1,342 research outputs found

    Schoenberg's Theorem via the law of large numbers

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    A classical theorem of S. Bochner states that a function f:RnCf:R^n \to C is the Fourier transform of a finite Borel measure if and only if ff is positive definite. In 1938, I. Schoenberg found a beautiful complement to Bochner's theorem. We present a non-technical derivation of of Schoenberg's theorem that relies chiefly on the de Finneti theorem and the law of large numbers of classical probability theory.Comment: Some errors and misprints corrected; new references have been adde

    Slices of Brownian Sheet: New Results, and Open Problems

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    We can view Brownian sheet as a sequence of interacting Brownian motions or slices. Here we present a number of results about the slices of the sheet. A common feature of our results is that they exhibit phase transition. In addition, a number of open problems are presented

    Brownian Sheet Images and Bessel-Riesz Capacity

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    We show that the image of a 2-dimensional set under d-dimensional, 2-parameter Brownian sheet can have positive Lebesgue measure, if and only if the set in question has positive (d/2)-dimensional Bessel-Riesz capacity. Our methods solve a problem of J.-P. Kahane.Comment: 19 page

    Talagrand Concentration Inequalities for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

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    One way to define the concentration of measure phenomenon is via Talagrand inequalities, also called transportation-information inequalities. That is, a comparison of the Wasserstein distance from the given measure to any other absolutely continuous measure with finite relative entropy. Such transportation-information inequalities were recently established for some stochastic differential equations. Here, we develop a similar theory for some stochastic partial differential equations.Comment: 19 pages. Keywords: Stochastic partial differential equations, stochastic heat equation, stochastic fractional heat equation, concentration of measure, transportation-information inequality, relative entropy, Wasserstein distanc

    Analysis of a Stratified Kraichnan Flow

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    We consider the stochastic convection-diffusion equation tu(t,x)=νΔu(t,x)+V(t,x1)x2u(t,x), \partial_t u(t\,,{\bf x}) =\nu\Delta u(t\,,{\bf x}) + V(t\,,x_1)\partial_{x_2}u(t\,,{\bf x}), for t>0t>0 and x=(x1,x2)R2{\bf x}=(x_1\,,x_2)\in\mathbb{R}^2, subject to θ0\theta_0 being a nice initial profile. Here, the velocity field VV is assumed to be centered Gaussian with covariance structure Cov[V(t,a),V(s,b)]=δ0(ts)ρ(ab)for all s,t0 and a,bR, \text{Cov}[V(t\,,a)\,,V(s\,,b)]= \delta_0(t-s)\rho(a-b)\qquad\text{for all $s,t\ge0$ and $a,b\in\mathbb{R}$}, where ρ\rho is a continuous and bounded positive-definite function on R\mathbb{R}. We prove a quite general existence/uniqueness/regularity theorem, together with a probabilistic representation of the solution that represents uu as an expectation functional of an exogenous infinite-dimensional Brownian motion. We use that probabilistic representation in order to study the It\^o/Walsh solution, when it exists, and relate it to the Stratonovich solution which is shown to exist for all ν>0\nu>0. Our a priori estimates imply the physically-natural fact that, quite generally, the solution dissipates. In fact, very often, \begin{equation} P\left\{\sup_{|x_1|\leq m}\sup_{x_2\in\mathbb{R}} |u(t\,,{\bf x})| = O\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt t}\right)\qquad\text{as tt\to\infty} \right\}=1\qquad\text{for all m>0m>0}, \end{equation} and the O(1/t)O(1/\sqrt t) rate is shown to be unimproveable. Our probabilistic representation is malleable enough to allow us to analyze the solution in two physically-relevant regimes: As tt\to\infty and as ν0\nu\to 0. Among other things, our analysis leads to a "macroscopic multifractal analysis" of the rate of decay in the above equation in terms of the reciprocal of the Prandtl (or Schmidt) number, valid in a number of simple though still physically-relevant cases

    Analytical Solution For Navier-Stokes Equations In Two Dimensions For Laminar Incompressible Flow

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    The Navier-Stokes equations describing laminar flow of an incompressible fluid will be solved. Different group of general solutions for Navier stokes equations governing Laminar incompressible fluids will be derived.Comment: 10 page

    On the Stochastic Heat Equation with Spatially-Colored Random forcing

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    We consider the stochastic heat equation of the following form \frac{\partial}{\partial t}u_t(x) = (\sL u_t)(x) +b(u_t(x)) + \sigma(u_t(x))\dot{F}_t(x)\quad \text{for}t>0, x\in \R^d, where \sL is the generator of a L\'evy process and F˙\dot{F} is a spatially-colored, temporally white, gaussian noise. We will be concerned mainly with the long-term behavior of the mild solution to this stochastic PDE. For the most part, we work under the assumptions that the initial data u0u_0 is a bounded and measurable function and σ\sigma is nonconstant and Lipschitz continuous. In this case, we find conditions under which the preceding stochastic PDE admits a unique solution which is also \emph{weakly intermittent}. In addition, we study the same equation in the case that Lu\mathcal{L}u is replaced by its massive/dispersive analogue Luλu\mathcal{L}u-\lambda u where λR\lambda\in\R. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to the case that the initial data u0u_0 is a measure rather than a function. As it turns out, the stochastic PDE in question does not have a mild solution in this case. We circumvent this problem by introducing a new concept of a solution that we call a \emph{temperate solution}, and proceed to investigate the existence and uniqueness of a temperate solution. We are able to also give partial insight into the long-time behavior of the temperate solution when it exists and is unique. Finally, we look at the linearized version of our stochastic PDE, that is the case when σ\sigma is identically equal to one [any other constant works also].In this case, we study not only the existence and uniqueness of a solution, but also the regularity of the solution when it exists and is unique.Comment: +100 page

    Zeros of a two-parameter random walk

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    We prove that the number gamma(N) of the zeros of a two-parameter simple random walk in its first N-by-N time steps is almost surely equal to N to the power 1+o(1) as N goes to infinity. This is in contrast with our earlier joint effort with Z. Shi [4]; that work shows that the number of zero crossings in the first N-by-N time steps is N to the power (3/2)+o(1) as N goes to infinity. We prove also that the number of zeros on the diagonal in the first N time steps is (c+o(1)) log N as N goes to infinity, where c is 2\pi.Comment: 14 page

    Intermittence and nonlinear parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

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    We consider nonlinear parabolic SPDEs of the form \partial_t u=\sL u + \sigma(u)\dot w, where w˙\dot w denotes space-time white noise, σ:RR\sigma:\R\to\R is [globally] Lipschitz continuous, and \sL is the L2L^2-generator of a L\'evy process. We present precise criteria for existence as well as uniqueness of solutions. More significantly, we prove that these solutions grow in time with at most a precise exponential rate. We establish also that when σ\sigma is globally Lipschitz and asymptotically sublinear, the solution to the nonlinear heat equation is ``weakly intermittent,'' provided that the symmetrization of \sL is recurrent and the initial data is sufficiently large. Among other things, our results lead to general formulas for the upper second-moment Liapounov exponent of the parabolic Anderson model for \sL in dimension (1+1)(1+1). When \sL=\kappa\partial_{xx} for κ>0\kappa>0, these formulas agree with the earlier results of statistical physics \cite{Kardar,KrugSpohn,LL63}, and also probability theory \cite{BC,CM94} in the two exactly-solvable cases where u0=δ0u_0=\delta_0 and u01u_0\equiv 1

    Images of the Brownian Sheet

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    An N-parameter Brownian sheet in R^d maps a non-random compact set F in R^N_+ to the random compact set B(F) in \R^d. We prove two results on the image-set B(F): (1) It has positive d-dimensional Lebesgue measure if and only if F has positive (d/2)-dimensional capacity. This generalizes greatly the earlier works of J. Hawkes (1977), J.-P. Kahane (1985a; 1985b), and one of the present authors (1999). (2) If the Hausdorff dimension of F is strictly greater than (d/2), then with probability one, we can find a finite number of points \zeta_1,...,\zeta_m such that for any rotation matrix \theta that leaves F in B(\theta F), one of the \zeta_i's is interior to B(\theta F). In particular, B(F) has interior-points a.s. This verifies a conjecture of T. S. Mountford (1989). This paper contains two novel ideas: To prove (1), we introduce and analyze a family of bridged sheets. Item (2) is proved by developing a notion of ``sectorial local-non-determinism (LND).'' Both ideas may be of independent interest. We showcase sectorial LND further by exhibiting some arithmetic properties of standard Brownian motion; this completes the work initiated by Mountford (1988).Comment: 27 pages, submitted for publicatio