22 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutical fraud cases related to off-label marketing, January 1996–October 2010.

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    <p>Pharmaceutical fraud cases related to off-label marketing, January 1996–October 2010.</p

    Characteristics of the postcode-years in analytical sample (<i>n</i> = 13,752).

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    a<p>Includes Australia and New Zealand.</p>b<p>Low income is defined as average gross weekly income in the postcode–year less than AUD200perweekin2001–03andlessthanAUD200 per week in 2001–03 and less than AUD250 per week in 2004–06; middle income is AUD200–AUD200–AUD599 per week in 2001–03 and AUD250–AUD250–AUD799 per week in 2004–06; high income is AUD600ormoreperweekin2001–03andAUD600 or more per week in 2001–03 and AUD800 or more per week in 2004–06. The mean values shown refer to the percentage of all residents over 19 y whose income level falls into this classification.</p

    Counts of deaths and attempts for year, jurisdiction and method categories and lethality for the same categories.<sup>*</sup>

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    *<p>Due to AIHW suppression rules in the data provided for this study, the figures presented omit attempt and death counts for motor vehicle exhaust and firearms in Western Australia and South Australia in 2006 and 2007.</p>#<p>Lethality  =  deaths/(deaths + attempts) * 100</p>†<p>Categories based on coding of deaths and hospital separations according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (versions 9 and 10): poisoning (E950, X60–X66, X68, X69); motor vehicle exhaust (E951, E952, X67); hanging (E953, X70); firearms (E955, X72–X75); all other methods (E954, E956–E959, X71, X76–X84)</p

    Trends in suicides by MVEG and population density of passenger vehicles manufactured before 1999 and 1986, respectively.

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    <p>Trends in suicides by MVEG and population density of passenger vehicles manufactured before 1999 and 1986, respectively.</p

    Trends in suicide deaths in United States, England and Wales, Canada, Australia, and, 1968–2007.

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    <p>Sources: US Centers for Disease Control, Office for National Statistics, Statistics Canada, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.</p

    Number of suicides per year due to motor vehicle exhaust and all other methods; predicted number of suicides had lethality of hanging remained at its 1994 level.

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    <p>Number of suicides per year due to motor vehicle exhaust and all other methods; predicted number of suicides had lethality of hanging remained at its 1994 level.</p

    Multivariate regression results: Relationship between population density of passenger vehicles manufactured before 1986 and 1999, respectively, and rates of suicide by motor vehicle exhaust.

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    <p>Not shown are continuous variables included in the regression models that indicated the percentages of the population in each postcode-year for whom, respectively, educational status, employment status, region of birth, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander race, and income level were not known. None of those variables was statistically significant. Both models also controlled for year using dummy variables.</p>a<p>The reference categories are: 25–64 y (age); year 11 or 12 (final year of education); employed; married; non-Christian; born outside Oceania; not Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander; and middle income.</p

    Counts and proportions of articles with adequate disclosure, by author.

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    <p>Each vertical line is a unique author, and the y-axis shows the number of articles published by that author. The extent of the vertical line above or below zero represents the frequency of adequate and inadequate disclosure for each author.</p

    Trends in the death rate, attempt rate and lethality of hanging, motor vehicle exhaust and firearms, 1994–2007.

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    <p>Trends in the death rate, attempt rate and lethality of hanging, motor vehicle exhaust and firearms, 1994–2007.</p

    Examples of adequate and inadequate disclosure.

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    <p>Examples of adequate and inadequate disclosure.</p