125 research outputs found

    Industrial Concentration, Price-Cost Margins, and Innovation

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    This paper explores a panel data set matching establishment-based production statistics from Japan's Census of Manufacturers with wholesale price indices from the Bank of Japan, and Herfindahl indices from the Japan Fair Trade Commission. The data include annual observations over the period 1961-1990, for 74 industries at the 4-digit s.i.c. level. We estimate Cobb-Douglas production functions and Solow residuals for each industry and then use these estimates to further analyze the determinates of industrial concentration and innovation. The industries having great capital intensity, small employment of labor, and with high price-cost margins tend to be more concentrated. Cross-section estimates reveal a U-shaped mapping from concentration to innovation.

    Are There Any Cournot Industries?

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    For 70 Japanese manufacturing industries, I test the simple Cournot hypothesis of proportionality between industry price-cost margin and Herfindahl index against the non-nested alternative that the industry price-cost margin remains constant in the face of varying Herfindahl index, as it would under a simple product differentiated Bertrand framework. I then test each of these against the alternative hybrid specification that nests both of them, and from the pairwise tests, compute likelihoods of each specification. The simple Cournot specification is the most likely for five of the industries, the simple Bertrand specification for 35, and the hybrid specification for 30.

    Regulation, Distribution Efficiency, and Retail Density

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    After outlining characteristics of Japan's distribution sector, a comprehensive international comparison of it to those of other nations is presented and analyzed for underlying differences. This leads to an explanation of Japan's retail store density, which is then related to the structure of wholesale channels. Next, some details on the Large Store Law of Japan and regulatory distortion, including empirical evidence on its extent are offered. Data on the structure of the retail sector by store format and on differences among prefectures in density and format are then presented.

    Industrial Concentration, Price-Cost Margins, and InnovationJapan

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    Resale Price Maintenance by Japanese Newspapers

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    The Japanese distribution sector in economic perspective: The Large Store Law and retail density

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    This paper compiles facts on the distribution sector of Japan and puts them in historical and international context, expresses in a coherent way the conventional view that the peculiar features of Japan's distribution sector are due to distorting government regulations, and provides new evidence that bears on the truthfulness of that proposition. We find that regulation has indeed mattered, but that fundamentals like Japan's geographic centricity, lack of private cars and smallness of dwellings have had a larger effect. A myriad of small stores is the crucial characteristic of the Japanese distribution sector, from which other peculiarities such as the complex wholesale marketing channels with multiple steps and ubiquity of vertical restraints also follow. And regulations inhibiting stores with large floor space, in particular the Large Store Law, have been identified by many as the fundamental reason for Japan's proliferation of small stores. That law was relaxed in 1994 and in 2000 was completely replaced by a new law that shifts responsibility for regulating large stores from the national government to the prefectures. The new law may well lead to a perpetuation of regulatory barriers. But the regulatory limits on large stores have probably mattered a lot less than many suppose. Japan's proliferation of small stores is fundamentally due, not to regulation, but to its relative lack of private cars and to its small dwellings. Regulatory limits on large stores are themselves the result of the ubiquity of small stores, not the other way around. The Large Store Law could survive politically precisely because its distorting effects were small (There were bound to be a lot of small stores in Japan even without government protection). This is now changing
