384 research outputs found

    Gender differences in paid and unpaid work: findings from a New Zealand birth cohort

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    This study uses data from a birth cohort of New Zealand-born 30-year-olds to examine gender differences in time use and satisfaction with time use. The specific aims of the study are: to examine gender difference in time spent in paid employment and unpaid work; to examine the extent to which males and females are satisfied with their time use

    A risk assessment of equine piroplasmosis entry, exposure and consequences in the UK

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    Background: Equine piroplasmosis (EP) is currently not endemic in the UK, despite a lack of formal surveillance and the presence of carrier horses in the equine population. Pathogen establishment would have significant welfare and economic impacts on the national equine industry, but the disease is often overlooked by UK practitioners. Objectives: To assess the risk of disease entry, exposure and consequences to the UK equine population. Study design: Qualitative risk assessment. Methods: A qualitative risk assessment was constructed utilising the current World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) published framework for importation risk assessment, assessing the key areas of disease entry, exposure and consequences to the UK equine population. Results: The overall risk of EP entry to the UK via importation of infected equidae with acute disease is very low but considered medium with subclinical carrier animals. Entry via importation of ticks or the importation of blood is considered very low. The risk of EP exposure to susceptible equidae in the UK is considered low by the infection routes of tick-bites, contaminated needles and contaminated blood, but very high via transplacental transfer. However, the consequences of EP endemic establishment are considered of high significance to the UK equine industry. Main limitations: A lack of available numerical data for events and variables in disease import risk meant a qualitative assessment was the most practical method for this scenario. Conclusions: This risk assessment highlights that EP positive animals are able to enter and are currently present in the UK, and that conditions do exist that could allow forward transmission of the disease. It has highlighted a gap in existing policy where the UK falls behind OIE guidelines and has suggested steps to correct this discrepancy and improve national biosecurity

    The psychological impacts of major disasters

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    There is a widespread and growing perception that the rate of natural disasters including floods, fires, earthquakes and other disasters is increasing (EM-DAT, 2012; GRID-Arendal, 2012; World Bank, 2013). While these claims are contested, the weight of the evidence suggests that the perceptions of increased rates of natural disaster have arisen for two reasons. First, as a result of climate change there has been an increase in the rate of hydrometeorological events including hurricanes, typhoons and flooding (GRID-Arendal, 2012; The World Bank, 2010). This trend has been augmented by the growth of the human population, which means that more people are living in areas at increased risks of natural disasters (Arnold et al., 2005; The World Bank, 2010)

    Does socioeconomic inequality explain ethnic differences in nicotine dependence? Evidence from a New Zealand birth cohort

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    Objective: The present study examined the role of socioeconomic status and cultural identity in the association between ethnicity and nicotine dependence, in a birth cohort of >1000 methods young people studied to age 30. Methods: Data were gathered on ethnicity, cultural identification, nicotine dependence, and socioeconomic factors, as part of a longitudinal study of a New Zealand birth cohort (the Christchurch Health and Development Study). Results: Those reporting Mori identity had rates of nicotine dependence that were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than rates for non-Mori. Control for socioeconomic factors reduced the associations between ethnic identity and nicotine dependence to statistical non-significance. In addition, there was no evidence of a statistically significant association between Mori cultural identity and nicotine dependence, nor was there evidence of gender differences in the association between ethnic identity and nicotine dependence, after controlling for socioeconomic factors. Conclusions: The higher rates of nicotine dependence observed among Mori appear to be attributable to differences in socioeconomic status. Efforts to improve the socioeconomic standing of Mori should therefore help to reduce rates of nicotine dependence in this population

    Dynamical Masses for Low-Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars: A Preliminary Physical Orbit for HD 98800 B

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    We report on Keck Interferometer observations of the double-lined binary (B) component of the quadruple pre-main sequence (PMS) system HD 98800. With these interferometric observations combined with astrometric measurements made by the Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensors (FGS), and published radial velocity observations we have estimated preliminary visual and physical orbits of the HD 98800 B subsystem. Our orbit model calls for an inclination of 66.8 ±\pm 3.2 deg, and allows us to infer the masses and luminosities of the individual components. In particular we find component masses of 0.699 ±\pm 0.064 and 0.582 ±\pm 0.051 M_{\sun} for the Ba (primary) and Bb (secondary) components respectively. Modeling of the component SEDs finds temperatures and luminosities in agreement with previous studies, and coupled with the component mass estimates allows for comparison with PMS models in the low-mass regime with few empirical constraints. Solar abundance models seem to under-predict the inferred component temperatures and luminosities, while assuming slightly sub-solar abundances bring the models and observations into better agreement. The present preliminary orbit does not yet place significant constraints on existing pre-main sequence stellar models, but prospects for additional observations improving the orbit model and component parameters are very good.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, ApJ in press; tables 2 and 3 to be included in ApJ versio

    Alcohol misuse and psychosocial outcomes in young adulthood: Results from a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30

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    PURPOSE: This study examined the associations between measures of alcohol abuse/dependence symptoms and a range of psychosocial outcomes from ages 21 to 30 in a New Zealand birth cohort. METHODS: Outcome measures included measures of: criminal offending, family violence and relationship instability, sexual risk-taking and consequences, mental health, and other adverse health and adjustment outcomes. Bivariate associations between a three-level classification of alcohol misuse (no symptoms, subclinical level of symptoms, met criteria for alcohol dependence) and each outcome during the period 21-30 years were computed using Generalised Estimating Equation models. These associations were then adjusted for non-observed sources of confounding using conditional fixed effects regression modelling, augmented by time-dynamic covariate factors. For both sets of models estimates of the attributable risk (AR) were computed. RESULTS: There were statistically significant (p<.05) bivariate associations between alcohol misuse and each of the fifteen outcome measures, with estimates of the AR ranging from 7.4% to 46.5%. Adjustment for non-observed fixed effects generally reduced the magnitude of these associations; however, after adjustment, 12 of the 15 associations remained statistically significant (p<.05). Estimates of the AR after adjustment for fixed effects ranged from 3.6% to 44.3%. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that there are pervasive and persistent linkages between alcohol misuse and a range of adverse psychosocial outcomes. A reduction in levels of alcohol misuse amongst individuals of this age group could reduce substantially the overall level of personal and societal cost of hazardous levels of alcohol consumption

    Childhood self-control and adult outcomes: Results from a 30-year longitudinal study

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    Objective: A study by Moffitt et al. reported pervasive associations between childhood self-control and adult outcomes. The current study attempts to replicate the findings reported by Moffitt et al., adjusting these results for the confounding influence of childhood conduct problems. Method: Data were gathered from the Christchurch Health and Development Study, a longitudinal birth cohort studied to age 30 years. Self-control during ages 6 to 12 years was measured analogously to that in Moffitt et al., using parent-, teacher-, and self-report methods. Outcome measures to age 30 included criminal offending, substance use, education/employment, sexual behavior, and mental health. Associations between self-control and outcomes were adjusted for possible confounding by gender, socioeconomic status (SES), IQ, and childhood conduct problems (ages 6-10). Results: In confirmation of the findings of Moffitt et al., all outcomes except major depression were significantly (p <.05) associated with childhood self-control. Adjustment for gender, SES, and IQ reduced to some extent the magnitude of the associations. However, adjustment for childhood conduct disorder further reduced the magnitude of many of these associations, with only 4 of the 14 outcomes remaining statistically significantly (p <.05) associated with self-control. After adjustment for gender, SES, IQ, and conduct problems, those individuals who scored higher in self-control had lower odds of violent offending and welfare dependence, were more likely to have obtained a university degree, and had higher income levels. Conclusions: The findings from this study suggest that observed linkages between a measure of childhood self-control and outcomes in adulthood were largely explained by the correlated effects of childhood conduct problems, SES, IQ, and gender

    Abortion and mental health: A response to Romans and Steinberg

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    In their recent commentaries on our paper (Fergusson et al., 2013), Romans (2013) and Steinberg (2013) produce a series of arguments which they claim impugn the validity of our conclusions that: “at the present time there is no credible evidence to support the research hypothesis that abortion reduces any mental health risks associated with unwanted or unplanned pregnancies that come to term” (p7). Their critiques centre around two general issues: (1) the choice of research design used to test the research hypothesis; and (2) the selection and analysis of data. We address these issues

    Exposure to childhood sexual and physical abuse and subsequent educational achievement outcomes

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    Objective: This paper examined the relationship between exposure to sexual and physical abuse (CSA and CPA) in childhood and later educational achievement outcomes in late adolescence and early adulthood in a birth cohort of over 1,000 children studied to age 25. Method: Retrospective data on CSA and CPA were gathered at ages 18 and 21 and used to form a best estimate of exposure to CSA and CPA. The relationship between CSA, CPA, and self-reported educational outcomes to 25 years was examined using logistic regression models that took into account social background, parental factors, and individual factors. Results: Increasing exposure to CSA and CPA was significantly associated with failing to achieve secondary school qualifications (CSA: B = .53, SE = .13, p &lt; .0001; CPA: B = .62, SE = .12, p &lt; .0001), gaining a Higher School Certificate (CSA: B = -.48, SE = .13, p &lt; .001; CPA: B = -.78, SE = .14, p &lt; .001), attending university (CSA: B = -.29, SE = .13, p &lt; .05; CPA: B = -.45, SE = .13, p &lt; .001), and gaining a university degree (CSA: B = -.54, SE = .18, p &lt; .005; CPA: B = -.64, SE = .17, p &lt; .001). Adjustment for confounding social, parental, and individual factors explained most of these associations. After control for confounding factors, omnibus tests of the associations between CSA and outcomes and CPA and outcomes failed to reach statistical significance (CSA: Wald ?2 (4) = 7.72, p = .10; CPA: Wald ?2 (4) = 8.26, p = .08). Conclusions: The effects of exposure to CSA and CPA on later educational achievement outcomes are largely explained by the social, family, and individual context within which exposure to abuse takes place

    Measurement of the Surface Gravity of η\eta Boo

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    Direct angular size measurements of the G0IV subgiant η\eta Boo from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer are presented, with limb-darkened angular size of ΞLD=2.1894−0.0140+0.0055\theta_{LD}= 2.1894^{+0.0055}_{-0.0140} mas, which indicate a linear radius of R=2.672±0.028R⊙R=2.672 \pm 0.028 R_\odot. A bolometric flux estimate of FBOL=22.1±0.28×10−7F_{BOL} = 22.1 \pm 0.28\times 10^{-7} erg cm−2^{-2}s−1^{-1} is computed, which indicates an effective temperature of TEFF=6100±28T_{EFF}=6100 \pm 28 K and luminosity of L=8.89±0.16L⊙L = 8.89 \pm 0.16 L_\odot for this object. Similar data are established for a check star, HD 121860. The η\eta Boo results are compared to, and confirm, similar parameters established by the {\it MOST} asteroseismology satellite. In conjunction with the mass estimate from the {\it MOST} investigation, a surface gravity of log⁥g=3.817±0.016\log g=3.817 \pm 0.016 [cm s−2^{-2}] is established for η\eta Boo.Comment: To appear in March 1, 2007 ApJ v657 n
