401 research outputs found

    Sites of Absorption and Translocation of Iron in Barley Roots

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    Development of the Upper Hunter Valley : an appraisal of regional social impact

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    The underlying premise on which this study is based is that the Upper Hunter Valley region will be greatly affected as a result of the magnitude, nature and time scale of the development envisaged for the region. The Upper Hunter Valley region is defined as the urban and rural areas of Singleton and Muswellbrook, is one with which the inhabitants closely identify. The normal decision-making procedure is described, and its effectiveness for rapid regional growth questioned. Various perspectives of the Upper Hunter Valley development are elucidated, and a regional perspective is used in this study. A human ecology methodology is used to assess the regional community's perception of social impact. Such a methodology is the most appropriate for evaluating the community's reaction to the rapid and profoundly changing circumstances, that are an inevitable consequence of development in the Upper Hunter Valley. The study has two .objectives:- 1. to test the hypothesis that those residents who are pro-development will have different socioeconomic characteristics to those who are anti-development and 2. to establish a human ecology data base as a basis for determining the existing biopsychic condition of residents of the Upper Hunter Valley region. A human ecological conceptual framework introduces the notion of perception vectors and bio-psychic condition to facilitate measurement of the community's perceived level of well-being. The subjective data used to test the tv/o hypotheses was obtained by carrying out a postal survey of residents of Singleton and Muswellbrook Electoral Sub- Divisions. The survey questionnaire was designed to be comprehensive, but also concise and readily understood by ordinary people; to achieve a meaningful and satisfactory questionnaire response. The SPSS computer package was used to analyse the data. A broad overview of the survey data is presented. Sections 1 and 2 of the data are analysed to determine the socio-economic characteristics of the residents who are 'pro' and anti' development. Data from section 3 provides information on the residents of the regional problems and also on the extent of their trust in various groups. Section 4 data is analysed to determine the strength of the various Upper Hunter Valley community's composite perception vectors and thus the overall regional biopsychic condition. Level of education is shown to be a significant influence on attitudes to development, but overall none of the other socio-economic characteristics significantly influence development attitudes. The study does achieve the second object and establishes a human ecology data base, and an estimate of the existing regional biopsychic condition

    Spectral imaging of thermal damage induced during microwave ablation in the liver

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    Induction of thermal damage to tissue through delivery of microwave energy is frequently applied in surgery to destroy diseased tissue such as cancer cells. Minimization of unwanted harm to healthy tissue is still achieved subjectively, and the surgeon has few tools at their disposal to monitor the spread of the induced damage. This work describes the use of optical methods to monitor the time course of changes to the tissue during delivery of microwave energy in the porcine liver. Multispectral imaging and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy are used to monitor temporal changes in optical properties in parallel with thermal imaging. The results demonstrate the ability to monitor the spatial extent of thermal damage on a whole organ, including possible secondary effects due to vascular damage. Future applications of this type of imaging may see the multispectral data used as a feedback mechanism to avoid collateral damage to critical healthy structures and to potentially verify sufficient application of energy to the diseased tissue.Comment: 4pg,6fig. Copyright 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Development of a Root Caries Prediction Model in a Population of Dental Attenders

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    Acknowledgement This study was conducted as part of the doctoral thesis of P.A.F. We would like to thank the participating dental practice teams and patients without whose valuable contribution this study could not have taken place. We would like to thank our colleagues in the INTERVAL Trial team Funding INTERVAL was funded by the NIHR HTA programme [project numbers 06/35/05 (Phase I) and 06/35/99 (Phase II)]. No additional funding was obtained to conduct the prediction study presented in this paper. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of NIHR, the NHS or the Department of Health and Social Care.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Augmented Reality needle ablation guidance tool for Irreversible Electroporation in the pancreas

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    Irreversible electroporation (IRE) is a soft tissue ablation technique suitable for treatment of inoperable tumours in the pancreas. The process involves applying a high voltage electric field to the tissue containing the mass using needle electrodes, leaving cancerous cells irreversibly damaged and vulnerable to apoptosis. Efficacy of the treatment depends heavily on the accuracy of needle placement and requires a high degree of skill from the operator. In this paper, we describe an Augmented Reality (AR) system designed to overcome the challenges associated with planning and guiding the needle insertion process. Our solution, based on the HoloLens (Microsoft, USA) platform, tracks the position of the headset, needle electrodes and ultrasound (US) probe in space. The proof of concept implementation of the system uses this tracking data to render real-time holographic guides on the HoloLens, giving the user insight into the current progress of needle insertion and an indication of the target needle trajectory. The operator's field of view is augmented using visual guides and real-time US feed rendered on a holographic plane, eliminating the need to consult external monitors. Based on these early prototypes, we are aiming to develop a system that will lower the skill level required for IRE while increasing overall accuracy of needle insertion and, hence, the likelihood of successful treatment.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Proc. SPIE 10576 (2018) Copyright 2018 Society of Photo Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this publication for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the contents of the publication are prohibite

    AdS Bubbles, Entropy and Closed String Tachyons

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    We study the conjectured connection between AdS bubbles (AdS solitons) and closed string tachyon condensations. We confirm that the entanglement entropy, which measures the degree of freedom, decreases under the tachyon condensation. The entropies in supergravity and free Yang-Mills agree with each other remarkably. Next we consider the tachyon condensation on the AdS twisted circle and argue that its endpoint is given by the twisted AdS bubble, defined by the double Wick rotation of rotating black 3-brane solutions. We calculated the Casimir energy and entropy and checked the agreements between the gauge and gravity results. Finally we show an infinite boost of a null linear dilaton theory with a tachyon wall (or bubble), leads to a solvable time-dependent background with a bulk tachyon condensation. This is the simplest example of spacetimes with null boundaries in string theory.Comment: 45 pages, 6 figures, harvmac, eq.(2.16) corrected, references adde

    The thermal emission of the exoplanets WASP-1b and WASP-2b

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    We present a comparative study of the thermal emission of the transiting exoplanets WASP-1b and WASP-2b using the Spitzer Space Telescope. The two planets have very similar masses but suffer different levels of irradiation and are predicted to fall either side of a sharp transition between planets with and without hot stratospheres. WASP-1b is one of the most highly irradiated planets studied to date. We measure planet/star contrast ratios in all four of the IRAC bands for both planets (3.6-8.0um), and our results indicate the presence of a strong temperature inversion in the atmosphere of WASP-1b, particularly apparent at 8um, and no inversion in WASP-2b. In both cases the measured eclipse depths favor models in which incident energy is not redistributed efficiently from the day side to the night side of the planet. We fit the Spitzer light curves simultaneously with the best available radial velocity curves and transit photometry in order to provide updated measurements of system parameters. We do not find significant eccentricity in the orbit of either planet, suggesting that the inflated radius of WASP-1b is unlikely to be the result of tidal heating. Finally, by plotting ratios of secondary eclipse depths at 8um and 4.5um against irradiation for all available planets, we find evidence for a sharp transition in the emission spectra of hot Jupiters at an irradiation level of 2 x 10^9 erg/s/cm^2. We suggest this transition may be due to the presence of TiO in the upper atmospheres of the most strongly irradiated hot Jupiters.Comment: 10 pages, submitted to Ap

    Building partnerships towards strengthening Makerere University College of Health Sciences: a stakeholder and sustainability analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Partnerships and networking are important for an institution of higher learning like Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) to be competitive and sustainable.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A stakeholder and sustainability analysis of 25 key informant interviews was conducted among past, current and potential stakeholders of MakCHS to obtain their perspectives and contributions to sustainability of the College in its role to improve health outcomes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The College has multiple internal and external stakeholders. Stakeholders from Uganda wanted the College to use its enormous academic capacity to fulfil its vision, take initiative, and be innovative in conducting more research and training relevant to the country’s health needs. Many stakeholders felt that the initiative for collaboration currently came more from the stakeholders than the College. External stakeholders felt that MakCHS was insufficiently marketing itself and not directly engaging the private sector or Parliament. Stakeholders also identified the opportunity for MakCHS to embrace information technology in research, learning and training, and many also wanted MakCHS to start leadership and management training programmes in health systems. The need for MakCHS to be more vigorous in training to enhance professionalism and ethical conduct was also identified.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>As a constituent of a public university, MakCHS has relied on public funding, which has been inadequate to fulfill its mission. Broader networking, marketing to mobilize resources, and providing strong leadership and management support to inspire confidence among its current and potential stakeholders will be essential to MakCHS’ further growth. MakCHS’ relevance is hinged on generating research knowledge for solving the country’s contemporary health problems and starting relevant programs and embracing technologies. It should share new knowledge widely through publications and other forms of dissemination. Whether institutional leadership is best in the hands of academicians or professional managers is a debatable matter.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study points towards the need for MakCHS and other African public universities to build a broad network of partnerships to strengthen their operations, relevance, and sustainability. Conducting stakeholder and sustainability analyses are instructive toward this end, and have provided information and perspectives on how to make long-range informed choices for success.</p