3,843 research outputs found

    Ambitwistor strings and the scattering equations

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    We show that string theories admit chiral infinite tension analogues in which only the massless parts of the spectrum survive. Geometrically they describe holomorphic maps to spaces of complex null geodesics, known as ambitwistor spaces. They have the standard critical space--time dimensions of string theory (26 in the bosonic case and 10 for the superstring). Quantization leads to the formulae for tree--level scattering amplitudes of massless particles found recently by Cachazo, He and Yuan. These representations localize the vertex operators to solutions of the same equations found by Gross and Mende to govern the behaviour of strings in the limit of high energy, fixed angle scattering. Here, localization to the scattering equations emerges naturally as a consequence of working on ambitwistor space. The worldsheet theory suggests a way to extend these amplitudes to spinor fields and to loop level. We argue that this family of string theories is a natural extension of the existing twistor string theories.Comment: 31 pages + refs & appendice

    Brane-World Inflation and the Transition to Standard Cosmology

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    In the context of a five-dimensional brane-world model motivated from heterotic M-theory, we develop a framework for potential-driven brane-world inflation. Specifically this involves a classification of the various background solutions of (A)dS_5 type, an analysis of five-dimensional slow-roll conditions and a study of how a transition to the flat vacuum state can be realized. It is shown that solutions with bulk potential and both bane potentials positive exist but are always non-separating and have a non-static orbifold. It turns out that, for this class of backgrounds, a transition to the flat vacuum state during inflation is effectively prevented by the rapidly expanding orbifold. We demonstrate that such a transition can be realized for solutions where one boundary potential is negative. For this case, we present two concrete inflationary models which exhibit the transition explicitly.Comment: 50 pages, 3 figures, minor typos correcte

    From Twistor Actions to MHV Diagrams

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    We show that MHV diagrams are the Feynman diagrams of certain twistor actions for gauge theories in an axial gauge. The gauge symmetry of the twistor action is larger than that on space-time and this allows us to fix a gauge that makes the MHV formalism manifest but which is inaccessible from space-time. The framework is extended to describe matter fields: as an illustration we explicitly construct twistor actions for an adjoint scalar with arbitrary polynomial potential and a fermion in the fundamental representation and show how this leads to additional towers of MHV vertices in the MHV diagram formalism.Comment: 12 pages, RevTe

    Gravity from Rational Curves

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    This paper presents a new formula which is conjectured to yield all tree amplitudes in N=8 supergravity. The amplitudes are described in terms of higher degree rational maps to twistor space. The resulting expression has manifest N=8 supersymmetry and is manifestly permutation symmetric in all external states. It depends monomially on the infinity twistor that explicitly breaks conformal symmetry to Poincare. The formula has been explicitly checked to yield the correct amplitudes for the 3-point MHV-bar and for the n-point MHV, where it reduces to an expression of Hodges. We have also carried out numerical checks of the formula at NMHV and NNMHV level, for up to eight external states.Comment: 8 page

    Gravity in Twistor Space and its Grassmannian Formulation

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    We prove the formula for the complete tree-level SS-matrix of N=8\mathcal{N}=8 supergravity recently conjectured by two of the authors. The proof proceeds by showing that the new formula satisfies the same BCFW recursion relations that physical amplitudes are known to satisfy, with the same initial conditions. As part of the proof, the behavior of the new formula under large BCFW deformations is studied. An unexpected bonus of the analysis is a very straightforward proof of the enigmatic 1/z21/z^2 behavior of gravity. In addition, we provide a description of gravity amplitudes as a multidimensional contour integral over a Grassmannian. The Grassmannian formulation has a very simple structure; in the Nkβˆ’2^{k-2}MHV sector the integrand is essentially the product of that of an MHV and an MHVβ€Ύ\overline{{\rm MHV}} amplitude, with k+1k+1 and nβˆ’kβˆ’1n-k-1 particles respectively

    Geographically intelligent disclosure control for flexible aggregation of census data

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    This paper describes a geographically intelligent approach to disclosure control for protecting flexibly aggregated census data. Increased analytical power has stimulated user demand for more detailed information for smaller geographical areas and customized boundaries. Consequently it is vital that improved methods of statistical disclosure control are developed to protect against the increased disclosure risk. Traditionally methods of statistical disclosure control have been aspatial in nature. Here we present a geographically intelligent approach that takes into account the spatial distribution of risk. We describe empirical work illustrating how the flexibility of this new method, called local density swapping, is an improved alternative to random record swapping in terms of risk-utility

    Euler systems for GSp(4)

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    We construct an Euler system for Galois representations associated to cohomological cuspidal automorphic representations of the group GSp(4), using the pushforwards of Eisenstein classes for GL(2) x GL(2).Comment: 41 pages. Revised version -- main theorem now applies in all cohomological weight
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