50 research outputs found

    Generic Theory of Geometrodynamics from Noether's theorem for the Diff(M) symmetry group

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    We work out the most general theory for the interaction of spacetime geometry and matter fields---commonly referred to as geometrodynamics---for spin-00 and spin-11 particles. The minimum set of postulates to be introduced is that (i) the action principle should apply and that(ii) the total action should by form-invariant under the (local) diffeomorphism group. The second postulate thus implements the Principle of General Relativity. According to Noether's theorem, this physical symmetry gives rise to a conserved Noether current, from which the complete set of theories compatible with both postulates can be deduced. This finally results in a new generic Einstein-type equation, which can be interpreted as an energy-momentum balance equation emerging from the Lagrangian LRL_{R} for the source-free dynamics of gravitation and the energy-momentum tensor of the source system L0L_{0}. Provided that the system has no other symmetries---such as SU(N)(N)---the canonical energy-momentum tensor turns out to be the correct source term of gravitation. For the case of massive spin particles, this entails an increased weighting of the kinetic energy over the mass in their roles as the source of gravity as compared to the metric energy momentum tensor, which constitutes the source of gravity in Einstein's General Relativity. We furthermore confirm that a massive vector field necessarily acts as a source for torsion of spacetime. Thus, from the viewpoint of our generic Einstein-type equation, Einstein's General Relativity constitutes the particular case for spin-00 and massless spin particle fields, and the Hilbert Lagrangian LR,HL_{R,H} as the model for the source-free dynamics of gravitation.Comment: 33 page

    Dissolution of nucleons in giant nuclei

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    We discuss the possibility that nuclei with very large baryon numbers can exist in the form of large quark blobs in their ground states. A calculation based on the picture of quark bags shows that, in principle, the appearance of such exotic nuclear states in present laboratory experiments cannot be excluded. Some speculations in connection with the recently observed anomalous positron production in heavy-ion experiments are presented

    Covariant Canonical Gauge Gravitation and Cosmology

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    The covariant canonical transformation theory applied to the relativistic Hamiltonian theory of classical matter fields in dynamical space-time yields a novel (first order) gauge field theory of gravitation. The emerging field equations necessarily embrace a quadratic Riemann term added to Einstein's linear equation. The quadratic term endows space-time with inertia generating a dynamic response of the space-time geometry to deformations relative to (Anti) de Sitter geometry. A "deformation parameter" is identified, the inverse dimensionless coupling constant governing the relative strength of the quadratic invariant in the Hamiltonian, and directly observable via the deceleration parameter q0q_0. The quadratic invariant makes the system inconsistent with Einstein's constant cosmological term, Λ=const\Lambda = \mathrm{const}. In the Friedman model this inconsistency is resolved with the scaling ansatz of a "cosmological function", Λ(a)\Lambda(a), where aa is the scale parameter of the FLRW metric. %Moreover, the strain generated by the quadratic term turns out to act as a geometrical stress. The cosmological function can be normalized such that with the Λ\Lambda CDM parameter set the present-day observables, the Hubble constant and the deceleration parameter, can be reproduced. %We analyze the asymptotics of the such normalized Friedman equations with respect to both, the fundamental parameters (coupling constants) and the scale aa. With this parameter set we recover the dark energy scenario in the late epoch. The proof that inflation in the early phase is caused by the "geometrical fluid" representing the inertia of space-time is yet pending, though

    Covariant Canonical Gauge Theory of Classical Gravitation for Scalar, Vector, and Spin-1/2 Particle Fields

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    The framework of the Covariant Canonical Gauge theory of Gravity (CCGG) is described in detail. CCGG emerges naturally in the Palatini formulation, where the vierbein and the spin connection are independent fields. Neither torsion nor non-metricity are excluded. The manifestly covariant gauge process is based on canonical transformations in the De Donder-Weyl Hamiltonian formalism, starting from a small number of basic postulates. Thereby, the original system of matter fields in flat spacetime, represented by non-degenerate Hamiltonian densities, is amended by spacetime fields. The coupling of matter and spacetime fields leaves the action integral of the combined system invariant under active local Lorentz transformations and passive diffeomorphisms, aka Principle of General Relativity. We consider the Klein-Gordon, Maxwell-Proca, and Dirac fields and derive the corresponding equations of motion. Albeit the coupling of the given matter fields to the gauge fields are unambiguously determined by CCGG, the dynamics of the free gauge fields must be postulated based on physical reasoning. Our choice allows to derive Poisson-like equations of motion also for curvature and torsion. The latter is proven to be totally anti-symmetric. The affine connection is a function of the spin connection and vierbein fields. Requesting the spin connection to be anti-symmetric gives naturally metric compatibility. The canonical equations combine to an extension of the Einstein-Hilbert action with a quadratic Riemann-Cartan concomitant that endows spacetime with inertia. Moreover, a non-degenerate, quadratic version of the free Dirac Lagrangian is deployed. When coupled to gravity, the Dirac equation is endowed with an emergent mass parameter, a curvature-dependent mass correction, and novel interactions between particle spin and spacetime torsion.Comment: Typos removed, formulas added. Will become Chapter 4 in Covariant Canonical Gauge Gravity, to be published by Springer Nature in 202

    Low-Redshift Constraints on Covariant Canonical Gauge Theory of Gravity

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    Constraints on the Covariant Canonical Gauge Gravity (CCGG) theory from low-redshift cosmology are studied. The formulation extends Einstein's theory of General Relativity (GR) by a quadratic Riemann-Cartan term in the Lagrangian, controlled by a "deformation" parameter. In the Friedman universe this leads to an additional geometrical stress energy and promotes, due to the necessary presence of torsion, the cosmological constant to a time-dependent function. The MCMC analysis of the combined data sets of Type Ia Supernovae, Cosmic Chronometers and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations yields a fit that is well comparable with the Λ\LambdaCDM results. The modifications implied in the CCGG approach turn out to be subdominant in the low-redshift cosmology. However, a non-zero spatial curvature and deformation parameter are shown to be consistent with observations.Comment: 9 pages; 5 figure