1,441 research outputs found

    Beyond a=ca=c: Gravitational Couplings to Matter and the Stress Tensor OPE

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    We derive constraints on the operator product expansion of two stress tensors in conformal field theories (CFTs), both generic and holographic. We point out that in large NN CFTs with a large gap to single-trace higher spin operators, the stress tensor sector is not only universal, but isolated: that is, TTO=0\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle=0, where OT{\cal O}\neq T is a single-trace primary. We show that this follows from a suppression of TTO\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle by powers of the higher spin gap, Δgap\Delta_{\rm gap}, dual to the bulk mass scale of higher spin particles, and explain why TTO\langle TT{\cal O}\rangle is a more sensitive probe of Δgap\Delta_{\rm gap} than aca-c in 4d CFTs. This result implies that, on the level of cubic couplings, the existence of a consistent truncation to Einstein gravity is a direct consequence of the absence of higher spins. By proving similar behavior for other couplings TO1O2\langle T{\cal O}_1{\cal O}_2\rangle where Oi{\cal O}_i have spin si2s_i\leq 2, we are led to propose that 1/Δgap1/\Delta_{\rm gap} is the CFT "dual" of an AdS derivative in a classical action. These results are derived by imposing unitarity on mixed systems of spinning four-point functions in the Regge limit. Using the same method, but without imposing a large gap, we derive new inequalities on these three-point couplings that are valid in any CFT. These are generalizations of the Hofman-Maldacena conformal collider bounds. By combining the collider bound on TTTT couplings to spin-2 operators with analyticity properties of CFT data, we argue that all three tensor structures of TTT\langle TTT\rangle in the free-field basis are nonzero in interacting CFTs.Comment: 42+25 pages. v2: added refs, minor change

    Conformal Bootstrap in the Regge Limit

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    We analytically solve the conformal bootstrap equations in the Regge limit for large N conformal field theories. For theories with a parametrically large gap, the amplitude is dominated by spin-2 exchanges and we show how the crossing equations naturally lead to the construction of AdS exchange Witten diagrams. We also show how this is encoded in the anomalous dimensions of double-trace operators of large spin and large twist. We use the chaos bound to prove that the anomalous dimensions are negative. Extending these results to correlators containing two scalars and two conserved currents, we show how to reproduce the CEMZ constraint that the three-point function between two currents and one stress tensor only contains the structure given by Einstein-Maxwell theory in AdS, up to small corrections. Finally, we consider the case where operators of unbounded spin contribute to the Regge amplitude, whose net effect is captured by summing the leading Regge trajectory. We compute the resulting anomalous dimensions and corrections to OPE coefficients in the crossed channel and use the chaos bound to show that both are negative.Comment: 40 pages, 1 figure; V2: Small corrections and clarification

    Effects of Competition under Prospective Payment on Hospital Costs among High and Low Cost Admissions: Evidence from California, 1983 - 1993

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    Competition and prospective payment systems have been widely used to attempt to control health care costs. Though much of the increase in medical costs over the past half-century has been concentrated among a few high-cost users of health care,prospective payment systems may provide incentives to selectively reduce expenditures on high-cost users relative to low-cost users and this pressure may be increased by competition. We use data on hospital charges and cost-to-charge ratios from California in 1983 and 1993 to examine the effects of competition on costs for high and low cost admissions before and after the establishment of the Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS). Comparing persons above and below age 65 before and after the establishment of PPS, we find that competition is associated with increased costs before PPS in both age groups, but decreased costs afterwards, especially among those above age 65 with the highest costs. We conclude that the combination of competition and prospective payment systems may result in incentives to selectively reduce spending among the most expensive patients. This raises important issues relevant to the use Of competition and prospective payment to control costs and implies at minimum the need to carefully monitor outcomes for the sickest patients under prospective payment systems in competitive environments.

    Unitarity Methods in AdS/CFT

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    We develop a systematic unitarity method for loop-level AdS scattering amplitudes, dual to non-planar CFT correlators, from both bulk and boundary perspectives. We identify cut operators acting on bulk amplitudes that put virtual lines on shell, and show how the conformal partial wave decomposition of the amplitudes may be efficiently computed by gluing lower-loop amplitudes. A central role is played by the double discontinuity of the amplitude, which has a direct relation to these cuts. We then exhibit a precise, intuitive map between the diagrammatic approach in the bulk using cutting and gluing, and the algebraic, holographic unitarity method of [1] that constructs the non-planar correlator from planar CFT data. Our analysis focuses mostly on four-point, one-loop diagrams — we compute cuts of the scalar bubble, triangle and box, as well as some one-particle reducible diagrams — in addition to the five-point tree and four-point double-ladder. Analogies with S-matrix unitarity methods are drawn throughout