5 research outputs found
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
Multiple plots of the –log10 (P-values) of SNP effects from the multi-trait test results for lead SNP OAR6_37.5 Mb (a) and OAR22_20.3 Mb (b): The lead SNP is shown by a purple diamond in each plot (labelled with chromosome and position, Mb) and the LD between this variant and all others is colour coded. (TIFF 322 kb
Additional file 3: Table S1. of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
A list of the overlapped candidate genes in QTL regions from our sheep study with genes associated with body mass index and height in human. (XLSX 15Â kb
Additional file 6: of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
The signed t-values of SNP effects (300,001 to 450,000 in âchromosome: positionâ order) for the 56 traits used in multi-trait, meta-analysis. (GZ 30638Â kb
Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
Network graphic showing the interactions between Group 2 gene encoding proteins: Stronger associations are represented by ticker lines [22]. (TIFF 281Â kb
Additional file 7: of Detailed phenotyping identifies genes with pleiotropic effects on body composition
The signed t-values of SNP effects (450,001 to 510,174 in âchromosome: positionâ order) for the 56 traits used in multi-trait, meta-analysis. (GZ 12388Â kb