70 research outputs found

    Ovarian undifferentiated carcinoma with voluminous mesenteric presentation

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    AbstractINTRODUCTIONAbout 5% of ovarian cancers are so poorly differentiated and difficult to classify that they are called undifferentiated carcinomas and usually have disseminated disease at presentation. Extra pelvic debulking it is difficult to complete.PRESENTATION OF CASEWe report a case of a rare ovarian tumor presented as a large mesenteric tumor of 14cm diameter in a 73 years old woman.DISCUSSIONUndifferentiated carcinomas are usually large, solid with hemorrhage and necrosis, bilateral and most are difficult to classify histologically. Rarely are pure, generally identified through the extensive sampling of lesions, some other components of surface epithelial carcinoma and usually the predominant element is the latter. Cases with predominantly undifferentiated component are rare.CONCLUSIONThe treatment and diagnostic approach is the same as for other high-grade epithelial tumors of the ovary, but in this particular case the differential diagnosis and diagnostic approach is that of a mesenteric tumor

    Modelo de privacidad en pacientes con cáncer

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    La privacidad depende de las oportunidades queofrece el ambiente físico, las circunstancias que lamotivan y las necesidades personales, expectativas yexperiencias del individuo. Con objeto de identificarla influencia del ambiente físico de cuartos de hospitalizaciónen la percepción de privacidad se aplicóuna encuesta a pacientes de un hospital público. Lamuestra estuvo conformada por 88 mujeres de 19 a70 años de edad enfermas de cáncer internadas encuartos privados, semiprivados y públicos. Se aplicóla “Escala Privacidad en Cuartos de Hospital” (EPCH)desarrollada ex profeso para estudio y conformadapor 11 reactivos con diez opciones de respuesta, queiban desde totalmente de acuerdo a muy en desacuerdo.A través del análisis factorial confirmatoriose validaron tres factores: 1. Privacidad, 2. Intimidad y3. Facilidad ambiental; se obtuvo un modelo de ecuacionesestructurales con niveles adecuados de ajuste(chi square =116.17, p=0.08, CFI=0.93, RMSEA=0.05),identificando los valores directos e indirectos de lasvariables latentes (privacidad, intimidad, facilidadambiental, impacto del ambiente en estado de saludy ánimo de pacientes), variables atributivas (edad,escolaridad) y la variable directa (densidad). Se discutenlos resultados bajo los principios teóricos de laprivacidad y el impacto ambiental en pacientes altamentesensibles

    Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma: report of two cases

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    BACKGROUND: Retroperitoneal cystadenocarcinomas are rare lesions, the majority of cases presented as one-patient reports. METHODS: We present two cases of retroperitoneal cystadenocarcinoma, both in women of reproductive age: one with aggressive behavior, and the remaining case, with a more indolent clinical evolution. RESULTS: One case presented as pelvic tumor, was treated with surgical resection of the disease, but manifested with recurrent disease a few months later despite use of chemotherapy. The second case involved a patient with diagnosis of abdominal tumor; during laparotomy, a retroperitoneal tumor was found and was totally removed. At follow-up, the patient is disease-free with no other treatment. CONCLUSION: The behavior and treatment of retroperitoneal cystadenocarcinoma are controversial. We suggest aggressive surgery including radical hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoopherectomy with adjuvant chemotherapy in these cases