2 research outputs found

    Seroprevalence of hepatitis B virus infection, anti-HCV antibodies and HIV and knowledge among people who use drugs attending methadone therapy clinic in Tanzania; a cross-sectional study

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    Background Methadone therapy clinics have been recently introduced in Tanzania, aiming at reducing risk behaviors and infection rates of viral hepatitis and HIV among people who use drugs. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence, associated factors and knowledge level of these conditions among people who use drugs attending a methadone clinic in Tanzania. Methods We enrolled 253 People who using drugs receiving Methadone therapy. Clinical data was retrospectively collected from the medical records and face-to face interviews were conducted to determine the behavioral risk factors and respondents’ knowledge on viral hepatitis and HIV. Results An overall seroprevalence of viral hepatitis (either hepatitis B surface antigen or anti-hepatitis C virus) was 6.3%, while that of hepatitis B virus mono infection was 3.5% and anti-hepatitis C antibodies was 3.5%. Seroprevalence of HIV was 12.6%. Viral hepatitis was strongly predicted by advanced age (\u3e 35 years) (p = 0.02) and staying at Kirumba area (p = 0.004), and HIV infection was predicted by increased age (\u3e 37 years) (p = 0.04) and female sex (p \u3c 0.001). Regarding the knowledge of viral hepatitis, majority of the respondents were unaware of the transmission methods and availability of hepatitis B virus vaccines and only 17% were classified as well informed (provided ≥4 correct answers out of 7 questions). Good knowledge was highly predicted by higher education level of the individual (p = 0.001). Conclusions Despite the efforts to curb viral hepatitis and HIV infections through Methadone clinics, infection rates among people who use drugs are still high and the general knowledge on preventive measures is inadequate

    Can Early Diagnosis of Varices, Regular Praziquantel, and Reduction of Hepatitis Coinfection Reduce Mortality among Patients Attended for Periportal Fibrosis in Northwestern Tanzania? A Case-Control Study

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    Background. Schistosoma mansoni is highly endemic in the Lake Zone part of Tanzania and most people are chronically infected. Periportal fibrosis (PPF) is the commonest complication of chronic S. mansoni infection documented in up to 42% of studied participants in the community-based studies. These patients are at high risk of mortality since most of them are diagnosed late with bleeding varices. At Bugando, Schistosoma-related varices contributed to 70% of patients admitted due to vomiting blood with a two months’ mortality of over 10%. Earlier studies had reported higher mortality of up to 29% among patients with PPF even with the best in-hospital care. Understanding factors that increased the risk of mortality is important clinically in devising ways that can improve the outcome of this subgroup of patients. Methods. A retrospective analysis of patients with PPF from 2015 through 2018 was done. Their sociodemographic, clinical, laboratory, ultrasonographic, endoscopic, and survival status data were collected for analysis. STATA 13 was used for analysis, the prevalence of varices, active schistosomiasis, and hepatitis B coinfection was determined. Cumulative mortality as a major outcome was also determined, and factors associated with increased risk of mortality were assessed by a logistic regression model. Results. In total, 250 participants were included in this analysis. Majority, 222 (88.8%; 95% CI: 84.2-92.4) had active S. mansoni infection, and 40 (16.0%; 95% CI: 11.6-21.1) had S. mansoni-HBV coinfection. Cumulatively, 39 (15.6%; 95% CI: 11.3-20.7) patients died, with most deaths, 31 (79.5%; 95% CI: 63.5-90.7) occurring within two years following the diagnosis of PPF (chi2=6.3; p=0.012). The odds of mortality were independently associated with fishing (OR: 10.8; 95% CI: 2.2-52; p=0.003), upper gastro intestinal bleeding (OR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.1-5.4; p=0.037), HBV coinfection (OR: 3.3; 95% CI: 1.2-91; p=0.019), and ascites (OR: 3.3; 95% CI: 1.3-8.2; p=0.010). Conclusions. In this, S. mansoni endemic area, varices, actives schistosomiasis, hepatitis B coinfection, and mortality are highly common. Screening for varices and initiation of prophylaxis, administration of praziquantel, and screening for hepatitis B should be part and parcel of care of these patients. The first two years of diagnosis, patients are at high risk of mortality; risk factors in this study should assist planning a closer follow-up of patients at risk of mortality to improve their long-term outcome