2,735 research outputs found

    Finlaggan report 6: kitchens and houses by jetty.

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    Finlaggan, Islay, the centre of the Lordship of the Isles. Excavations and fieldwork 1989-1998. Part six, kitchens and houses by jetty

    Finlaggan report 1: introduction and background

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    Finlaggan, Islay, the centre of the Lordship of the Isles. Excavations and fieldwork 1989-1998. Part two, introduction and background

    Neutrino Mass and Dark Matter

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    Despite direct observations favoring a low mass density, a critical density universe with a neutrino component of dark matter provides the best existing model to explain the observed structure of the universe over more than three orders of magnitude in distance scale. In principle this hot dark matter could consist of one, two, or three species of active neutrinos. If all present indications for neutrino mass are correct, however, only the two-species (muon neutrino and tau neutrino) possibility works. This requires the existence of at least one light sterile neutrino to explain the solar electron neutrino deficit via nu(e)->nu(s), leaving nu(mu)->nu(tau) as the explanation for the anomalous nu(mu)/nu(e) ratio produced by atmospheric neutrinos, and having the LSND experiment demonstrating via anti-nu(mu)-> anti-nu(e) the mass difference between the light nu(e)-nu(s) pair and the heavier nu(mu)-nu(tau) pair required for dark matter. Other experiments do not conflict with the LSND results when all the experiments are analyzed in the same way, and when analyzed conservatively the LSND data is quite compatible with the mass difference needed for dark matter. Further support for this mass pattern is provided by the need for a sterile neutrino to rescue heavy-element nucleosynthesis in supernovae, and it could even aid the concordance in light element abundances from the early universe.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, IDM 98 conferenc

    A Sterile Neutrino Needed for Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis

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    A neutrino mass-mixing scheme which successfully avoids the "alpha effect," allowing r-process nucleosynthesis in the neutrino-heated ejecta of supernovae, quite independently requires the same parameters as the scheme which best fits all current indications for neutrino mass. The significance for particle physics is this independent evidence for (1) at least one light sterile neutrino, nu_s; (2) a near maximally-mixed nu_mu-nu_tau doublet split from a lower mass nu_mu-nu_s doublet; (3) nu_mu-nu_e mixing >~ 10^-4; and (4) a splitting between the doublets (measured by the nu_mu-nu_e mass difference) >~ 1 eV^2, favoring the upper part of the LSND range. If correct, it is tantalizing that neutrinos with tiny masses which mix with sterile species have profound effects on massive objects and the creation of the heaviest elements.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, PASCOS '99 conference tal

    Intergeneration Transfers and Retiring Farmers

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    The percentage of farmers who are approaching retirement age is increasing. The census of agriculture shows that in 2001 there were a larger percentage of farmers over 55 years of age than was the case in the previous censuses. The transferring of the assets held by these farmers to the next generation has important policy implications for the structure of Canadian agriculture. It also raises several policy questions for future research. Using data from 2005 Farm Financial Survey this paper examines the transfer of assets for both one and multi-generation farms. We have identified 73,900 farms where the oldest operator is 55 or older. Of these farmers 18,800 are operated by more than one generation of farmers. In the case of these farms the next generation is already involved in the farm business. The remaining 55,100 farms are operated by only one generation of farmers. The total assets based on market value for the one generation farms are estimated to be 47Billion.Theassetswhichareexpectedtobetransferredtothenextgenerationtotal47 Billion. The assets which are expected to be transferred to the next generation total 33.4 Billion. The majority of these farms are expected to be bought up by the multi-generation farms to achieve economies of scale or to be purchased by new entrants as lifestyle farms. In the case of multi-generation farms the total assets owned are estimated to be 40Billion.Theassetswhichareexpectedtobetransferredtothenextgenerationtotal40 Billion. The assets which are expected to be transferred to the next generation total 34.1 Billion. These farms are expected to stay within the family and be purchased by the next generation. They will continue to be operated by the next generation and in some instances on a larger scale.Farm Management,
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