4 research outputs found

    Power Reduction Sleep Scheduling Technique for Cloud Integrated Green Social Sensor Network

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    The wireless sensor network is the maximum appropriate technology nowadays with such awesome applications and areas including Infrastructure tracking, environment tracking, health care tracking, etc. Cloud Computing has fantastic data collecting skills and effective data processing ability. Social Network is a group of People or organizations of human beings with similar intentions. Social Sensor Cloud is one type of expertise-sharing mechanism wherein similar types of human beings can connect. Energy Consumption is nowadays the largest challenge as far as the concern with green environment. Because the battery life of the sensor is so limited, the Social Sensor Cloud must be energy efficient. As a result, this article will concentrate on Energy-Efficient Techniques for the Social Sensor Cloud. According to our findings, findings, the majority of energy-saving measures will cope with not unusual place Parameters including Network Lifetime, Network Work rate, Throughput, Energy, Bandwidth, etc. We will Summarize current Technology and we Will Provide Our Architecture for Energy Reduction in Social Sensor Cloud

    Location Based Power Reduction Cloud Integrated Social Sensor Network

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    It is great to hear about the advancements in wireless sensor networks and their applications, as well as the integration of cloud computing to enhance data analysis and storage capabilities. Indeed, these technologies have opened up numerous possibilities across various fields, including infrastructure tracking, environmental monitoring, healthcare, and more. The concept of a social sensor cloud, as you mentioned, brings an interesting dimension to this technology landscape by focusing on knowledge-sharing and connecting like-minded individuals or organizations. This could potentially lead to more collaborative and efficient solutions across a wide range of domains. Energy efficiency is a critical consideration in the design and operation of wireless sensor networks and the cloud infrastructure that supports them. The limited battery life of sensors necessitates careful management of energy consumption to ensure optimal functionality and longevity. Sleep scheduling methods are a common technique used to manage energy consumption in these networks. By coordinating when sensors are active and when they are in a low-power sleep mode, energy consumption can be significantly reduced without compromising the network's overall effectiveness. In the context of the Social Sensor Cloud, managing energy efficiency becomes even more crucial due to the shorter battery life of the sensors involved. This is particularly relevant given the growing concerns about environmental sustainability and the need to reduce energy consumption across technological systems. It's clear that your research paper addresses these challenges head-on, by exploring energy-efficient techniques for the Social Sensor Cloud. Sleep scheduling is just one of the many strategies that researchers and engineers are working on to strike a balance between functionality and energy consumption. Other methods might include optimizing data transfer protocols, developing energy-harvesting mechanisms, and enhancing sensor hardware efficiency. As technology continues to evolve, the integration of wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, and social networks will likely pave the way for innovative solutions and transformative applications. Addressing energy efficiency concerns will undoubtedly play a crucial role in ensuring the long-term viability and positive impact of these technologies