384 research outputs found

    Exploring the calibration of cosmological probes used in gravitational-wave and multi-messenger astronomy

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    The field of gravitational wave astronomy has grown remarkably since the first direct detection of gravitational waves on 14th September 2015. The signal, originating from the merger of two black holes, was detected by the two US-based Advanced LIGO interferometers in Hanford (Washington State) and Livingston (Louisiana). The second observing run of the Advanced LIGO and Virgo detectors marked the first detection of a binary neutron star merger, along with its electromagnetic counterparts. The optical follow-up of the merger led to the first confirmed observations of a kilonova, an electromagnetic counterpart to binary neutron star and neutron star-black hole mergers whose existence was first predicted in 1970s. Following the multimessenger observations of the binary neutron star merger GW170817, constraints were put on the rate of expansion of the Universe using both gravitational wave and electromagnetic data. These measurements could help us understand the current tension between early-Universe and late-Universe measurements of the Hubble constant H0. The use of gravitational wave signals for measuring the rate of expansion of the Universe was proposed by Schutz in 1986. Compact binary coalescences can be used as distance markers, a gravitational wave analogue to standard candles: "Standard Sirens". Measurements of the Hubble constant from standard sirens are independent from previous methods of constraining H0. Bright sirens are gravitational wave signals that are detected coincidentally with electromagnetic signatures. These "bright" gravitational wave sirens are powerful cosmological probes, allowing us to extract information on both the distance and the redshift of the source. It is therefore important to maximise these coincident detections, and to carefully calibrate the data extracted from any standard siren. The work presented in this thesis can be divided into three main topics, all under the umbrella of maximising scientific returns from observations of compact binary coalescences. These three topics are: kilonova parameter estimation, cosmology with gravitational waves, and calibration of advanced gravitational wave detectors. We present work on inferring parameters from kilonova light curves. Ejecta parameters and information about the merging time of the progenitor is extracted from simulated kilonova light curves. We explore the consequence of neglecting some aspects of microphysics on the resulting parameter estimation. We also present new results on the inference of the Hubble constant through the application of a robust test of galaxy catalogue completeness to the current gravitational wave cosmology pipeline. We explore the impact of adopting a robust estimate of the apparent magnitude threshold mthr for the galaxy catalogues used in gravitational wave cosmology on the final inference of the Hubble constant H0 from standard sirens, and compare the results to those obtained when adopting a conservative estimate for mthr. Finally, we present the first results from the prototype of a Newtonian Calibrator at the LIGO Hanford detector. Calibrating the LIGO detectors is crucial to the extraction of the gravitational wave source parameters that are used in cosmology with standard sirens

    Investigating the prospects for constraining the Hubble constant using compact binary coalescences as standard sirens

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    The use of gravitational wave observations from compact binary inspirals as standard sirens was first proposed by Schutz in 1986. Following the recent observations of compact binary coalescences by the Advanced LIGO detectors and the first standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant with the binary neutron star merger GW170817, and in anticipation of future detections during upcoming observing runs, it is useful to further investigate standard sirens, the gravitational wave analogues of standard candles, as an alternative way to measure the Hubble constant. Compact binary inspirals are well modelled, and their luminosity distance can be obtained from GW observations. From these distance measurements and using redshifts from EM galaxy catalogues and Bayesian inference, it is possible to assign a probability to each host galaxy, and a value for the Hubble constant can be obtained. While a redshift can sometimes be obtained from multi-messenger observations of binary neutron star coalescences, binary black hole mergers are not expected to produce electromagnetic signals, making statistical approaches an important tool in cosmology using gravitational waves. In this project, an investigation of statistical methods of measuring the Hubble constant with standard sirens is carried out using simulated data, to find out how well we can constrain the Hubble constant and to characterise the biases due to selection effects coming from the incompleteness of EM galaxy catalogues. Results are obtained for a range of aLIGO sensitivities, using both binary black hole and binary neutron star mergers as standard sirens. This constitutes an independent measurement of the Hubble constant that is competitive with other methods

    Rapid Generation of Kilonova Light Curves Using Conditional Variational Autoencoder

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    The discovery of the optical counterpart, along with the gravitational waves from GW170817, of the first binary neutron star merger, opened up a new era for multi-messenger astrophysics. Combining the GW data with the optical counterpart, also known as AT2017gfo, classified as a kilonova, has revealed the nature of compact binary merging systems by extracting enriched information about the total binary mass, the mass ratio, the system geometry, and the equation of state. Even though the detection of kilonova brought about a revolution in the domain of multi-messenger astronomy, since there has been only one kilonova from a gravitational wave detected binary neutron star merger event so far, this limits the exact understanding of the origin and propagation of the kilonova. Here, we use a conditional variational autoencoder trained on light curve data from two kilonova models having different temporal lengths, and consequently, generate kilonova light curves rapidly based on physical parameters of our choice with good accuracy. Once trained, the time scale for light curve generation is of the order of a few milliseconds, thus speeding up generating light curves by 10001000 times compared to the simulation. The mean squared error between the generated and original light curves is typically 0.0150.015 with a maximum of 0.080.08 for each set of considered physical parameter; while having a maximum of ≈0.6\approx0.6 error across the whole parameter space. Hence, implementing this technique provides fast and reliably accurate results.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures (3 additional figures in appendix), accepted to Ap

    Initial Results from the LIGO Newtonian Calibrator

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    The precise calibration of the strain readout of the LIGO gravitational wave observatories is paramount to the accurate interpretation of gravitational wave events. This calibration is traditionally done by imparting a known force on the test masses of the observatory via radiation pressure. Here we describe the implementation of an alternative calibration scheme: the Newtonian Calibrator. This system uses a rotor consisting of both quadrupole and hexapole mass distributions to apply a time-varying gravitational force on one of the observatory's test masses. The force produced by this rotor can be predicted to <1%<1\% relative uncertainty and is well-resolved in the readout of the observatory. This system currently acts as a cross-check of the existing absolute calibration system

    Characterization of systematic error in Advanced LIGO calibration

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    The raw outputs of the detectors within the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory need to be calibrated in order to produce the estimate of the dimensionless strain used for astrophysical analyses. The two detectors have been upgraded since the second observing run and finished the year-long third observing run. Understanding, accounting, and/or compensating for the complex-valued response of each part of the upgraded detectors improves the overall accuracy of the estimated detector response to gravitational waves. We describe improved understanding and methods used to quantify the response of each detector, with a dedicated effort to define all places where systematic error plays a role. We use the detectors as they stand in the first half (six months) of the third observing run to demonstrate how each identified systematic error impacts the estimated strain and constrain the statistical uncertainty therein. For this time period, we estimate the upper limit on systematic error and associated uncertainty to be <7% in magnitude and <4 deg in phase (68% confidence interval) in the most sensitive frequency band 20-2000 Hz. The systematic error alone is estimated at levels of <2% in magnitude and <2 deg in phase.VB and EP acknowledge the support of the ARC Center of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav), Grant Number CE170100004. PBC acknowledges the support of the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigaci´on and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci´on y Universidades grants FPA2016- 76821-P the Vicepresidencia i Conselleria d’Innovaci´o, Recerca i Turisme del Govern de les Illes Balears (Grant FPI-CAIB FPI/2134/2018), the Fons Social Europeu 2014–2020 de les Illes Balears, the European Union FEDER funds, and the EU COST actions CA16104, CA16214, CA17137 and CA18108. The authors would like to thank all of the essential workers who put their health at risk during the COVID-19 pandemic, without whom we would not have been able to complete this work. This paper carries LIGO Document Number LIGO–P1900245

    Characterization of systematic error in Advanced LIGO calibration

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    The raw outputs of the detectors within the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory need to be calibrated in order to produce the estimate of the dimensionless strain used for astrophysical analyses. The two detectors have been upgraded since the second observing run and finished the year-long third observing run. Understanding, accounting, and/or compensating for the complex-valued response of each part of the upgraded detectors improves the overall accuracy of the estimated detector response to gravitational waves. We describe improved understanding and methods used to quantify the response of each detector, with a dedicated effort to define all places where systematic error plays a role. We use the detectors as they stand in the first half (six months) of the third observing run to demonstrate how each identified systematic error impacts the estimated strain and constrain the statistical uncertainty therein. For this time period, we estimate the upper limit on systematic error and associated uncertainty to be <7%< 7\% in magnitude and <4< 4 deg in phase (68%68\% confidence interval) in the most sensitive frequency band 20-2000 Hz. The systematic error alone is estimated at levels of <2%< 2\% in magnitude and <2< 2 deg in phase

    Rapid generation of kilonova light curves using conditional variational autoencoder

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    The discovery of the optical counterpart, along with the gravitational waves (GWs) from GW170817, of the first binary neutron star merger has opened up a new era for multimessenger astrophysics. Combining the GW data with the optical counterpart, also known as AT 2017gfo and classified as a kilonova, has revealed the nature of compact binary merging systems by extracting enriched information about the total binary mass, the mass ratio, the system geometry, and the equation of state. Even though the detection of kilonovae has brought about a revolution in the domain of multimessenger astronomy, there has been only one kilonova from a GW-detected binary neutron star merger event confirmed so far, and this limits the exact understanding of the origin and propagation of the kilonova. Here, we use a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) trained on light-curve data from two kilonova models having different temporal lengths, and consequently, generate kilonova light curves rapidly based on physical parameters of our choice with good accuracy. Once the CVAE is trained, the timescale for light-curve generation is of the order of a few milliseconds, which is a speedup of the generation of light curves by 1000 times as compared to the simulation. The mean squared error between the generated and original light curves is typically 0.015 with a maximum of 0.08 for each set of considered physical parameters, while having a maximum of ≈0.6 error across the whole parameter space. Hence, implementing this technique provides fast and reliably accurate results

    Quantum correlations between light and the kilogram-mass mirrors of LIGO

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    The measurement of minuscule forces and displacements with ever greater precision is inhibited by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which imposes a limit to the precision with which the position of an object can be measured continuously, known as the standard quantum limit1,2,3,4. When light is used as the probe, the standard quantum limit arises from the balance between the uncertainties of the photon radiation pressure applied to the object and of the photon number in the photoelectric detection. The only way to surpass the standard quantum limit is by introducing correlations between the position/momentum uncertainty of the object and the photon number/phase uncertainty of the light that it reflects5. Here we confirm experimentally the theoretical prediction5 that this type of quantum correlation is naturally produced in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO). We characterize and compare noise spectra taken without squeezing and with squeezed vacuum states injected at varying quadrature angles. After subtracting classical noise, our measurements show that the quantum mechanical uncertainties in the phases of the 200-kilowatt laser beams and in the positions of the 40-kilogram mirrors of the Advanced LIGO detectors yield a joint quantum uncertainty that is a factor of 1.4 (3 decibels) below the standard quantum limit. We anticipate that the use of quantum correlations will improve not only the observation of gravitational waves, but also more broadly future quantum noise-limited measurements
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