-2022). All patients met criteria for proven, probable or possible IFI according to EORTC-MSG. Results: A total of 238 IFIs were treated with isavuconazole during the study period. Combination therapy was administered in 27.7% of cases. The primary IFI was aspergillosis (217, 91.2%). Other IFIs treated with isavuconazole were candidemia (n = 10), mucormycosis (n = 8), histoplasmosis (n = 2), cryptococcosis (n = 2), and others (n = 4). Median time of isavuconazole treatment was 29 days. Only 5.9% (n = 14) of cases developed toxicity, mainly hepatic-related (10 patients, 4.2%). Nine patients (3.8%) had treatment withdrawn. Successful clinical response at 12 weeks was documented in 50.5% of patients. Conclusion: Isavuconazole is an adequate treatment for non-neutropenic patients with IFIs. Toxicity rates were low and its effectiveness was comparable to other antifungal therapies previously reported. (c) 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    Targeting of Aberrant αvβ6 Integrin Expression in Solid Tumors Using Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Engineered T Cells.

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    Expression of the αvβ6 integrin is upregulated in several solid tumors. In contrast, physiologic expression of this epithelial-specific integrin is restricted to development and epithelial re-modeling. Here, we describe, for the first time, the development of a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) that couples the recognition of this integrin to the delivery of potent therapeutic activity in a diverse repertoire of solid tumor models. Highly selective targeting αvβ6 was achieved using a foot and mouth disease virus-derived A20 peptide, coupled to a fused CD28+CD3 endodomain. To achieve selective expansion of CAR T cells ex vivo, an IL-4-responsive fusion gene (4αβ) was co-expressed, which delivers a selective mitogenic signal to engineered T cells only. In vivo efficacy was demonstrated in mice with established ovarian, breast, and pancreatic tumor xenografts, all of which express αvβ6 at intermediate to high levels. SCID beige mice were used for these studies because they are susceptible to cytokine release syndrome, unlike more immune-compromised strains. Nonetheless, although the CAR also engages mouse αvβ6, mild and reversible toxicity was only observed when supra-therapeutic doses of CAR T cells were administered parenterally. These data support the clinical evaluation of αvβ6 re-targeted CAR T cell immunotherapy in solid tumors that express this integrin