32 research outputs found

    Hydrologic Response to Land Use Change and Climate Variability in an Ungauged Basin, North-Western Himalaya, India

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    Hydrological models are overwhelmingly used for gauged basins to simulate variations in water balance components from environmental changes. In the present study, we used Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to investigate the impacts of land use land cover (LULC) change and climate variability on hydrological regime of an ungauged river basin (Sirsa river) in north-western Himalaya, India for the period 1983–2008.  The model was calibrated and validated (2004–2008) using MODIS actual evapotranspiration data (MOD16A2) with high monthly concordance (R2=0.81). The results showed that remotely sensed evapotranspiration data could be used as a proxy of gauge discharge data to calibrate the physically-based model. The substantial increase in built-up area (6.5%) and cropland (9.8%) over forest cover and barren land caused a corresponding increase in average annual surface runoff (12%) and a decrease in lateral flow (6.7%) from base level LULC of 1989 to 2009. The climate variability alone was found significant to reduce average annual streamflow (26.5%) in monsoon season (wet), baseflow (6.5%) and lateral flow (4.6%) in the dry period.  As the water resources of the study area are expected to be adversely effected in the near future, this study will effectively benefit stakeholders and administrators for the management of water resources

    On the robustness of multilateration of ionoacoustic signals for localization of the Bragg peak at pre-clinical proton beam energies in water

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    Objectives. The energy deposited in a medium by a pulsed proton beam results in the emission of thermoacoustic waves, also called ionoacoustics (IA). The proton beam stopping position (Bragg peak) can be retrieved from a time-of-flight analysis (ToF) of IA signals acquired at different sensor locations (multilateration). This work aimed to assess the robustness of multilateration methods in proton beams at pre-clinical energies for the development of a small animal irradiator. Approach. The accuracy of multilateration performed using different algorithms; namely, time of arrival and time difference of arrival, was investigated in-silico for ideal point sources in the presence of realistic uncertainties on the ToF estimation and ionoacoustic signals generated by a 20 MeV pulsed proton beam stopped in a homogeneous water phantom. The localisation accuracy was further investigated experimentally based on two different measurements with pulsed monoenergetic proton beams at energies of 20 and 22 MeV. Main results. It was found that the localisation accuracy mainly depends on the position of the acoustic detectors relative to the proton beam due to spatial variation of the error on the ToF estimation. By optimally positioning the sensors to reduce the ToF error, the Bragg peak could be located in-silico with an accuracy better than 90 μm (2 error). Localisation errors going up to 1 mm were observed experimentally due to inaccurate knowledge of the sensor positions and noisy ionoacoustic signals. Significance. This study gives a first overview of the implementation of different multilateration methods for ionoacoustics-based Bragg peak localisation in two- and three-dimensions at pre-clinical energies. Different sources of uncertainty were investigated, and their impact on the localisation accuracy was quantified in-silico and experimentally

    Formation of Metallurgical Coke within Minutes through Coal Densification and Microwave Energy

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    This paper shows how feedstock densification gives rise to a step change in the time required to create a metallurgical grade coke using microwave energy. Five densified coking and non-coking coals were heated in a multi-mode microwave 2450 MHz cavity for varying treatment times (2-20 minutes) with a fixed power input (6 kW). Proximate analysis, intrinsic reactivity, coke reactivity, dielectric properties, and petrographic analysis of the coals and microwave produced lump cokes were compared to a commercial lump coke. Densifying the sample prior to microwave treatment enabled a dramatic acceleration of the coking process when combined with targeted high microwave energy densities. It was possible to form fused coke lump structures with only 2 minutes of microwave heating compared to 16-24 hours via conventional coking. Anisotropic coke morphologies (lenticular and circular) were formed from non-coking coal that are not possible with conventional coking and increasing treatment time improved overall coke reflectance. Three of the coals produced coke with equivalent coke reactivity index values of 20-30, which are in the acceptable range for blast furnaces. The study demonstrated that via this process, non-coking coals could potentially be used to produce high quality cokes, potentially expanding the raw material options for metallurgical coke production

    Fabrication and characterization of a multimodal 3D printed mouse phantom for ionoacoustic quality assurance in image-guided pre-clinical proton radiation research

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    Objective. Image guidance and precise irradiation are fundamental to ensure the reliability of small animal oncology studies. Accurate positioning of the animal and the in-beam monitoring of the delivered radio-therapeutic treatment necessitate several imaging modalities. In the particular context of proton therapy with a pulsed beam, information on the delivered dose can be retrieved by monitoring the thermoacoustic waves resulting from the brief and local energy deposition induced by a proton beam (ionoacoustics). The objective of this work was to fabricate a multimodal phantom (x-ray, proton, ultrasound, and ionoacoustics) allowing for sufficient imaging contrast for all the modalities. Approach. The phantom anatomical parts were extracted from mouse computed tomography scans and printed using polylactic acid (organs) and a granite/polylactic acid composite (skeleton). The anatomical pieces were encapsulated in silicone rubber to ensure long term stability. The phantom was imaged using x-ray cone-beam computed tomography, proton radiography, ultrasound imaging, and monitoring of a 20 MeV pulsed proton beam using ionoacoustics. Main results. The anatomical parts could be visualized in all the imaging modalities validating the phantom capability to be used for multimodal imaging. Ultrasound images were simulated from the x-ray cone-beam computed tomography and co-registered with ultrasound images obtained before the phantom irradiation and low-resolution ultrasound images of the mouse phantom in the irradiation position, co-registered with ionoacoustic measurements. The latter confirmed the irradiation of a tumor surrogate for which the reconstructed range was found to be in reasonable agreement with the expectation. Significance. This study reports on a realistic small animal phantom which can be used to investigate ionoacoustic range (or dose) verification together with ultrasound, x-ray, and proton imaging. The co-registration between ionoacoustic reconstructions of the impinging proton beam and x-ray imaging is assessed for the first time in a pre-clinical scenario