35,411 research outputs found

    Quantum Determinism from Quantum General Covariance

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    The requirement of general covariance of quantum field theory (QFT) naturally leads to quantization based on the manifestly covariant De Donder-Weyl formalism. To recover the standard noncovariant formalism without violating covariance, fields need to depend on time in a specific deterministic manner. This deterministic evolution of quantum fields is recognized as a covariant version of the Bohmian hidden-variable interpretation of QFT.Comment: 6 pages, revised, new references, Honorable Mention of the Gravity Research Foundation 2006 Essay Competition, version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    The Energy-Momentum Tensor in Fulling-Rindler Vacuum

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    The energy density in Fulling-Rindler vacuum, which is known to be negative "everywhere" is shown to be positive and singular on the horizons in such a fashion as to guarantee the positivity of the total energy. The mechanism of compensation is displayed in detail.Comment: 9 pages, ULB-TH-15/9

    New Cosmological Structures on Medium Angular Scales Detected with the Tenerife Experiments

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    We present observations at 10 and 15 GHz taken with the Tenerife experiments in a band of the sky at Dec.=+35 degrees. These experiments are sensitive to multipoles in the range l=10-30. The sensitivity per beam is 56 and 20 microK for the 10 and the 15 GHz data, respectively. After subtraction of the prediction of known radio-sources, the analysis of the data at 15 GHz at high Galactic latitude shows the presence of a signal with amplitude Delta Trms ~ 32 microK. In the case of a Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum for the primordial fluctuations, a likelihood analysis shows that this signal corresponds to a quadrupole amplitude Q_rms-ps=20.1+7.1-5.4 microK, in agreement with our previous results at Dec.+=40 degrees and with the results of the COBE DMR. There is clear evidence for the presence of individual features in the RA range 190 degrees to 250 degrees with a peak to peak amplitude of ~110 microK. A preliminary comparison between our results and COBE DMR predictions for the Tenerife experiments clearly indicates the presence of individual features common to both. The constancy in amplitude over such a large range in frequency (10-90 GHz) is strongly indicative of an intrinsic cosmological origin for these structures.Comment: ApJ Letters accepted, 13 pages Latex (uses AASTEX) and 4 encapsulated postscript figures

    Black hole versus cosmological horizon entropy

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    The generalized second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases when all event horizons are attributed with an entropy proportional to their area. We test the generalized second law by investigating the change in entropy when dust, radiation and black holes cross a cosmological event horizon. We generalize for flat, open and closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker universes by using numerical calculations to determine the cosmological horizon evolution. In most cases the loss of entropy from within the cosmological horizon is more than balanced by an increase in cosmological event horizon entropy, maintaining the validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics. However, an intriguing set of open universe models show an apparent entropy decrease when black holes disappear over the cosmological event horizon. We anticipate that this apparent violation of the generalized second law will disappear when solutions are available for black holes embedded in arbitrary backgrounds.Comment: 14 pages, including 6 figures, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity, reference adde

    The Tenerife Cosmic Microwave Background Maps: Observations and First Analysis

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    The results of the Tenerife Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments are presented. These observations cover 5000 and 6500 square degrees on the sky at 10 and 15 GHz respectively centred around Dec.~ +35 degrees. The experiments are sensitive to multipoles l=10-30 which corresponds to the Sachs-Wolfe plateau of the CMB power spectra. The sensitivity of the results are ~31 and \~12 microK at 10 and 15 GHz respectively in a beam-size region (5 degrees FWHM). The data at 15 GHz show clear detection of structure at high Galactic latitude; the results at 10 GHz are compatible with these, but at lower significance. A likelihood analysis of the 10 and 15 GHz data at high Galactic latitude, assuming a flat CMB band power spectra gives a signal Delta T_l=30+10-8 microK (68 % C.L.). Including the possible contaminating effect due to the diffuse Galactic component, the CMB signal is Delta T_l=30+15-11 microK. These values are highly stable against the Galactic cut chosen. Assuming a Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum for the primordial fluctuations, the above values imply an expected quadrupole Q_RMS-PS=20+10-7 microK which confirms previous results from these experiments, and which are compatible with the COBE DMR.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Hawking Radiation of a Quantum Black Hole in an Inflationary Universe

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    The quantum stress-energy tensor of a massless scalar field propagating in the two-dimensional Vaidya-de Sitter metric, which describes a classical model spacetime for a dynamical evaporating black hole in an inflationary universe, is analyzed. We present a possible way to obtain the Hawking radiation terms for the model with arbitrary functions of mass. It is used to see how the expansion of universe will affect the dynamical process of black hole evaporation. The results show that the cosmological inflation has an inclination to depress the black hole evaporation. However, if the cosmological constant is sufficiently large then the back-reaction effect has the inclination to increase the black hole evaporation. We also present a simple method to show that it will always produce a divergent flux of outgoing radiation along the Cauchy horizon where the curvature is a finite value. This means that the Hawking radiation will be very large in there and shall modify the classical spacetime drastically. Therefore the black hole evaporation cannot be discussed self-consistently on the classical Vaidya-type spacetime. Our method can also be applied to analyze the quantum stress-energy tensor in the more general Vaidya-type spacetimes.Comment: Proper boundary will lead to anti-evaporation of schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes, as corrected in Class. Quantum Grav. 11 (1994) 28

    Moving Mirrors and Thermodynamic Paradoxes

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    Quantum fields responding to "moving mirrors" have been predicted to give rise to thermodynamic paradoxes. I show that the assumption in such work that the mirror can be treated as an external field is invalid: the exotic energy-transfer effects necessary to the paradoxes are well below the scales at which the model is credible. For a first-quantized point-particle mirror, it appears that exotic energy-transfers are lost in the quantum uncertainty in the mirror's state. An accurate accounting of these energies will require a model which recognizes the mirror's finite reflectivity, and almost certainly a model which allows for the excitation of internal mirror modes, that is, a second-quantized model.Comment: 7 pages, Revtex with Latex2

    Possible Detection of OVI from the LMC Superbubble N70

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    We present FUSE observations toward four stars in the LMC superbubble N70 and compare these spectra to those of four comparison targets located in nearby field and diffuse regions. The N70 sight lines show OVI 1032 absorption that is consistently stronger than the comparison sight lines by ~60%. We attribute the excess column density (logN_OVI=14.03 cm^-2) to hot gas within N70, potentially the first detection of OVI associated with a superbubble. In a survey of 12 LMC sight lines, Howk et al. (2002a) concluded that there was no correlation between ISM morphology and N_OVI. We present a reanalysis of their measurements combined with our own and find a clear difference between the superbubble and field samples. The five superbubbles probed to date with FUSE show a consistently higher mean N_OVI than the 12 non-superbubble sight lines, though both samples show equivalent scatter from halo variability. Possible ionization mechanisms for N70 are discussed, and we conclude that the observed OVI could be the product of thermal conduction at the interface between the hot, X-ray emitting gas inside the superbubble and the cooler, photoionized material making up the shell seen prominently in Halpha. We calculate the total hydrogen density n_H implied by our OVI measurements and find a value consistent with expectations. Finally, we discuss emission-line observations of OVI from N70.Comment: 9 pages in emulateapj style. Accepted to Ap