8,398 research outputs found

    Hospital Admissions, Length of Stay, and Case-Mix Impacts of Per Case Payment: The Maryland Experience

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    Maryland has simultaneously operated per case - and per service hospital payment systems since 1976 with varying levels of stringency in setting per case rates. Regression analyses of this experience are used to compare the impacts of these systems on admissions, length of stay, and case-mix costliness for the period July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1981. Our results indicate a positive effect on admissions and negative effects on case-mix and length of stay for the per case payment approach relative to the per service approach. More stringent levels of per case payment are associated with stronger utilization responses.

    Growth and productivity of juvenile banana prawns, Penaeus merguiensis in natural and laboratory systems

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    Abstract only.Growth and survival of Penaeus merguiensis juveniles were measured over four years in the Norman River estuary, south-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria. Growth in carapace length for the first 8-9 weeks after settlement was essentially linear and averaged 1.2 mm/week in summer at 29.5°C and 0.45 mm/week in winter at 19.5°C. A comparison of different cohorts under varying temperatures and salinities indicated that growth was temperature- but not salinity-dependent. Survival of newly settled postlarvae varied seasonally and was highest in spring (October-November). In the laboratory, a study of moulting rate and moult increment at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C demonstrated that the optimal temperature for growth was 25-30°C. Survival of juveniles was also highest at intermediate temperatures. Effects of salinity and food ration amounts are discussed

    Taxation and the Demand for Gambling: New Evidence from the United Kingdom.

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    In October 2001, the U.K. government implemented a dramatic shift in the taxation of gambling, resulting in a substantial decline in taxes levied on U.K. bookmakers. Using data before and after this event, we present econometric evidence on the demand response to this tax reduction. Our results suggest that the demand for bookmaker gambling is highly sensitive to taxation rates and that the decline in the rate of taxation led to a large increase in the demand for on-shore betting. We also find some evidence of price-induced substitution across different segments of the gambling industry. The U.K. policy initiative may provide useful information for policy makers in other countries who are contemplating changes in gambling taxation.

    CEO Transformational Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility

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    The overall purpose of this study is to apply transformational leadership theory to improve our understanding of the potential role of CEOs in determining the extent to which their firms engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR). We generate a theoretical argument for the existence of relationships between aspects of transformational leadership and CSR, which we test using data from 56 U.S. and Canadian firms. CEO intellectual stimulation (but not CEO charismatic leadership) is found to be positively associated with the propensity of the firm to engage in "strategic" CSR, or those CSR activities that are most likely to be related to the firm's corporate and business-level strategies. Thus, studies that ignore the role of leadership in CSR may generate imprecise conclusions regarding the antecedents and consequences of these activities. We conclude that there is a need for additional multidisciplinary research bridging micro- and macro-level conceptualizations of the role of leadership in CSR.

    Hospital Cost and Efficiency Under Per Service and Per Case Payment in Maryland: A Tale of the Carrot and the Stick

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    The simultaneous operation of per case and per servicepayment systems in Maryland, and the varying levels of stringency used in setting per case rates allows comparison of effects of differing incentive structures on hospital costs. This paper presents such a comparison with 1977-1981 data. Cost per case and total cost regressions show evidence of lower costs only when per case payment limits are very stringent. Positive net revenue incentives appear insufficient to induce reductions in length of stay and in ancillary services use. Our results suggest these changes in medical practice patterns are more likely under the threat of financial losses.

    Productivity Measurement in a Service Industry: Plant-Level Evidence from Gambling Establishments in the United Kingdom

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    Gambling is one of the fastest growing service industries. Unfortunately, there have been no studies of total factor productivity (TFP) in this sector. The purpose of this paper is to fill this gap, based on an analysis of U.K. establishment-level data. These data are derived from the Annual Respondents Database (ARD) file, constructed by the U.K. Office for National Statistics, consisting of individual establishment records from the Annual Census of Production. The ARD file contains detailed data on output, materials, energy, employment, and numerous plant and firm characteristics and is quite similar to the U.S.-based Longitudinal Research Database (LRD). This information can be used to construct measures of TFP. We also construct estimates of labour productivity, since TFP is may be measured with error. We use these data to estimate labour and total factor productivity equations based on a stochastic frontier production function framework. The latter approach enables us to assess whether investment in information technology enhances relative productivity. Our preliminary results suggest that the production function models fit well, generating plausible elasticity estimates and indicating constant returns to scale. While investment in computers per se does not appear to have a productivity enhancing effect, gambling establishments that use Internet-based technology appear to be closer to the frontier.

    An Econometric Analysis of Trends in Research Joint Venture Activity.

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    Edith Penrose was one of the first scholars to point out that firms may need to rely on research joint ventures (RJVs) to acquire access to resources that can help them achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. We estimate an econometric model of the propensity of firms to disclose their intension to engage in RJVs, in order to explain the recent precipitous decline in RJVs filed with the U.S. Department of Justice. We find that RJV activity is inversely related to the competitive position of U.S. firms in global high-technology industries and that the establishment of the U.S. Commerce Department's Advanced Technology Program (ATP) induced a structural change in the propensity of firms to engage in RJVs. Thus, two factors may explain the recent downturn in RJV filings: a substantial improvement in U.S. global performance in high-technology markets and a sharp decline in ATP funding.