13,804 research outputs found

    On the use of Satellite Television in High Energy Physics

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    This paper assesses the feasibility of exploiting commercial satellite television technologies to broadcast video signals and data from major High Energy Physics facilities to collaborating institutes throughout the world.Comment: Invited talk at CHEP'98, Chicago, USA, August 31 - September 4, 199


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    In 1996, over 62 million U.S. residents participated in wildlife watching and spent in excess of 29 billion dollars in this recreational activity. Wildlife watching can be defined as the observation, study, and enjoyment of natural areas and its wild fauna and flora. Residential wildlife watching takes place within one mile of the participant's residence and is often an incidental or secondary activity. Non-residential wildlife watching refers to recreation taking place at a distance of at least one mile from the participant's residence. In recent years, a sharp decline in the number of wildlife watchers has been noted. Between 1991 and 1996, the number of wildlife watchers decreased by 17 percent. During this time interval, the largest decline in participation was observed in non-residential viewing. The number of non-residential wildlife watchers declined by 21 percent. This trend is damaging to towns and communities, especially rural communities which largely depend on recreation dollars. The mitigation or reversal of this trend hinges upon the identification of factors affecting participation and expenditures on wildlife viewing. The determining role of several socioeconomic attributes in explaining participation and expenditures on nature-related recreation has been widely studied in the leisure and recreation literature. However, most of these past studies have focused on fishing and hunting activities rather than the equally important non-residential wildlife watching. Hence, this study evaluates participation decisions and the extent of the participation in non-residential wildlife watching in the United States. Keywords: wildlife watching, limited dependent variables, double hurdlewildlife watching, limited dependent variables, double hurdle, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Quantitative assessment of the effects of a fixed 50% coronary artery stenosis on regional myocardial flow reserve and transmural distribution of blood flow

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    Experimental coronary artery stenoses produced by external constrictors that reduce vessel diameter by 50% under basal conditions have been shown to reduce myocardial hyperemic flow reserve. Because such lesions may exhibit dynamic increases in severity during coronary vasodilation, the results of these studies are not necessarily applicable to human patients with fixed, proximal coronary stenoses of similar baseline severity. Accordingly, the present study was conducted in 16 closed chest conscious pigs in order to assess the effects of a fixed, rigid 50% stenosis on maximal myocardial hyperemic flow and transmural distribution of blood flow. Eight pigs (Group I, stenosis) were instrumented with a 50% stenosis and eight were not (Group II, control). After obtaining control measurements of hemodynamics and regional myocardial blood flow (microsphere technique), adenosine was infused at doses of 100, 200 and 400 μg min-1(x 10 minutes at each dose) directly into the left anterior descending coronary bed distal to the stenosis (Group I) or at a similar level in animals without a stenosis. Hemodynamics and blood flow measurements were made at the 10th minute of each infusion level of adenosine.The results (mean ± 1 standard deviation) of the study were as follows. Under basal conditions, transmural, endocardial and epicardial flows (ml min-1g-1) in Group I pigs (1.48 ± 0.40, 1.51 ± 0.45 and 1.30 ± 0.35, respectively) did not differ significantly from respective flows in Group II pigs (1.56 ± 0.26, 1.57 ± 0.27 and 1.43 ± 0.30). Likewise baseline endocardial to epicardial flow ratios were comparable between the two groups (Group I = 1.16 ± 0.22 versus Group II =1.11 ± 0.09, p = NS). Transmural, endocardial and epicardial blood flow in Group I pigs increased to the same extent as respective flows in Group II pigs at each dose of adenosine tested. Maximal transmural, endocardial and epicardial flows in Group I pigs increased, respectively, to levels 3.56 ± 1.56, 3.56 ± 2.03 and 3.26 ± 1.16 above baseline values. Similar responses occurred in Group II (3.38 ± 1.02, 3.21 ± 0.91 and 3.25 ± 1.44, respectively). The endocardial/epicardial flow ratio in Group I at maximal vasodilation (1.20 ± 0.34) did not differ significantly from that in Group II (1.19 ± 0.34). Thus, the data demonstrate that in contrast to 50% stenoses formed with external coronary constrictors, fixed proximal 50% stenoses do not reduce maximal myocardial hyperemic flow reserve

    Relocatable Field Programmable Gate Array Bitstreams for Fault Tolerance

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    A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) circuit capable of operating through at least one fault. The FPGA circuit includes a configuration memory and an embedded microprocessor. The embedded microprocessor having access to the configuration memory, static modules, at least one relocatable module, and at least one spare module. The relocatable module being relocatable from a first target area to a second target area. The relocatable module being relocatable by manipulating a partial bitstream with the embedded microprocessor. The microprocessor calculating a plurality of bitstream changes, to relocate the at least one relocatable module using at least triple modular redundancy (TMR)

    Sustaining Spiritual Leadership for the Long Haul: The Center for Spiritual Renewal at Barclay College

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    There is no higher calling in the Christian life than the call to serve as a spiritual leader within the body of Christ (pastor, music minister, missionary, etc.). While many of these leaders are functioning quite well in their respective ministries today, many others are leaving vocational ministry at an alarming rate. In section one of this document, an attempt will be made to identify some of the key factors that contribute to this current clergy crisis. A significant number of support services have emerged in recent years in an attempt to address the problem of clergy burnout. Section two will provide a brief overview of these existing resources, an honest appraisal of their value in reducing the impact of clergy burnout, and careful consideration of potential opportunities for forging ongoing partnerships. Section three will offer a theoretical framework for specific proposals designed to reverse this pattern of premature departure from public ministry, supported by evidence gleaned from a variety of academic disciplines. It is the thesis of this author that providing opportunities for spiritual leaders to experience personal and professional renewal, in the context of a supportive Christian community, will reduce the impact of burnout and help these men and women sustain effective, lifelong ministry in and through the body of Christ. In section four, a modest proposal is presented for alleviating the impact of burnout among spiritual leaders through the development of a Center for Spiritual Renewal at Barclay College. The specific details of this project are outlined in section five, including a description of the project\u27s target audience, goals, strategies and budget, as well as considerations for the ongoing maintenance, promotion and evaluation of such a program. The sixth and final section of this document provides an opportunity for reflection and assessment following the initial implementation of the project and offers suggestions for further research and development

    The Role of the IL-12 Cytokine Family in Directing T-Cell Responses in Oral Candidosis

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    Candida albicans is an opportunistic fungal pathogen that normally exists as a harmless commensal in humans. In instances where host debilitation occurs, Candida can cause a range of clinical infections, and whilst these are primarily superficial, effecting mucosal membranes, systemic infections can develop in severely immunocompromised individuals. The mechanism of host immunity during commensal carriage of C. albicans has been intensively studied. In this paper, we present the most recent information concerning host recognition of C. albicans leading to cytokine production and the subsequent T-cell responses generated in response to C. albicans. Particular focus is given to the role of the IL-12 cytokine family including IL-12, IL-23, IL-27, and IL-35, in host immunity to Candida. CD4+ T-cells are considered crucial in the regulation of immunity and inflammation. In this regard, the role of Th1/2, helper cells, together with the recently identified Th17 and Treg cells in candidosis will be discussed. Understanding the detailed mechanisms that underlie host immunity to Candida not only will be of benefit in terms of the infections caused by this organism but could also be exploited in the development of therapeutic interventions for other diseases

    Atrazine Transport Within a Coastal Zone in Southeastern Puerto Rico: a Sensitivity Analysis of an Agricultural Field Model and Riparian Zone Management Model

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    Agrichemical runoff from farmland may adversely impact coastal water quality. Two models, the Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) and the Riparian Ecosystem Management Model (REMM), were used to evaluate the movement of the herbicide atrazine to the Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve from adjacent fields. The reserve is located on Puerto Rico’s southeast coast. Edge-of-field atrazine outputs simulated with the APEX were routed through a grass-forest buffer using the REMM. Atrazine DT50 (half-life) values measured in both field and buffer soils indicated that accelerated degradation conditions had developed in the field soil due to repeated atrazine application. APEX simulations examined both the measured field and buffer soil atrazine DT50 and the model’s default value. The use of the measured field soil atrazine degradation rate in the APEX resulted in 33 % lower atrazine transport from the field. REMMsimulations indicated that the buffer system had the potential to reduce dissolved atrazine transport in surface runoff by 77%during non-tropical stormevents by increasing infiltration, slowing transport, and increasing time for pesticide degradation. During a large runoff event due to a tropical stormthat occurred close to the time of an atrazine application, the REMM simulated only a 37 % reduction in atrazine transport. The results indicate that large storm events soon after herbicide application likely dominate herbicide transport to coastal waters in the region. These results agree with water quality measurements in the reserve. This study demonstrated the sensitivity of these models to variations in DT50 values in evaluating atrazine fate and transport in the region and emphasizes that the use of measured DT50 values can improve model accuracy