24 research outputs found

    Verifiable Delay Functions

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    We study the problem of building a verifiable delay function (VDF). A VDF requires a specified number of sequential steps to evaluate, yet produces a unique output that can be efficiently and publicly verified. VDFs have many applications in decentralized systems, including public randomness beacons, leader election in consensus protocols, and proofs of replication. We formalize the requirements for VDFs and present new candidate constructions that are the first to achieve an exponential gap between evaluation and verification time

    Several Secure Store and Forward Devices

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    DoD system high enclaves are often isolated from systems at other security levels because the usual connectors (guards) are expensive to procure, integrate, accredit, and operate, and usually require a human in the middle to review the data flow, independent of direction. This isolation reduces the effectiveness of information systems. The secure store and forward devices described in this paper can be used to solve an important (yet tractable) half of the problem: moving data from LOW to HIGH without a human in the middle. These devices were expressly designed to be easy to accredit. Security critical function is both minimized and separated from non-security critical function to reduce the need for trusted components. A prototype implementation of one of these store and forward devices is described as well. Keywords: Accreditation, architecture, confidentiality, guards, high assurance, security, system engineering. 1 Introduction System high operation is an effective means of pro..

    Unlinkable Serial Transactions

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    . We present a protocol for unlinkable serial transactions suitable for a variety of network-based subscription services. The protocol prevents the service from tracking the behavior of its customers while protecting the service vendor from abuse due to simultaneous or "cloned" usage from a single subscription. We present variants of the protocol supporting pay-per-use transactions within a subscription. We describe other applications including third-party subscription management, multivendor package sales, proof of group membership, and voter registration. 1 Introduction This paper is motivated by an apparent conflict of interest concerning the privacy of information in an electronic exchange. Commercial service providers would like to be sure that they are paid for their services and protected from abuse due to simultaneous or "cloned" usage from a single subscription. To this end they have an interest in keeping a close eye on customer behavior. On the other hand customers have an ..

    A Mechanical Formalization of Several Fairness Notions

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    Fairness abstractions are useful for reasoning about computations of non-deterministic programs. This paper presents proof rules for reasoning about three fairness notions and one safety assumption with an automated theorem prover. These proof rules have been integrated into a mechanization of the Unity logic [13, 14] and are suitable for the mechanical verification of concurrent programs. Mechanical verification provides greater trust in the correctness of a proof. The three fairness notions presented here are unconditional, weak, and strong fairness [11]. The safety assumption is deadlock freedom which guarantees that no deadlock occurs during the computation. These abstractions are demonstrated by the mechanically verified proof of a dining philosopher's program, also discussed here

    Security Issues in Networks with Internet Access

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    This paper describes the basic principles of designing and administering a relatively secure network. The principles are illustrated by describing the security issues a hypothetical company faces as the networks that support its operations evolve from strictly private, through a mix of Internet and private nets, to a final state in which the Internet is fully integrated into its operations, and the company participates in international electronic commerce. At each stage, the vulnerabilities and threats that the company faces, the countermeasures that it considers, and the residual risk the company accepts are noted. Network security policy and services are discussed, and a description of Internet architecture and vulnerabilities provides additional technical detail underlying the scenario. Finally, a number of building blocks for secure networks are presented that can mitigate some of the vulnerabilities

    Publicly Verifiable Lotteries: Applications of Delaying Functions

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    This paper uses delaying functions, functions that require significant calculation time, in the development of a one-pass lottery scheme in which winners are chosen fairly using only internal information. Since all this information may be published (even before the lottery closes), anyone can do the calculation and therefore verify that the winner was chosen correctly. Since the calculation uses a delaying function, ticket purchasers cannot take advantage of this information. Fraud on the part of the lottery agent is detectable and no single ticket purchaser needs to be trusted. Coalitions of purchasers attempting to control the winning ticket calculation are either unsuccessful or are detected. The scheme can be made resistant to coalitions of arbitrary size. Since we assume that coalitions of larger size are harder to assemble, the probability that the lottery is fair can be made arbitrarily high. The paper defines delaying functions and contrasts them with pricing functions [8] and ..

    Private Web Browsing

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    This paper describes a communications primitive, anonymous connections, that supports bidirectional and near real-time channels that are resistant to both eavesdropping and traffic analysis. The connections are made anonymous, although communication need not be. These anonymous connections are versatile and support private use of many different Internet services. For our purposes, privacy means maintaining the confidentiality of both the data stream and the identity of communicating parties. These are both kept confidential from network elements as well as external observers. Private Web browsing is achieved by unmodified Web browsers using anonymous connections by means of HTTP proxies. Private Web browsing may be made anonymous too by a specialized proxy that removes identifying information from the HTTP data stream. This article specifies anonymous connections, describes our implementation, and discusses its application to Web browsing via HTTP proxies. Keywords: Security, privacy,..

    Anonymous connections and onion routing

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    Abstract—Onion routing is an infrastructure for private communication over a public network. It provides anonymous connections that are strongly resistant to both eavesdropping and traffic analysis. Onion routing’s anonymous connections are bidirectional, near real-time, and can be used anywhere a socket connection can be used. Any identifying information must be in the data stream carried over an anonymous connection. An onion is a data structure that is treated as the destination address by onion routers; thus, it is used to establish an anonymous connection. Onions themselves appear different to each onion router as well as to network observers. The same goes for data carried over the connections they establish. Proxy-aware applications, such as web browsers and e-mail clients, require no modification to use onion routing, and do so through a series of proxies. A prototype onion routing network is running between our lab and other sites. This paper describes anonymous connections and their implementation using onion routing. This paper also describes several application proxies for onion routing, as well as configurations of onion routing networks. Index Terms—Anonymity, communications, Internet, privacy, security, traffic analysis