4 research outputs found

    Improving Mathematics Education in Teacher Training Colleges (TTCs) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) : An Analysis of the Comparison of TTC Lecturers and Students Response to a Sample Test Question Item in Geometry Shapes

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    The purpose of the study was to find out and compare if the conceptual and procedural knowledge possessed by students is consistent to that of the lecturers utilizing both quantitate and qualitative data collection methods. This study is based on a sample mathematics test question item taken from 5th grade angles of triangles and was administered to first year students enrolled in one of the 14 TTCs as well as questionnaires to mathematics lecturers in three TTCs in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The findings exposed similarity in the limitations of both conceptual and procedural understanding of angle summation of triangles and also exposed common areas of misconceptions by both lecturers and students. Hence, the study proposes ways in which these needy areas are critically addressed to raise standards and improve mathematics education in TTCs in PNG

    Analysis of Grade 4 Mathematics Trial Lesson: Teacher Interpretation and Teaching of the New Mathematics Textbook

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    In Papua New Guinea (PNG), change of curriculum from OBC to SBC in 2014 required the production of quality learning and teaching materials. QUISE-ME project funded by JICA developed a new mathematics textbook. Three trial lessons were conducted by the pilot teacher on Unit 6-Quadrilaterals on the Topic-of the new textbook in a Grade 4 class in a Primary School. From the findings it is noted that teachers could satisfactorily interpret the textbook and organize learning activities for greater children involvement. Also, exposure to textbook could make teachers be creative and can gradually prepare child centered lessons as opposed to the current common practice of teacher centered lessons. However, the authors would recommend that 1) teachers be properly trained and benefit in-service training, e.g., through lesson studies for them to use the textbook appropriately to develop meaningful lessons, and 2) be permitted to flexibly decide to what extent they teach the contents of the new textbook or to just follow the flow of textbook and employ their own way of teaching, until they get accustomed to use it and manage well the allocated time for lessons

    パプアニューギニア PNG キョウイン ヨウセイコウ ノ ジュギョウ カイゼン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : サンスウカ ジュギョウ カンサツリョク ニ カンスル ニホン ト PNG ノ ヒカク オ トオシテ

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    本研究では,算数授業観察力及び算数授業実践力の2 つの観点に関するPNG の教員養成校の学生と日本の現職小学校教員の調査結果の比較を通して,教員養成校において実施されている授業研究に関する授業改善を行うための重要観点・項目を明らかにすることを目的とする.調査結果の分析と考察の結果,「算数科の授業過程」を算数授業観察力の育成のための授業改善における最重要観点として抽出した.また,「指導方法(導入の工夫)」,「授業過程(既習内容の活用)」,「授業過程(個人思考と集団思考)」,「指導方法(探求活動の設定)」,「発問(即時発問)」の5項目を算数授業観察力の育成のための授業改善における最重要項目として抽出した.さらに,PNG の場合,算数授業観察力の得点と算数授業実践力の得点の間に,比較的強い相関があることを明らかにした