693 research outputs found

    Classification of singularities in the complete conformally flat Yamabe flow

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    We show that an eternal solution to a complete, locally conformally flat Yamabe flow, βˆ‚βˆ‚tg=βˆ’Rg\frac{\partial}{\partial t} g = -Rg, with uniformly bounded scalar curvature and positive Ricci curvature at t=0t = 0, where the scalar curvature assumes its maximum is a gradient steady soliton. As an application of that, we study the blow up behavior of g(t)g(t) at the maximal time of existence, T<∞T < \infty. We assume that (M,g(β‹…,t))(M,g(\cdot, t)) satisfies (i) the injectivity radius bound {\bf or} (ii) the Schouten tensor is positive at time t=0t = 0 and the scalar curvature bounded at each time-slice. We show that the singularity the flow develops at time TT is always of type I.Comment: The paper has been withdrawn due to a crucial error in the argumen

    The Yang-Mills flow near the boundary of Teichmueller space

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    We study the behavior of the Yang-Mills flow for unitary connections on compact and non-compact oriented surfaces with varying metrics. The flow can be used to define a one dimensional foliation on the space of SU(2) representations of a once punctured surface. This foliation universalizes over Teichm\"uller space and is equivariant with respect to the action of the mapping class group. It is shown how to extend the foliation as a singular foliation over the Strebel boundary of Teichm\"uller space, and continuity of this extension is the main result of the paper.Comment: 35 pages. Late

    The classification of locally conformally flat Yamabe solitons

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    We provide the classification of locally conformally flat gradient Yamabe solitons with positive sectional curvature. We first show that locally conformally flat gradient Yamabe solitons with positive sectional curvature have to be rotationally symmetric and then give the classification and asymptotic behavior of all radially symmetric gradient Yamabe solitons. We also show that any eternal solutions to the Yamabe flow with positive Ricci curvature and with the scalar curvature attaining an interior space-time maximum must be a steady Yamabe soliton

    Type II extinction profile of maximal solutions to the Ricci flow in R2\R^2

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    We consider the initial value problem ut=Ξ”log⁑uu_t = \Delta \log u, u(x,0)=u0(x)β‰₯0u(x,0) = u_0(x)\ge 0 in R2\R^2, corresponding to the Ricci flow, namely conformal evolution of the metric u(dx12+dx22)u (dx_1^2 + dx_2^2) by Ricci curvature. It is well known that the maximal (complete) solution uu vanishes identically after time T=14Ο€βˆ«R2u0T= \frac 1{4\pi} \int_{\R^2} u_0 . Assuming that u0u_0 is compactly supported we describe precisely the Type II vanishing behavior of uu at time TT: we show the existence of an inner region with exponentially fast vanishing profile, which is, up to proper scaling, a {\em soliton cigar solution}, and the existence of an outer region of persistence of a logarithmic cusp. This is the only Type II singularity which has been shown to exist, so far, in the Ricci Flow in any dimension. It recovers rigorously formal asymptotics derived by J.R. King \cite{K}

    Eternal Solutions to the Ricci Flow on R2\R^2

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    We provide the classification of eternal (or ancient) solutions of the two-dimensional Ricci flow, which is equivalent to the fast diffusion equation βˆ‚uβˆ‚t=Ξ”log⁑u \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \Delta \log u on R2Γ—R. \R^2 \times \R. We show that, under the necessary assumption that for every t∈Rt \in \R, the solution u(β‹…,t)u(\cdot, t) defines a complete metric of bounded curvature and bounded width, uu is a gradient soliton of the form U(x,t)=2Ξ²(∣xβˆ’x0∣2+Ξ΄e2Ξ²t) U(x,t) = \frac{2}{\beta (|x-x_0|^2 + \delta e^{2\beta t})}, for some x0∈R2x_0 \in \R^2 and some constants Ξ²>0\beta >0 and Ξ΄>0\delta >0

    Classification of Weil-Petersson Isometries

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    This paper contains two main results. The first is the existence of an equivariant Weil-Petersson geodesic in Teichmueller space for any choice of pseudo-Anosov mapping class. As a consequence one obtains a classification of the elements of the mapping class group as Weil-Petersson isometries which is parallel to the Thurston classification. The second result concerns the asymptotic behavior of these geodesics. It is shown that geodesics that are equivariant with respect to independent pseudo-Anosov's diverge. It follows that subgroups of the mapping class group which contain independent pseudo-Anosov's act in a reductive manner with respect to the Weil-Petersson geometry. This implies an existence theorem for equivariant harmonic maps to the metric completion.Comment: 31 pages; to appear in the American Journal of Mathematic

    On the Brill-Noether Problem for Vector Bundles

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    On an arbitrary compact Riemann surface, necessary and sufficient conditions are found for the existence of semistable vector bundles with slope between zero and one and a prescribed number of linearly independent holomorphic sections. Existence is achieved by minimizing the Yang-Mills-Higgs functional.Comment: LaTeX 2e (amsart

    C^{1,\al} regularity of solutions to parabolic Monge-Amp\'ere equations

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    We study interior C^{1, \al} regularity of viscosity solutions of the parabolic Monge-Amp\'ere equation u_t = b(x,t) \ddua, with exponent p>0p >0 and with coefficients bb which are bounded and measurable. We show that when pp is less than the critical power 1nβˆ’2\frac{1}{n-2} then solutions become instantly C^{1, \al} in the interior. Also, we prove the same result for any power p>0p>0 at those points where either the solution separates from the initial data, or where the initial data is C1,Ξ²C^{1, \beta}

    Evolution of non-compact hypersurfaces by inverse mean curvature

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    We study the evolution of complete non-compact convex hypersurfaces in Rn+1\mathbb{R}^{n+1} by the inverse mean curvature flow. We establish the long time existence of solutions and provide the characterization of the maximal time of existence in terms of the tangent cone at infinity of the initial hypersurface. Our proof is based on an a'priori pointwise estimate on the mean curvature of the solution from below in terms of the aperture of a supporting cone at infinity. The strict convexity of convex solutions is shown by means of viscosity solutions. Our methods also give an alternative proof of the result by Huisken and Ilmanen on compact start-shaped solutions, based on maximum principle argument.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    On the extinction profile of solutions to fast-diffusion

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    We study the extinction behavior of solutions to the fast diffusion equation ut=Ξ”umu_t = \Delta u^m on RNΓ—(0,T)\R^N\times (0,T), in the range of exponents m∈(0,Nβˆ’2N)m \in (0, \frac{N-2}{N}), N>2N > 2. We show that if the initial data u0u_0 is trapped in between two Barenblatt solutions vanishing at time TT, then the vanishing behaviour of uu at TT is given by a Barenblatt solution. We also give an example showing that for such a behavior the bound from above by a Barenblatt solution BB (vanishing at TT) is crucial: we construct a class of solutions uu with initial data u0=B(1+o(1))u_0 = B (1 + o(1)), near ∣x∣>>1 |x| >> 1, which live longer than BB and change behaviour at TT. The behavior of such solutions is governed by B(β‹…,t)B(\cdot,t) up to TT, while for t>Tt >T the solutions become integrable and exhibit a different vanishing profile. For the Yamabe flow (m=Nβˆ’2N+2m = \frac{N-2}{N+2}) the above means that these solutions uu develop a singularity at time TT, when the Barenblatt solution disappears, and at t>Tt >T they immediately smoothen up and exhibit the vanishing profile of a sphere. In the appendix we show how to remove the assumption on the bound on u0u_0 from below by a Barenblatt
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