15 research outputs found
AâProteoglycan Targeting Strategyâ for the Scintigraphic Imaging and Monitoring of the Swarm Rat Chondrosarcoma Orthotopic Model
Our lab developed 99mTc-NTP 15-5 radiotracer as targeting proteoglycans (PGs) for the scintigraphic imaging of joint.
This paper reports preclinical results of 99mTc-NTP 15-5 imaging of an orthotopic model of Swarm rat chondrosarcoma (SRC). 99mTc-NTP 15-5 imaging of SRC-bearing and sham-operated animals was performed and quantified at regular intervals after surgery and compared to bone scintigraphy and tumoural volume. Tumours were characterized by histology and PG assay.
SRC exhibited a significant 99mTc-NTP 15-5 uptake at very early stage after implant (with tumour/muscle ratio of 1.61 ± 0.14), whereas no measurable tumour was evidenced. As tumour grew, mean tumour/muscle ratio was increased by 2.4, between the early and late stage of pathology. Bone scintigraphy failed to image chondrosarcoma, even at the later stage of study.
99mTc-NTP 15-5 imaging provided a suitable set of quantitative criteria for the in vivo characterization of chondrosarcoma behaviour in bone environment, useful for achieving a greater understanding of the pathology
Carcinome canalaire in-situ du sein (étude rétrospective sur 87 patientes)
Le carcinome canalaire in-situ (CCIS) du sein a connu une forte augmentation de son incidence depuis la mise en place du dĂ©pistage de masse du cancer du sein. MalgrĂ© un excellent pronostic et une survie Ă 10 ans supĂ©rieure Ă 95%, environ 13% des femmes rĂ©cidivent qui plus est sous une forme invasive une fois sur deux. La dĂ©cision de la prise en charge repose actuellement sur la taille des lĂ©sions, les possibilitĂ©s chirurgicales et le choix de la patiente. Le but de cette Ă©tude est de mettre en Ă©vidence des facteurs de risque de rĂ©cidive de CCIS afin d'envisager une prise en charge plus individualisĂ©e. Il s'agit d'une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective portant sur 87 patientes traitĂ©es par chirurgie conservatrice et radiothĂ©rapie pour un CCIS pur au centre Jean Perrin entre 1999 et 2006. Un recueil de donnĂ©es cliniques, radiologiques, histologiques et immunohistochimiques a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©. Des analyses uni et multivariĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es pour rechercher des facteurs de risques indĂ©pendants de rĂ©cidive. Avec un suivi mĂ©dian de 8,2 ans, 8 patientes ont prĂ©sentĂ© une rĂ©cidive locorĂ©gionale, 6 un Ă©vĂ©nement carcinologique controlĂ©tĂ©ral et 3 patientes sont dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©es. La taille tumorale, la prĂ©sence de nĂ©crose, le VPNI, un stroma inflammatoire et un index mitotique Ă©levĂ© sont des facteurs histologiques ayant une influence sur le taux de rĂ©cidive. Parmi les marqueurs immunohistochimiques, le marquage par la p63, la P-CadhĂ©rine et le Ki67 ont Ă©tĂ© associĂ©s Ă des taux de rĂ©cidive plus Ă©levĂ©s. L'analyse multivariĂ©e a montrĂ©, pour les tumeurs de plus de 0,5cm, que deux facteurs indĂ©pendants ressortaient : un marquage membranaire faible (QS5% avec un RR de 6,5 et un intervalle de confiance Ă 95% de [1,3-31,2].La rĂ©alisation d'un examen complĂ©mentaire par l'Ă©valuation de l'index de prolifĂ©ration ou Ki67 par Ă©tude immunohistochimique pourrait, si ces donnĂ©es se confirment, devenir une pratique quotidienne lors du diagnostic de CCIS et ĂȘtre une aide prĂ©cieuse pour dĂ©tecter les patientes Ă haut risque de rĂ©cidive.CLERMONT FD-BCIU-SantĂ© (631132104) / SudocSudocFranceF
Lésions pré-invasives et risque de cancer du sein (à propos d'une série rétrospective de 394 patientes)
CLERMONT FD-BCIU-Santé (631132104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
Embolization and Endothelial Ablation With Chitosan and Sodium Sotradecol Sulfate: Preliminary Results in an Animal Model
International audienc
Doxycycline and its quaternary ammonium derivative for adjuvant therapies of chondrosarcoma
International audienc
Molecular and Epigenetic Biomarkers in Luminal Androgen Receptor: A Triple Negative Breast Cancer Subtype
International audienc
TERT promoter status and gene copy number gains: effect on TERT expression and association with prognosis in breast cancer
International audienceUpregulation of the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene in human cancers leads to telomerase activation, which contributes to the growth advantage and survival of tumor cells. Molecular mechanisms of TERT upregulation are complex, tumor-specific and can be clinically relevant. To investigate these mechanisms in breast cancer, we sequenced the TERT promoter, evaluated TERT copy number changes and assessed the expression of the MYC oncogene, a known transcriptional TERT regulator, in two breast cancer cohorts comprising a total of 122 patients. No activating TERT promoter mutations were found, suggesting that this mutational mechanism is not likely to be involved in TERT upregulation in breast cancer. The T349C promoter polymorphism found in up to 50% of cases was not correlated with TERT expression, but T349C carriers had significantly shorter disease-free survival. TERT gains (15-25% of cases) were strongly correlated with increased TERT mRNA expression and worse patient prognosis in terms of disease-free and overall survival. Particularly aggressive breast cancers were characterized by an association of TERT gains with MYC overexpression. These results evidence a significant effect of gene copy number gain on the level of TERT expression and provide a new insight into the clinical significance of TERT and MYC upregulation in breast cancer