195 research outputs found

    Spin and abelian electromagnetic duality on four-manifolds

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    We investigate the electromagnetic duality properties of an abelian gauge theory on a compact oriented four-manifold by analysing the behaviour of a generalised partition function under modular transformations of the dimensionless coupling constants. The true partition function is invariant under the full modular group but the generalised partition function exhibits more complicated behaviour depending on topological properties of the four-manifold concerned. It is already known that there may be "modular weights" which are linear combinations of the Euler number and Hirzebruch signature of the four-manifold. But sometimes the partition function transforms only under a subgroup of the modular group (the Hecke subgroup). In this case it is impossible to define real spinor wave functions on the four-manifold. But complex spinors are possible provided the background magnetic fluxes are appropriately fractional rather that integral. This gives rise to a second partition function which enables the full modular group to be realised by permuting the two partition functions, together with a third. Thus the full modular group is realised in all cases. The demonstration makes use of various constructions concerning integral lattices and theta functions that seem to be of intrinsic interest.Comment: 29 pages, Plain Te

    Exact electromagnetic duality

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    This talk, given at several conferences and meetings, explains the background leading to the formulation of the exact electromagnetic duality conjecture believed to be valid in N=4 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theory

    Affine Toda Solitons and Vertex Operators

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    Affine Toda theories with imaginary couplings associate with any simple Lie algebra g{\bf g} generalisations of Sine Gordon theory which are likewise integrable and possess soliton solutions. The solitons are \lq\lq created" by exponentials of quantities F^i(z)\hat F^i(z) which lie in the untwisted affine Kac-Moody algebra g^{\bf\hat g} and ad-diagonalise the principal Heisenberg subalgebra. When g{\bf g} is simply-laced and highest weight irreducible representations at level one are considered, F^i(z)\hat F^i(z) can be expressed as a vertex operator whose square vanishes. This nilpotency property is extended to all highest weight representations of all affine untwisted Kac-Moody algebras in the sense that the highest non vanishing power becomes proportional to the level. As a consequence, the exponential series mentioned terminates and the soliton solutions have a relatively simple algebraic expression whose properties can be studied in a general way. This means that various physical properties of the soliton solutions can be directly related to the algebraic structure. For example, a classical version of Dorey's fusing rule follows from the operator product expansion of two F^\hat F's, at least when g{\bf g} is simply laced. This adds to the list of resemblances of the solitons with respect to the particles which are the quantum excitations of the fields.Comment: Imperial/TP/92-93/29 SWAT/92-93/5 PU-PH-93/1392, requires newma

    Solitons and Vertex Operators in Twisted Affine Toda Field Theories

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    Affine Toda field theories in two dimensions constitute families of integrable, relativistically invariant field theories in correspondence with the affine Kac-Moody algebras. The particles which are the quantum excitations of the fields display interesting patterns in their masses and coupling and which have recently been shown to extend to the classical soliton solutions arising when the couplings are imaginary. Here these results are extended from the untwisted to the twisted algebras. The new soliton solutions and their masses are found by a folding procedure which can be applied to the affine Kac-Moody algebras themselves to provide new insights into their structures. The relevant foldings are related to inner automorphisms of the associated finite dimensional Lie group which are calculated explicitly and related to what is known as the twisted Coxeter element. The fact that the twisted affine Kac-Moody algebras possess vertex operator constructions emerges naturally and is relevant to the soliton solutions.Comment: 27 pages (harvmac) + 3 figures (LaTex) at the end of the file, Swansea SWAT/93-94/1

    A class of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras

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    We consider a natural generalisation of the class of hyperbolic Kac-Moody algebras. We describe in detail the conditions under which these algebras are Lorentzian. We also construct their fundamental weights, and analyse whether they possess a real principal so(1,2) subalgebra. Our class of algebras include the Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras that have recently been proposed as symmetries of M-theory and the closed bosonic string.Comment: 40 pages TeX, 5 eps-figure
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