8 research outputs found

    Analisis Lendutan Seketika dan Lendutan Jangka Panjang

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    Masa layan struktur sebuah bangunan beton bertulang sangat ditentukan oleh besarnya lendutan yang dialami oleh struktur tersebut. Namun seringkali dalam pengerjaannya struktur dibebani lebih besar dari yang diperkirakan semula. Ditambah lagi dengan adanya kesalahan dalam pelaksanaan di lapangan misalnya kurangnya jumlah tulangan yang dipasang, jarak antar sengkang yang lebih panjang dari yang direncanakan, mutu beton yang kurang dari yang direncanakan serta hal-hal lainnya. Apalagi seiring dengan bertambahnya usia bangunan maka ada penurunan dari kapasitas struktur akibat efek rangkak, susut, dan timbulnya retak akibat beban kerja sehingga dimungkinkan lendutan yang terjadi pada komponen struktur bertambah besar. Sebelum menghitung lendutan pada balok, terlebih dahulu harus dipastikan bahwa balok yang ditinjau mampu menahan beban-beban yang akan diberikan pada balok tersebut. Oleh sebab itu luas tulangan merupakan faktor yang amat penting untuk diperhitungkan agar tidak terjadi kegagalan pada salah satu komponen maupun keseluruhan struktur. Dalam Penelitian ini dibahas balok yang mempunyai panjang 8 meter, dengan berbagai kombinasi beban, mutu beton, dan dimensi. Besarnya lendutan dan luas tulangan dicari dengan menggunakan panduan SNI 03-2847-2002. Melalui penelitian ini akan diketahui dimensi balok beserta luas tulangan yang sesuai dengan beban dan mutu beton tertentu, besanya pengaruh dari perubahan dimensi balok, mutu beton, serta beban pada nilai lendutan jangka panjang balok

    Studi Analisis dan Desain Balok Beton Prategang 2 Lantai dengan Program Komputer

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    Gedung pertemuan dengan area yang luas membutuhkan jarak kolom yang jauh agar tidak menghalangi pemandangan dan memberikan keleluasaan gerak. Dengan demikian akan ditemukan bentang balok yang panjang sehingga perlu menggunakan beton prategang agar dimensi balok tidak terlalu tinggi. Desain balok induk prategang dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak untuk balok induk menghasilkan nilai 10, pada tendon Tipe B dan C. Desain balok anak prategang dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak, menghasilkan nilai 9, pada Tipe B dan C

    Static and dynamic story shear in split-level building on sloping ground

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    Building structures located on slopes behave differently than structures located on flat ground because of the different levels of stepped floors made to overcome the slope of the land, resulting in several layers of basements. Also, due to the existence of these steps and the difference in soil level, a retaining wall is often made to hold the soil. The forces acting on the structure consist of those acting on the structure and those acting on the retaining walls, both against gravity loads and against earthquake loads. Often, there is an avalanche force due to the stability of the slopes. The main objective of this research is to: evaluate the distribution of story-shear forces based on a static and dynamic analysis of building structures. This paper discusses the structure of a seven-story building with stepped floors, which is then used to calculate a similar structure with 14 levels. In this case study, the load due to lateral earth pressure is calculated separately from the building structure with the assumption that the retaining wall (soldier-pile) can carry the lateral earth pressure as well as overcome sliding due to slope stability. Therefore, the building structure can be designed separately without considering the presence of lateral forces due to differences in soil levels. In conclusion, the results of the static and dynamic analysis showed the distribution of the story-shear forces from the first to seventh floors as smaller than those of the eighth floor

    Designing a drilled pile foundation in a dual system structure

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    Drilled pile foundations that have been set in hard soil are generally used for buildings with shear walls. By nature, a drilled pile foundation can withstand moments because of the drilled pile’s dimensions and the amount of reinforcement installed. This study presents a structural analysis of a 10-story building supported by a dual system structure to meet earthquake requirements. The results show that, by using a dual system, the earthquake requirements (natural period, modal, story shear, story drift, and P-Delta) are met. Other results show that the base shear force of the shear wall has a value of 58.76% for the X-direction and 63.72% for the Y-direction. The base shear force value of the frame is 41.23% for the X-direction and 36.27% for the Y-direction. Therefore, the requirements of the dual system are met because the resisted base shear force of the frame is higher than 25%. The dual system provides a normal force value of 24.32% for the shear wall, while the frame carries 75.67%. The bearing capacity of the drilled pile with a safety factor = 2.5 is 162 tons for a diameter of 50 cm, 214 tons for a diameter of 60 cm, 340 tons for a diameter of 80 cm, 493 tons for a diameter of 100 cm, 672 tons for a diameter of 120 cm, and 993 tons for a diameter of 150 cm. The result of the pile driving analyzer test values for a 120 cm diameter range from 988 to 1,232 tons

    The Effect of Shear Wall Configuration on Seismic Performance in the Hotel Building

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    Earthquake effects on the buildings must be evaluated within the current standard provision. The shape of building gives a unique seismic performance on the structure. In typical hotel building, the lobby area in the first floor usually has some slender columns due to the needs of higher clearance to give a widely space area. The slender columns in the big hall tends to create asymmetric building and torsional behaviour on seismic performance. This behaviour is one of the most frequent source of structural damage and failure. One of the solution is to add shear wall in elevator area. The purpose of this paper is to seek the effect of shear wall configuration in elevator area on the seismic performance through numerical analysis. There are some requirements for structural analysis under seismic load, such as: time period, modal analysis, story drift, and other details. In building with dual system, story shear in frame at each level must carry over 25 % of total story shear at that level. In this study, an eleven-storey hotel building located in Tanjung Pinang City, Indonesia was evaluated due to gravity and seismic load. For the building, the requirements of the time period from the standard are 1.21 sec (minimum) and 1.70 sec (maximum). As results, two-sided shear wall in X direction and two-sided shear wall in Y direction is recommended because it has the best seismic performance, time period below the minimum, story drift below allowable, the dynamic lateral load has meet minimum requirement (85% Static Load), and frame structure has carry more than 25% lateral load in dual system building

    Static and dynamic story shear in split-level building on sloping ground

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    Building structures located on slopes behave differently than structures located on flat ground because of the different levels of stepped floors made to overcome the slope of the land, resulting in several layers of basements. Also, due to the existence of these steps and the difference in soil level, a retaining wall is often made to hold the soil. The forces acting on the structure consist of those acting on the structure and those acting on the retaining walls, both against gravity loads and against earthquake loads. Often, there is an avalanche force due to the stability of the slopes. The main objective of this research is to: evaluate the distribution of story-shear forces based on a static and dynamic analysis of building structures. This paper discusses the structure of a seven-story building with stepped floors, which is then used to calculate a similar structure with 14 levels. In this case study, the load due to lateral earth pressure is calculated separately from the building structure with the assumption that the retaining wall (soldier-pile) can carry the lateral earth pressure as well as overcome sliding due to slope stability. Therefore, the building structure can be designed separately without considering the presence of lateral forces due to differences in soil levels. In conclusion, the results of the static and dynamic analysis showed the distribution of the story-shear forces from the first to seventh floors as smaller than those of the eighth floor

    Program Kemitraan Masyarakat untuk Meningkatkan Ketercapaian Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan Melalui Perbaikan Trotoar di Universitas Kristen Maranatha

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    Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah menyediakan trotoar yang aman, nyaman, dan dapat diakses oleh semua orang, termasuk penyandang disabilitas dengan tongkat. Metode yang dilakukan terdiri dari inspeksi, evaluasi, rencana perbaikan, persiapan, perbaikan, dan pembersihan. Kendala yang terjadi dalam proses perbaikan trotoar adalah faktor cuaca, masalah teknis, koordinasi dengan pihak terkait, dan masalah anggaran. Namun, dengan perencanaan yang matang dan koordinasi yang baik antara pihak-pihak terkait, kendala dapat diatasi untuk mencapai tujuan perbaikan trotoar yang optimal. Pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam perbaikan trotoar terdiri dari dua petugas Sumber Daya Air dan Bina Marga Pemerintah Kota Bandung dan dibantu oleh 10 pekerja dari PT Duta Dianinda Pratama. Sebelum perbaikan trotoar dilakukan, sering terjadi musibah pada pejalan kaki setiap bulannya. Namun, setelah dilakukan perbaikan trotoar dengan menambahkan jalur pemandu, angka kecelakaan pejalan kaki dapat diturunkan sampai tidak ada musibah yang dialami pejalan kaki. Perbaikan trotoar juga membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat dalam hal peningkatan aksesibilitas bagi pejalan kaki yang memiliki gangguan mobilitas dan efisiensi penggunaan anggaran. Proses keberlanjutan selanjutnya berfokus pada pemeliharaan fasilitas pejalan kaki yang aman dan nyaman. Tanggung jawab pemeliharaan fasilitas tersebut adalah semua pihak termasuk pengguna trotoar itu sendiri. Pemangku kepentingan dalam perbaikan trotoar adalah pemerintah dan masyarakat. Dukungan masyarakat terhadap perlindungan dan pemeliharaan fasilitas trotoar sangat penting, karena pemerintah akan kesulitan untuk memelihara fasilitas tersebut tanpa dukungan masyarakat. Community Partnership Program to Improve Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals through Pavement Improvements at Maranatha Christian University The objective of this community service is to provide safe, comfortable, and accessible sidewalks for all, including people with disabilities who use walking aids. The methods used consist of inspection, evaluation, repair planning, preparation, repair, and cleaning. The challenges encountered during the sidewalk repair process are weather factors, technical problems, coordination with relevant parties, and budget issues. However, with careful planning and good coordination among the parties involved, obstacles can be overcome to achieve optimal sidewalk repair goals. The parties involved in sidewalk repair consist of two officers from the Water Resources and Public Works Department of the Bandung City Government, assisted by ten workers from PT Duta Dianinda Pratama. Before the sidewalk repair was carried out, pedestrian accidents occurred frequently every month. However, after repairing the sidewalks by adding guide paths, the number of pedestrian accidents could be reduced to zero. Sidewalk repairs also have a positive impact on the community, in terms of improving accessibility for pedestrians with mobility impairments and efficient use of funds. The next sustainability process focuses on maintaining safe and comfortable pedestrian facilities. The responsibility for maintaining these facilities lies with all parties, including sidewalk users themselves. Stakeholders involved in sidewalk repair are the government and the community. Community support for the protection and maintenance of sidewalk facilities is crucial because the government will find it difficult to maintain these facilities without community support

    Designing a drilled pile foundation in a dual system structure

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    Drilled pile foundations that have been set in hard soil are generally used for buildings with shear walls. By nature, a drilled pile foundation can withstand moments because of the drilled pile’s dimensions and the amount of reinforcement installed. This study presents a structural analysis of a 10-story building supported by a dual system structure to meet earthquake requirements. The results show that, by using a dual system, the earthquake requirements (natural period, modal, story shear, story drift, and P-Delta) are met. Other results show that the base shear force of the shear wall has a value of 58.76% for the X-direction and 63.72% for the Y-direction. The base shear force value of the frame is 41.23% for the X-direction and 36.27% for the Y-direction. Therefore, the requirements of the dual system are met because the resisted base shear force of the frame is higher than 25%. The dual system provides a normal force value of 24.32% for the shear wall, while the frame carries 75.67%. The bearing capacity of the drilled pile with a safety factor = 2.5 is 162 tons for a diameter of 50 cm, 214 tons for a diameter of 60 cm, 340 tons for a diameter of 80 cm, 493 tons for a diameter of 100 cm, 672 tons for a diameter of 120 cm, and 993 tons for a diameter of 150 cm. The result of the pile driving analyzer test values for a 120 cm diameter range from 988 to 1,232 tons