6,834 research outputs found

    Running CAST 2008-2010

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    This document contains additional information to complement the request for additional running time 2008-2010 (CERN-SPSC-2007-012

    Examining the Personal and Institutional Determinants of Research Productivity in Hospitality and Tourism Management

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    The transition toward a post-capitalist knowledge-oriented economy has resulted in an increasingly competitive academic environment, where the success of faculty is dependent on their research productivity. This study examines the personal and institutional determinants of the quantity and quality of the research productivity of hospitality and tourism management faculty in US institutions. A survey of 98 faculty found that a different set of determinants impact the quantity and quality aspects of research productivity. Also, institutional determinants were found to play a larger role, indicating the need for administrators to strive for a culture that is supportive of and an infrastructure that is conducive to their faculty’s research success. The authors use the field of hospitality and tourism management as a case study to develop a holistic and cohesive framework for knowledge worker productivity that can guide the evaluation, hiring, and development of researchers

    Phase separation and electron pairing in repulsive Hubbard clusters

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    Exact thermal studies of small (4-site, 5-site and 8-site) Hubbard clusters with local electron repulsion yield intriguing insight into phase separation, charge-spin separation, pseudogaps, condensation, in particular, pairing fluctuations away from half filling (near optimal doping). These exact calculations, carried out in canonical (i.e. for fixed electron number N) and grand canonical (i.e. fixed chemical potential μ\mu) ensembles, monitoring variations in temperature T and magnetic field h, show rich phase diagrams in a T-μ\mu space consisting of pairing fluctuations and signatures of condensation. These electron pairing instabilities are seen when the onsite Coulomb interaction U is smaller than a critical value Uc_c(T) and they point to a possible electron pairing mechanism. The specific heat, magnetization, charge pairing and spin pairing provide strong support for the existence of competing (paired and unpaired) phases near optimal doping in these clusters as observed in recent experiments in doped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4+y_{4+y} high Tc_c superconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure


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    One of the employer\u27s traditional weapons against the economic power of unions is the lockout. Since the central economic element involved in strikebreaking is that the operation of the plant and equipment is as important to labor as labor is to the operation of the plant and equipment, the lockout is one of the simplest methods of strikebreaking or of resisting union demands. This is so because in the endurance contest which ensues the economic resources of the employer are likely to be greater than those of the employee. Just as there are restrictions on union use of the strike, however, so are there restrictions on employer use of the lockout, which has been called the employer\u27s counterpart of the strike. The purpose of this comment is to explore the question of when the employer can use the lockout or related devices without committing an unfair labor practice under the Labor Management Relations Act and without committing an actionable wrong at law or equity

    Spinful Composite Fermions in a Negative Effective Field

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    In this paper we study fractional quantum Hall composite fermion wavefunctions at filling fractions \nu = 2/3, 3/5, and 4/7. At each of these filling fractions, there are several possible wavefunctions with different spin polarizations, depending on how many spin-up or spin-down composite fermion Landau levels are occupied. We calculate the energy of the possible composite fermion wavefunctions and we predict transitions between ground states of different spin polarizations as the ratio of Zeeman energy to Coulomb energy is varied. Previously, several experiments have observed such transitions between states of differing spin polarization and we make direct comparison of our predictions to these experiments. For more detailed comparison between theory and experiment, we also include finite-thickness effects in our calculations. We find reasonable qualitative agreement between the experiments and composite fermion theory. Finally, we consider composite fermion states at filling factors \nu = 2+2/3, 2+3/5, and 2+4/7. The latter two cases we predict to be spin polarized even at zero Zeeman energy.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. (revision: incorporated referee suggestions, note added, updated references

    The development of absorptive capacity-based innovation in a construction SME

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    Traditionally, construction has been a transaction-oriented industry. However, it is changing from the design-bid-build process into a business based on innovation capability and performance management, in which contracts are awarded on the basis of factors such as knowledge, intellectual capital and skills. This change presents a challenge to construction-sector SMEs with scarce resources, which must find ways to innovate based on those attributes to ensure their future competitiveness. This paper explores how dynamic capability, using an absorptive capacity framework in response to these challenges, has been developed in a construction-based SME. The paper also contributes to the literature on absorptive capacity and innovation by showing how the construct can be operationalized within an organization. The company studied formed a Knowledge Transfer Partnership using action research over a two-year period with a local university. The aim was to increase its absorptive capacity and hence its ability to meet the changing market challenges. The findings show that absorptive capacity can be operationalized into a change management approach for improving capability-based competitiveness. Moreover, it is important for absorptive capacity constructs and language to be contextualized within a given organizational setting (as in the case of the construction-based SME in the present study)

    The quest for axions and other new light particles

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    Standard Model extensions often predict low-mass and very weakly interacting particles, such as the axion. A number of small-scale experiments at the intensity/precision frontier are actively searching for these elusive particles, complementing searches for physics beyond the Standard Model at colliders. Whilst a next generation of experiments will give access to a huge unexplored parameter space, a discovery would have a tremendous impact on our understanding of fundamental physics

    A Factorization Algorithm for G-Algebras and Applications

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    It has been recently discovered by Bell, Heinle and Levandovskyy that a large class of algebras, including the ubiquitous GG-algebras, are finite factorization domains (FFD for short). Utilizing this result, we contribute an algorithm to find all distinct factorizations of a given element f∈Gf \in \mathcal{G}, where G\mathcal{G} is any GG-algebra, with minor assumptions on the underlying field. Moreover, the property of being an FFD, in combination with the factorization algorithm, enables us to propose an analogous description of the factorized Gr\"obner basis algorithm for GG-algebras. This algorithm is useful for various applications, e.g. in analysis of solution spaces of systems of linear partial functional equations with polynomial coefficients, coming from G\mathcal{G}. Additionally, it is possible to include inequality constraints for ideals in the input

    You Look So Good for Your Age: First Steps of Creating a Measure of Daily Experiences of Ageism

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    Ageism refers to the combined stereotypes, prejudice, and discriminatory behaviors based on someone’s presumed age. Older adults are viewed with mixed (ambivalent) perceptions, such that they are viewed as being warm, but not very capable. Thus, there are multiple forms of ageism. Hostile ageism refers to the overtly negative ageism, whereas benevolent ageism refers to the seemingly kind form of ageism that still reinforces negative stereotypes (e.g., giving your seat to someone, assuming they are fragile or weak). Most research on ageism has referred to attitudes, both inter-and intra-group, directed toward older adults and aging. This work has found that hostile attitudes and views of aging predict worse health and well-being, totaling a cost of up to $63 billion per year (Levy et al., 2020). However, little research has examined how ageism is experienced across a lifespan sample (younger, middle aged, and older adults) and presently no current research has examined how ageism is experienced in a daily diary method. The goal of our research is to create a way to measure daily experiences of ageism to use in a future daily diary study

    Evaluating PET-CT in the detection and management of recurrent cervical cancer: Systematic reviews of diagnostic accuracy and subjective elicitation

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    Background: Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) is recommended to triage women for exenterative surgery and surveillance after treatment for advanced cervical cancer. Objective: To evaluate diagnostic accuracy of additional whole body PET-CT compared with CT/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) alone in women with suspected recurrent/persistent cervical cancer and in asymptomatic women as surveillance. Design: Systematic reviews. Subjective elicitation to supplement diagnostic information. Search strategy/Selection criteria/Data collection and analysis: Searches of electronic databases were performed to June 2013. Studies in women with suspected recurrent/persistent cervical cancer and in asymptomatic women undergoing follow up with sufficient numeric data were included. We calculated sensitivity, specificity and corresponding 95% confidence intervals. Meta-analyses employed a bivariate model that included a random-effects term for between-study variations (CT studies) and univariate random effects meta-analyses (PET-CT studies) for sensitivity and specificity separately. Subjective elicitation: Prevalence of recurrence and the accuracy of imaging elicited using the allocation of points technique. Coherence of elicited subjective probabilities with estimates in the literature examined. Results: We identified 15 relevant studies; none directly compared additional PET-CT with MRI or CT separately. Most CT and MRI studies used older protocols and the majority did not distinguish between asymptomatic and symptomatic women. Meta-analysis of nine PET-CT studies in mostly symptomatic women showed sensitivity of 94.8 (95% CI 91.2-96.9), and specificity of 86.9% (95% CI 82.2-90.5). The summary estimate of the sensitivity of CT for detection of recurrence was 89.64% (95% CI 81.59-94.41) and specificity was 76% (95% CI 43.68-92.82). Meta-analysis for MRI test accuracy studies was not possible because of clinical heterogeneity. The sensitivity and specificity of MRI in pelvic recurrence varied between 82 and 100% and between 78 and 100%, respectively. Formal statistical comparisons of the accuracy of index tests were not possible. Subjective elicitation provided estimates comparable to the literature. Subjective estimates of the increase in accuracy from the addition of PET-CT were less than elicited increases required to justify the use in PET-CT for surveillance. Conclusion: Evidence to support additional PET-CT is scarce, of average quality and does not distinguish between application for surveillance and diagnosis. Guidelines recommending PET-CT in recurrent cervical cancer need to be reconsidered in the light of the existing evidence base
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