42 research outputs found

    Pre-Practice Hydration Status of Collegiate Male American Football Players with Sickle Cell Trait

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    Since 2000, 63% of deaths associated with college football were due to complications, such as sickling events; however, sickle cell trait (SCT) only affects 3-4% of participating athletes. Sickling events can be exasperated by conditions, including heat exposure, dehydration, and intense physical activity and lead to rhabdomyolysis and death. Assessing hydration status is crucial for athletes and the use of urine specific gravity (USG) has been shown to provide rapid and valid results. The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of dehydration among SCT carrying American college football players. Division I collegiate football athletes participated as part of a larger study. Athletes provided a midstream urine sample, for USG assessment, each morning for three days of fall football camp during August 2021. Cut offs for USG were as follows: well-hydrated (\u3c1.010), minimal dehydration (1.011-1.020), significant dehydration (1.021-1.030), severe hypohydration (\u3e1.030). USG measurements evaluated a correlation between SCT and hydration status along with an association between SCT and hydration level. The data showed a strong, significant correlation for day 1 (r=0.78, p=0.001), a moderate, significant correlation for day 2 (r=0.56, p=0.045), and a moderate correlation for day 3 (r=0.41, p=0.128). The data did not show a significant association between SCT and hydration level for any of the days. These findings suggest that there is a need for increased education for both sports medicine practitioners and athletes to maintain proper hydration for SCT athletes

    Why did the Camel Cross the Road?: The use of Camel Racing and Military Pageantry in Unifying Oman through Nationalism Racing

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    In 1970, Sultan Qaboos bin Said seized power from his father Sultan Said bin Taimur in a bloodless coup with backing from the British. Prior to this, bin Taimur led with policies that left Oman open to foreign involvement and internal divisions between the interior and exterior of the country. After coming to power, Qaboos undertook several progressive policies to modernize and unite the country. This paper examines how two cultural symbols- camel racing and military pageantry- were used to develop ethnic nationalism into civic nationalism

    The Murshids and the Messiahs: popular Messianism as a grassroots political movement in contemporary Iran

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    Messianic aspirations have been growing in Iran over the last two decades. With Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s coming to power in 2005 and his apocalyptic language including his claim to have direct connections with the hidden Imam, a noticeable shift took place in the religious and political orientation of the Islamic Republic. Does this flow represent a return to traditional Shiism or a break from it? In what way do Messianic aspirations challenge the Shiite theology of salvation and existing clerical rule? This paper attempts to answer these questions by examining popular Messianism and Mahdism (Mahdaviyyat). While popular Messianism is a redemptive political movement, Mahdism is a political project to reappropriate the popular imagination through the messianization of politics and hastening of the Parousia. Mahdism reveals a discursive turn in which the Iranian Revolution and the Islamic Republic are imagined as a prelude to the Parousia and the appearance of the Hidden Imam. Nevertheless, it resulted in the ‘routinization of the Messiah’. The paper examines the Messianic imagination and the ways in which it challenges clerical rules and investigates the dilemma it poses for it

    Evangelical Visitor - November 04, 1968 Vol. LXXXI. No. 23.

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    Vol. LXXXI. No. 23

    Jesus\u27 Encounter with Culture as Evidenced by the Gospel According to Mark

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    Excerpt: The shackles of sin seem to be overpowering mankind at a much higher potential and speed than the challenge of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The dynamic truth of the Gospel which is Jesus Christ Himself, is alarmingly unwelcome in the midst of a highly technologically and materially advanced society. Man is becoming stubbornly impervious to the truth of the Gospel, and is subdued by the potent fetters of a social giant called Culture. Christians and Christian organizations are no exceptions. The subtle secular culture has surreptitiously found its way into the Christian community. Christian organizations have become highly culture-oriented. The evangelical church has become so closely identified with contemporary culture that it has, in the words of Conservative Baptist Missionary Rufus Jones, become success-oriented with the same feel for maintaining the status quo as the worldly institutions, even if it means the defense of unjust economic and political programs which rob the poor, and protect the affluent. Richard V. Pierard writes in the Evangelical Quarterly, we are as Carl F. H. Henry pointed out two decades ago, caught up in the evangelical predicament... the world-changing message of Jesus Christ has been narrowed in scope to the changing of the individuals

    Making Room: Conversations About Race and Faith Between Members of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC and St. John\u27s Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC

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    In this project, the candidate recorded personal stories from members of two different Baptist congregations: Friendship Missionary Baptist Church (a church made up predominantly of members identifying as African-American) and St. John’s Baptist Church (a church made up predominantly of members identifying as Caucasian). Using those recordings, the candidate created a podcast called “Making Room,” and invited participating group members to listen to each other’s stories. In addition, the candidate invited these same group members to participate in conversations about issues of race, especially as they present themselves in Charlotte, NC. The candidate and group members challenged themselves with the biblical ethic of hospitality and explored conversations about how each individual might help to improve relationships between African-Americans and Caucasian Americans using that Christian ethic

    The Cresset (Vol. XXXV, No. 6)

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    2017 Faculty Summer Seminar - The Message of Matthew

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