8,628 research outputs found

    Modulated phases in magnetic models frustrated by long-range interactions

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    We study an Ising model in one dimension with short range ferromagnetic and long range (power law) antiferromagnetic interactions. We show that the zero temperature phase diagram in a (longitudinal) field H involves a sequence of up and down domains whose size varies continuously with H, between -H_c and H_c which represent the edge of the ferromagnetic up and down phases. The implications of long range interaction in many body systems are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum information processing with single photons and atomic ensembles in microwave coplanar waveguide resonators

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    We show that pairs of atoms optically excited to the Rydberg states can strongly interact with each other via effective long-range dipole-dipole or van der Waals interactions mediated by their non-resonant coupling to a common microwave field mode of a superconducting coplanar waveguide cavity. These cavity mediated interactions can be employed to generate single photons and to realize in a scalable configuration a universal phase gate between pairs of single photon pulses propagating or stored in atomic ensembles in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency

    Dialogical Breakdown and Covid-19: Solidarity and Disagreement in a Shared World

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    This article considers the limitations, but also the insights, of Gadamerian hermeneutics for understanding and responding to the crisis precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our point of departure is the experience of deep disagreements amid the pandemic, and our primary example is ongoing debates in the United States about wearing masks. We argue that, during this dire situation, interpersonal mutual understanding is insufficient for resolving such bitter disputes. Rather, following Gadamer’s account of our dialogical experience with an artwork, we suggest that our encounter with the virus gives rise to new ways of seeing and experiencing ourselves and the world. Further, we draw on Gadamer’s account of the fusion of horizons to show how even competing perspectives on wearing masks arise within a shared space of meaning created by the virus. These insights provide hope for an improved model of political dialogue in the world of Covid-19

    Probing the qudit depolarizing channel

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    For the quantum depolarizing channel with any finite dimension, we compare three schemes for channel identification: unentangled probes, probes maximally entangled with an external ancilla, and maximally entangled probe pairs. This comparison includes cases where the ancilla is itself depolarizing and where the probe is circulated back through the channel before measurement. Compared on the basis of (quantum Fisher) information gained per channel use, we find broadly that entanglement with an ancilla dominates the other two schemes, but only if entanglement is cheap relative to the cost per channel use and only if the external ancilla is well shielded from depolarization. We arrive at these results by a relatively simple analytical means. A separate, more complicated analysis for partially entangled probes shows for the qudit depolarizing channel that any amount of probe entanglement is advantageous and that the greatest advantage comes with maximal entanglement

    Minimum orbit dimension for local unitary action on n-qubit pure states

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    The group of local unitary transformations partitions the space of n-qubit quantum states into orbits, each of which is a differentiable manifold of some dimension. We prove that all orbits of the n-qubit quantum state space have dimension greater than or equal to 3n/2 for n even and greater than or equal to (3n + 1)/2 for n odd. This lower bound on orbit dimension is sharp, since n-qubit states composed of products of singlets achieve these lowest orbit dimensions.Comment: 19 page

    Statistical comparison of ensemble implementations of Grover's search algorithm to classical sequential searches

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    We compare pseudopure state ensemble implementations, quantified by their initial polarization and ensemble size, of Grover's search algorithm to probabilistic classical sequential search algorithms in terms of their success and failure probabilities. We propose a criterion for quantifying the resources used by the ensemble implementation via the aggregate number of oracle invocations across the entire ensemble and use this as a basis for comparison with classical search algorithms. We determine bounds for a critical polarization such that the ensemble algorithm succeeds with a greater probability than the probabilistic classical sequential search. Our results indicate that the critical polarization scales as N^(-1/4) where N is the database size and that for typical room temperature solution state NMR, the polarization is such that the ensemble implementation of Grover's algorithm would be advantageous for N > 10^2

    Discrimination of unitary transformations in the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm

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    We describe a general framework for regarding oracle-assisted quantum algorithms as tools for discriminating between unitary transformations. We apply this to the Deutsch-Jozsa problem and derive all possible quantum algorithms which solve the problem with certainty using oracle unitaries in a particular form. We also use this to show that any quantum algorithm that solves the Deutsch-Jozsa problem starting with a quantum system in a particular class of initial, thermal equilibrium-based states of the type encountered in solution state NMR can only succeed with greater probability than a classical algorithm when the problem size exceeds n105.n \sim 10^5.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Fermionic Linear Optics Revisited

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    We provide an alternative view of the efficient classical simulatibility of fermionic linear optics in terms of Slater determinants. We investigate the generic effects of two-mode measurements on the Slater number of fermionic states. We argue that most such measurements are not capable (in conjunction with fermion linear optics) of an efficient exact implementation of universal quantum computation. Our arguments do not apply to the two-mode parity measurement, for which exact quantum computation becomes possible, see quant-ph/0401066.Comment: 16 pages, submitted to the special issue of Foundation of Physics in honor of Asher Peres' 70th birthda

    Causal and localizable quantum operations

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    We examine constraints on quantum operations imposed by relativistic causality. A bipartite superoperator is said to be localizable if it can be implemented by two parties (Alice and Bob) who share entanglement but do not communicate; it is causal if the superoperator does not convey information from Alice to Bob or from Bob to Alice. We characterize the general structure of causal complete measurement superoperators, and exhibit examples that are causal but not localizable. We construct another class of causal bipartite superoperators that are not localizable by invoking bounds on the strength of correlations among the parts of a quantum system. A bipartite superoperator is said to be semilocalizable if it can be implemented with one-way quantum communication from Alice to Bob, and it is semicausal if it conveys no information from Bob to Alice. We show that all semicausal complete measurement superoperators are semilocalizable, and we establish a general criterion for semicausality. In the multipartite case, we observe that a measurement superoperator that projects onto the eigenspaces of a stabilizer code is localizable.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, REVTeX, minor changes and references adde

    Polarization Requirements for Ensemble Implementations of Quantum Algorithms with a Single Bit Output

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    We compare the failure probabilities of ensemble implementations of quantum algorithms which use pseudo-pure initial states, quantified by their polarization, to those of competing classical probabilistic algorithms. Specifically we consider a class algorithms which require only one bit to output the solution to problems. For large ensemble sizes, we present a general scheme to determine a critical polarization beneath which the quantum algorithm fails with greater probability than its classical competitor. We apply this to the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm and show that the critical polarization is 86.6%.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure