7 research outputs found

    Non-metric multidimensional scaling of phylogeny-based composition of denitrifying communities.

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    <p>The distance matrix was based on pairwise differences in the unique fraction of branches shared (UniFrac) for each soil community replicate in the maximum likelihood phylogentic tree of 400 <i>nos</i>Z gene sequences. Vectors indicate diversity metrics and modeled rate parameters that were significantly correlated with the ordination (<i>P</i><0.1): Chao richness index, Shannon’s diversity index (<i>H´</i>), phylogenetic diversity (PD), width of the modeled temperature gradient curve (<i>w</i>), denitrifiction rate at temperature optimum (<i>T<sub>m</sub></i>), salt concentration when denitrification rate was zero (SA0) and salt concentration at the initiation of rate inhibition (SAI). Stress was 12.0.</p

    Model parameters representing the functional operating range for potential denitrification rates in assembled soil communities under temperature and salt concentration gradients modeled using a Gaussian function and power equation, respectively.

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    <p>Mean values of three field replicates of the soil communities are shown with standard deviations (±SD). Values followed by the same letter indicate treatments without significant differences (<i>p</i><0.1).</p>†<p>Gaussian function: Denitrification rate = <i>V<sub>max</sub></i> * e<sup>–(<i>T-Tm</i>)<sup>2</sup><sup>/(2*<i>w</i><sup>2</sup><sup>)</sup> where <i>V<sub>ma</sub></i><sub>x</sub> = maximum denitrification rate, <i>T</i> = tested temperature, <i>T<sub>m</sub></i> = optimum temperature and <i>w</i> = measure of the width of the curve.</sup></sup></p>§<p>Power equation: Denitrification rate = <i>k</i>/√(<i>c</i>) - <i>a</i>, where <i>k</i> = slope, <i>c</i> = % salt concentration and <i>a</i> = intercept. From the equation, the salt concentration when denitrification begins to be inhibited (SAI) and when the rate reaches zero (SA0) were calculated.</p

    Normalized denitrification rates at different temperatures and salt concentrations.

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    <p>The rates are normalized by percent of the maximum rate within each soil community replicate and modeled using a Gaussian function and a power equation for temperature (a) and salt concentration (b) gradients, respectively. The fitted curves and data points are colored by community and soil treatment: Red, community A, fallow; Green, community B, unfertilized; Blue, community C, nitrate fertilized; and Black, community J, cattle manure fertilized. Each field replicate within a treatment/community is represented by different symbols.</p

    Venn diagram representing shared and unique restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) groups for denitrifying communities.

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    <p>The groups were detected by screening ∼100 <i>nosZ</i> gene clones retrived from soil communities A–C and J. Community A had 30, B had 34, C had 23 and J had 44 of the 64 groups in total.</p