21,087 research outputs found

    Coarse grained dynamics of the freely cooling granular gas in one dimension

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    We study the dynamics and structure of clusters in the inhomogeneous clustered regime of a freely cooling granular gas of point particles in one dimension. The coefficient of restitution is modeled as r0<1r_0<1 or 1 depending on whether the relative speed is greater or smaller than a velocity scale δ\delta. The effective fragmentation rate of a cluster is shown to rise sharply beyond a δ\delta dependent time scale. This crossover is coincident with the velocity fluctuations within a cluster becoming order δ\delta. Beyond this crossover time, the cluster size distribution develops a nontrivial power law distribution, whose scaling properties are related to those of the velocity fluctuations. We argue that these underlying features are responsible behind the recently observed nontrivial coarsening behaviour in the one dimensional freely cooling granular gas.Comment: 7 Pages, 9 Figure

    Seesaw scales and the steps from the Standard Model towards superstring-inspired flipped E_6

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    Recently in connection with Superstring theory E_8 and E_6 unifications became very promising. In the present paper we have investigated a number of available paths from the Standard Model (SM) to the E_6 unification, considering a chain of flipped models following the extension of the SM: SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y \to SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_X \times U(1)_Z \to SU(5)\times U(1)_X \to SU(5)\times U(1)_{Z1} \times U(1)_{X1} \to SO(10) \times U(1)_{X1} \to SO(10) \times U(1)_{Z2}\times U(1)_{X2} \to E_6\times U(1)_{X2} or E_6, Also we have considered a chain with a left-right symmetry: SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y \to SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_X\times U(1)_Z \to SU(4)_C\times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_Z \to SO(10)\times U(1)_Z \to E_6. We have presented four examples including non-supersymmetric and supersymmetric extensions of the SM and different contents of the Higgs bosons providing the breaking of the flipped SO(10) and SU(5) down to the SM. It was shown that the final unification E_6\times U(1) or E_6 at the (Planck) GUT scale M_{SSG} depends on the number of the Higgs boson representations considered in theory.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    On the energy-momentum tensor in non-commutative gauge theories

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    We study the properties of the energy-momentum tensor in non-commutative gauge theories by coupling them to a weak external gravitational field. In particular, we show that the stress tensor of such a theory coincides exactly with that derived from a theory where a Seiberg-Witten map has been implemented (namely, the procedure is commutative). Various other interesting features are also discussed.Comment: 3 page

    Isolation and characterization of thermostable protease producing bacteria from tannery industry effluent

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    The  study is a search for potential thermostable protease producing strains from tannery industry effluent. Among nine protease producing strains screened, one was selected as promising thermostable protease producer and identified as Bacillus sp. The activity of the protease produced by this organism is stable up to 700C. The optimum yield was achieved after 48 hours of culture, at 600C with the pH 8.0. The desired protein was precipitated from the crude extract by using ammonium sulfate (70%) followed by dialysis and purified by Ion-exchange chromatography. The maximum protease activity was observed at 650C and at pH 8.0. Further investigation on structure elucidation to this purified protein  for industrial level exploitation is in progress

    Extraction of parton distributions from lattice QCD

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    We review the calculation of moments of both the polarized and unpolarized parton distribution functions of the nucleon in lattice QCD, and in particular their extrapolation to the physical region. We also discuss the reconstruction of the x dependence of the valence quark distributions in the nucleon from a finite number of lattice moments.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, mini-review prepared for Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Mixed Mucinous Carcinoma of the Male Breast

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    Male breast malignancy is extremely rare, representing less than 1% of all breast carcinomas. Infiltrating duct carcinoma is the commonest subtype. Pure mucinous carcinoma and mixed mucinous carcinoma wherein there are components of both mucinous carcinoma and infiltrating duct carcinoma are rare tumours constituting 1.5-5% in women and are even rarer in men. We present here a case of mixed mucinous carcinoma of the breast with metastasis to axillary lymph nodes in a male patient

    Nanodot to Nanowire: A strain-driven shape transition in self-organized endotaxial CoSi2 on Si (100)

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    We report a phenomenon of strain-driven shape transition in the growth of nanoscale self-organized endotaxial CoSi2 islands on Si (100) substrates. Small square shaped islands as small as 15\times15 nm2 have been observed. Islands grow in the square shape following the four fold symmetry of the Si (100) substrate, up to a critical size of 67 \times 67 nm2. A shape transition takes place at this critical size. Larger islands adopt a rectangular shape with ever increasing length and the width decreasing to an asymptotic value of ~25 nm. This produces long wires of nearly constant width.We have observed nanowire islands with aspect ratios as large as ~ 20:1. The long nanowire heterostructures grow partly above (~ 3 nm) the surface, but mostly into (~17 nm) the Si substrate. These self-organized nanostructures behave as nanoscale Schottky diodes. They may be useful in Si-nanofabrication and find potential application in constructing nano devices.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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