3 research outputs found

    Seasonal periodontal microcirculation by combined stress in rats corrected with complex phytoadaptogen

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    This study evaluated the seasonal rhythms in periodontal microcirculation under combined stress (CS), and the possibility of seasonal prophylaxis with complex phytoadaptogen - Glycyrrhiza glabra, Rhodiola rosea, Acantopanax senticosu

    Производство биотехнологического продукта на питательной среде из растительного сырья

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    Yeast production is one of the cost-effective ways to solve the problem of protein deficiency in food and feed. They are grown on nutrient media of various origins and compositions. Perennial non-traditional plants are promising in this regard. One of the industrial crops widely used in biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, food industry, etc., is Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), including the variety Interest. The authors determined the chemical composition of Jerusalem artichoke tubers in the air-dry state. Data analysis showed that Jerusalem artichoke tubers have a rich composition and are a suitable raw material for nutrient media preparation. The nutrient medium was prepared by heat treatment. Yeast cultivation was carried out at a temperature of 37°C, pH 4.5. The yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used as a producer of unicellular protein. The main component of the nutrient medium is Jerusalem artichoke. During cultivation, the dynamics of changes in the number of cells and accumulation of their biomass were studied. The increase in yeast biomass was 21 g/l, and the number of CFU was 450 million/ml. Active assimilation of sugars by yeast occurs from the first hour after the start of cultivation and stops by the ninth hour. Incomplete assimilation of sugars is associated with the accumulation of metabolic products in the environment, which significantly affects their activity. The obtained research results indicate the balance of the substrate in terms of nutritional components, as well as the expediency of its use for the cultivation of different types of yeast.Одним из экономически выгодных путей решения проблемы дефицита белка в пище и кормах является производство дрожжей, которые выращиваются на питательных средах различного происхождения и состава. Перспективными в этом плане являются многолетние нетрадиционные растения. Одной из технических культур, широко используемых в биотехнологии, сельском хозяйстве, медицине, пищевой промышленности и т.д., является топинамбур (Helianthus tuberosus), в том числе и сорт Интерес. Нами был определен химический состав клубней топинамбура в воздушно- сухом состоянии. Анализ данных показал, что клубни топинамбура имеют богатый состав и являются подходящим сырьем для приготовления питательных сред. Питательную среду готовили путем термической обработки. Выращивание дрожжей проводили при температуре 37°С, pH среды 4,5. В качестве продуцента белка одноклеточных использовали штамм дрожжей Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Основным компонентом питательной среды является топинамбур. В процессе выращивания изучена динамика изменения числа клеток и накопления их биомассы. Прирост биомассы дрожжей составил 21 г/л, а число КОЕ – 450 млн/мл. Активное усвоение сахаров дрожжами происходит с первого часа после начала культивирования и приостанавливается к девятому часу. Неполное усвоение сахаров связано с накоплением в среде продуктов метаболизма, что существенно сказывается на их активности. Полученные результаты исследований свидетельствуют о сбалансированности субстрата по компонентам питания, а также целесообразности ее использования для культивирования разных видов дрожжей

    Differences in MDS-UPDRS Scores Based on Hoehn and Yahr Stage and Disease Duration

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    BACKGROUND: The Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS‐UPDRS) is a newly developed tool to assess Parkinson's disease (PD). Changes in scores on the scale over the course of PD, including increasing disease duration and Hoehn and Yahr (HY) stages, have not been described. The objectives of this study were to analyze MDS‐UPDRS scores on Parts I through IV and their differences based on HY stage and disease duration in a large cohort of patients with PD. METHODS: For this cross‐sectional study, demographic data and MDS‐UPDRS scores were collected, including HY stage. Subscores on MDS‐UPDRS Parts I through IV were analyzed using 1‐way analyses of variance for each HY stage and in 5‐year increments of disease duration. Part III (motor assessment) scores were analyzed separately for on and off states. RESULTS: The mean age of the 3206 patients was 65.8 ± 10.6 years, 53.3% were men, the mean disease duration was 11.5 ± 4.6 years, and the median HY stage was 2 (range, 0–5); 2156 patients were examined in an on state and 987 were examined in an off state. Scores for all MDS‐UPDRS parts increased significantly through HY stages 1 through 5, with an average increase of 3.8, 7.7, 14.6, and 2.0 points consecutively for parts I through IV, respectively. For the 5‐year increments of disease duration, MDS‐UPDRS subscores increased by an average of 1.6, 3.3, 4.2, and 1.4 points consecutively for parts I through IV, respectively. This increase was significant only during the first 15 years of disease for all 4 parts, including part III scores evaluated in both on and off states. CONCLUSIONS: MDS‐UPDRS scores for all 4 parts increase significantly with every HY stage and also with 5‐year increments of disease duration in the first 15 years of the disease