339 research outputs found

    The quark - antiquark asymmetry of the strange sea of the nucleon

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    The strange sea of the proton is generally assumed to have quark - antiquark symmetry. However it has been known for some time that non-perturbative processes involving the meson cloud of the proton may break this symmetry. Recently this has been of interest as it affects the analysis of the so-called `NuTeV anomaly', and could explain the large discrepancy between the NuTeV measurement of sin⁡2ξW\sin^{2} \theta_{W} and the currently accepted value. In this paper we re-examine strange - anti-strange asymmetry using the meson cloud model. We calculate contributions to the strange sea arising from fluctuations in the proton wavefunction to states containing either Lambda or Sigma hyperons together with either Kaons or pseudovector K∗K^{*} mesons. We find that we should not ignore fluctuations involving K∗K^{*} mesons in this picture. The strange sea asymmetry is found to be small, and is unlikely to affect the analysis of the Llewellyn-Smith cross section ratios or the Paschos-Wolfenstein relationship.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Charge Symmetry Violation Corrections to Determination of the Weinberg Angle in Neutrino Reactions

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    We show that the correction to the Paschos-Wolfenstein relation associated with charge symmetry violation in the valence quark distributions is essentially model independent. It is proportional to a ratio of quark momenta that is independent of Q^2. This result provides a natural explanation of the surprisingly good agreement found between our earlier estimates within several different models. When applied to the recent NuTeV measurement, this effect significantly reduces the discrepancy with other determinations of the Weinberg angle.Comment: 7 pages, no figures; expanded discussion of N.ne.Z correction

    Perturbative and nonperturbative contributions to the strange quark asymmetry in the nucleon

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    There are two mechanisms for the generation of an asymmetry between the strange and anti-strange quark distributions in the nucleon: nonperturbative contributions originating from nucleons fluctuating into virtual baryon-meson pairs such as ΛK\Lambda K and ΣK\Sigma K, and perturbative contributions arising from gluons splitting into strange and anti-strange quark pairs. While the nonperturbative contributions are dominant in the large-xx region, the perturbative contributions are more significant in the small-xx region. We calculate this asymmetry taking into account both nonperturbative and perturbative contributions, thus giving a more accurate evaluation of this asymmetry over the whole domain of xx. We find that the perturbative contributions are generally a few times larger in magnitude than the nonperturbative contributions, which suggests that the best region to detect this asymmetry experimentally is in the region 0.02<x<0.030.02 < x < 0.03. We find that the asymmetry may have more than one node, which is an effect that should be taken into account, e.g. for parameterizations of the strange and anti-strange quark distributions used in global analysis of parton distributions.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, figures comparing theoretical calculations with NNPDF global analysis added, accepted for publication in EPJ

    Production of ω\omega and ϕ\phi Mesons in Near-Threshold πN\pi N Reactions: Baryon Resonances and Validity of the OZI Rule

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    Results of a combined analysis are presented for the production of ω\omega and ϕ\phi mesons in πN\pi N reactions in the near-threshold region using throughoutly a conventional ''non-strange'' dynamics based on such processes which are allowed by the non-ideal ω−ϕ\omega-\phi mixing. We show that strong interferences of the tt (meson exchange) and ss and uu (nucleon and nucleon resonance) channels differ significantly in ω\omega and ϕ\phi production amplitudes. This leads to a decrease of the relative yields in comparison with expectations based on one-channel models with standard ω−ϕ\omega - \phi mixing. We find a strong and non-trivial difference between observables in ω\omega and ϕ\phi production reactions caused by the different role of the nucleon and nucleon resonance amplitudes. A series of predictions for the experimental study of this effect is presented.Comment: 22 pages with fig

    Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled-channel approach for energies m_N < sqrt(s) < 2 GeV II: photon-induced results

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    We present a nucleon resonance analysis by simultaneously considering all pion- and photon-induced experimental data on the final states gamma N, pi N, 2 pi N, eta N, K Lambda, K Sigma, and omega N for energies from the nucleon mass up to sqrt(s) = 2 GeV. In this analysis we find strong evidence for the resonances P_{31}(1750), P_{13}(1900), P_{33}(1920), and D_{13}(1950). The omega N production mechanism is dominated by large P_{11}(1710) and P_{13}(1900) contributions. In this second part we present the results on the photoproduction reactions and the electromagnetic properties of the resonances. The inclusion of all important final states up to sqrt(s) = 2 GeV allows for estimates on the importance of the individual states for the GDH sum rule.Comment: 41 pages, 26 figures, discussion extended, typos corrected, references updated, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Solution of the Kwiecinski evolution equations for unintegrated parton distributions using the Mellin transform

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    The Kwiecinski equations for the QCD evolution of the unintegrated parton distributions in the transverse-coordinate space (b) are analyzed with the help of the Mellin-transform method. The equations are solved numerically in the general case, as well as in a small-b expansion which converges fast for b Lambda_QCD sufficiently small. We also discuss the asymptotic limit of large bQ and show that the distributions generated by the evolution decrease with b according to a power law. Numerical results are presented for the pion distributions with a simple valence-like initial condition at the low scale, following from chiral large-N_c quark models. We use two models: the Spectral Quark Model and the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. Formal aspects of the equations, such as the analytic form of the b-dependent anomalous dimensions, their analytic structure, as well as the limits of unintegrated parton densities at x -> 0, x -> 1, and at large b, are discussed in detail. The effect of spreading of the transverse momentum with the increasing scale is confirmed, with growing asymptotically as Q^2 alpha(Q^2). Approximate formulas for for each parton species is given, which may be used in practical applications.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, RevTe

    Low Energy Chiral Lagrangian in Curved Space-Time from the Spectral Quark Model

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    We analyze the recently proposed Spectral Quark Model in the light of Chiral Perturbation Theory in curved space-time. In particular, we calculate the chiral coefficients L1,...,L10L_1, ..., L_{10}, as well as the coefficients L11L_{11}, L12L_{12}, and L13L_{13}, appearing when the model is coupled to gravity. The analysis is carried for the SU(3) case. We analyze the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking as well as elaborate on the fulfillment of anomalies. Matching the model results to resonance meson exchange yields the relation between the masses of the scalar, tensor and vector mesons, Mf0=Mf2=2MV=43/NcπfπM_{f_0}=M_{f_2}=\sqrt{2} M_V= 4 \sqrt{3 /N_c} \pi f_\pi. Finally, the large-NcN_c limit suggests the dual relations in the vector and scalar channels, MV=MS=26/NcπfπM_V=M_S= 2 \sqrt{6 /N_c} \pi f_\pi and S1/2=<r2>V1/2=2Nc/fπ=0.59fm^{1/2}_S = < r^2 >^{1/2}_V = 2 \sqrt{N_c} / f_\pi = 0.59 {\rm fm} .Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    The Weak Charge of the Proton and New Physics

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    We address the physics implications of a precision determination of the weak charge of the proton, QWP, from a parity violating elastic electron proton scattering experiment to be performed at the Jefferson Laboratory. We present the Standard Model (SM) expression for QWP including one-loop radiative corrections, and discuss in detail the theoretical uncertainties and missing higher order QCD corrections. Owing to a fortuitous cancellation, the value of QWP is suppressed in the SM, making it a unique place to look for physics beyond the SM. Examples include extra neutral gauge bosons, supersymmetry, and leptoquarks. We argue that a QWP measurement will provide an important complement to both high energy collider experiments and other low energy electroweak measurements. The anticipated experimental precision requires the knowledge of the order alpha_s corrections to the pure electroweak box contributions. We compute these contributions for QWP, as well as for the weak charges of heavy elements as determined from atomic parity violation.Comment: 22 pages of LaTeX, 5 figure

    Vector meson production and nucleon resonance analysis in a coupled-channel approach for energies m_N < sqrt(s) < 2 GeV I: pion-induced results and hadronic parameters

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    We present a nucleon resonance analysis by simultaneously considering all pion- and photon-induced experimental data on the final states gamma N, pi N, 2 pi N, eta N, K Lambda, K Sigma, and omega N for energies from the nucleon mass up to sqrt(s) = 2 GeV. In this analysis we find strong evidence for the resonances P_{31}(1750), P_{13}(1900), P_{33}(1920), and D_{13}(1950). The omega N production mechanism is dominated by large P_{11}(1710) and P_{13}(1900) contributions. In this first part, we present the results of the pion-induced reactions and the extracted resonance and background properties with emphasis on the difference between global and purely hadronic fits.Comment: 54 pages, 26 figures, discussion extended, typos corrected, references updated, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electrode Polarization Effects in Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy

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    In the present work, we provide broadband dielectric spectra showing strong electrode polarization effects for various materials, belonging to very different material classes. This includes both ionic and electronic conductors as, e.g., salt solutions, ionic liquids, human blood, and colossal-dielectric-constant materials. These data are intended to provide a broad data base enabling a critical test of the validity of phenomenological and microscopic models for electrode polarization. In the present work, the results are analyzed using a simple phenomenological equivalent-circuit description, involving a distributed parallel RC circuit element for the modeling of the weakly conducting regions close to the electrodes. Excellent fits of the experimental data are achieved in this way, demonstrating the universal applicability of this approach. In the investigated ionically conducting materials, we find the universal appearance of a second dispersion region due to electrode polarization, which is only revealed if measuring down to sufficiently low frequencies. This indicates the presence of a second charge-transport process in ionic conductors with blocking electrodes.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, experimental data are provided in electronic form (see "Data Conservancy"
