655 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran metematika operasi hitung pecahan penjumlahan pecahan campuran dengan pecahan biasa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) . Pelaksanaan PTK dilaksanakan sesuai dengan jadwal pelajaran yang kelas VI SD 007 Kepe- nuhan Hulu. penelitian dalam 2 siklus. Di siklus I penulis mem- persiapkan RPP dan alat peraga dengan model SCL ( Student Centered Learning ), se-dangkan di siklus II penulis mempersiapkan RPP dan alat peraga alami dan media serta vedio pembelajaran terkait materi dengan model PBL (Problem Based Learning) Maka perbandingan siklus I ke siklus II jauh peningkatannya, Pecapaian di sklus I yaitu 62,9 % dan di siklus II mengelami peningkatan drastic 89,4 %
Perbedaan Perilaku Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Pria dan Wanita dalam Mematuhi Pelaksanaan Diet
Background: Diabetes melitus is one of the degenerative disease, which is the amount will increase in the future and needs serious treatment because of complications cause it. Diet is the main therapy to improve and maintain the blood sugar in normal rate. For helping the diabetic patient doing the new diet therapy in their daily living is depend on their attitude and behavior. The long lasting obedience in preparing the meals is one of the most challenge in diet therapy.Method: The aim of this research is for identificated the differences of behavior and the obedience between male and female who have diabetes melitus in diet therapy with descriptive comparative and independent t-test with SPSS version 12.0,Result: The result of this research shows 55,0% males and 70,0% females have bad behavior of the obedience in diet therapy. Beside that 80,0% males and 70,0% females are obey to follow diet therapyConclusion: From the result of this research shows P = 0,093, because P > 0,05, the conclusions is there is no differences of behavior in obedience diet therapy between male and female
This article wants to examine the actualization of mosque-based empowerment activities as a transformation of the main function of the mosque into a center for community empowerment activities around the mosque. This is due to the lack of function of the mosque optimally by the local community because it is far from the resident environment. In the end, the management carried out a transformation by improving mosque institutions by optimizing the potential possessed by the community through mosque facilities in order to achieve a better life for the community around the mosque. The research method used is descriptive qualitative data collection through interview scripts, field notes, and other documentation. This study found that the forms of empowerment activities at the Nurul Hikmah mosque were actualized in the fields of religion, education and community service, economics, health (free treatment for the elderly), environmental conservation (toga gardens) and partnerships
Improvement of Soil Physical Properties of Cambisol Using Soil Amendment
Managing dryland requires intergrated knowledges on soil, water and plants relationship in order to achieve maximum yield. Using local and unused resource is important not only in aspect of reducing pollution but low price and also affordable for farmers. Thus, using amendment from in situ resources is suggested by many experts. This amendment used is assumed it could contribute improvement physical properties of soil and result better yields. This study aimed to studi more deeply on how much of soil amendment might improve physical properties of Cambisol under dryland environment and furthermore find out the crop response to soil amendments. The research was conducted during July to Oct. 2016 at Gampong Paud, Muara Tiga District, Pidie District, Aceh Province with the altitude ± 30 m asl and slope 0-3 %. A Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with two factors replicated three times was used. First factor was soil amendment consisting of 4 levels ; no amendment (control), cow manure amount 10 ton ha -1, straw compost 10 ton ha-1, and cow manure 10 ton ha -1 + compost 10 ton ha-1. The second factor was 5 varieties of peanut: Tuban, Hypoma 2, Bima, Kelinci and Gajah. The parameters observed were soil bulk density, permeability, total soil porosity, aggregate stability index, soil water holding capacity at water potential -3 and -15 bar. Results of our studies showed soil amandement improves some soil physical properties, combination amendment with variety of peanuts resulted significant effects to soil physical properties, and combination treatments mostly influenced soil physical properties at soil depth of 0 -20 cm. Addition of 10 tons ha -1 cow manure or 10 ton ha -1 straw compost is enough to improve soil physical propertie
The purpose of this research is to describe theequivalence of local knowledge and scientific knowledgeor western knowledge in terms of medicinal plantusage for traditional medicine (TM) or ethnomedicineand modern herbal medicine or jamu (MM), and therecognition of both. This descriptive-comparative researchwas accomplished using the case study method.The research used participant observation and semistructuredinterview techniques to collect data andinformation from traditional healers, communityleaders, and villagers. The research results show thaton the one hand, local people particularly traditionalhealers (dukun) have developed knowledge of medicinalplants and TM compounds. This knowledgehas been based on the existence of illnesses in thecommunity and availability of medicinal plants in theirenvironment. On the other hand, rural communityhas known, acknowledged, and consumed MM as acomplement to TM produced by traditional healers(dukun). Comparison of medicinal plants used for TMand MM is not appropriate to prove the equivalenceof local knowledge and scientific knowledge, becausedifferent plant species mayhave the same efficacy. Onthe other hand, different local communities may usedifferent plants with similar efficacy for TM. Likewise,different MM industries may use different plants forMM to have the same efficacy.Key words: Local knowledge, ethnomedicine, medicinalplants, NTFPs, East Kalimantan Indonesi
Improvement of Soil Physical Properties of Cambisol Using Soil Amendment
Managing dryland requires intergrated knowledges on soil, water and plants relationship in order to achieve maximum yield. Using local and unused resource is important not only in aspect of reducing pollution but low price and also affordable for farmers. Thus, using amendment from in situ resources is suggested by many experts. This amendment used is assumed it could contribute improvement physical properties of soil and result better yields. This study aimed to studi more deeply on how much of soil amendment might improve physical properties of Cambisol under dryland environment and furthermore find out the crop response to soil amendments. The research was conducted during July to Oct. 2016 at Gampong Paud, Muara Tiga District, Pidie District, Aceh Province with the altitude ± 30 m asl and slope 0-3 %. A Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with two factors replicated three times was used. First factor was soil amendment consisting of 4 levels ; no amendment (control), cow manure amount 10 ton ha -1, straw compost 10 ton ha-1, and cow manure 10 ton ha -1 + compost 10 ton ha-1. The second factor was 5 varieties of peanut: Tuban, Hypoma 2, Bima, Kelinci and Gajah. The parameters observed were soil bulk density, permeability, total soil porosity, aggregate stability index, soil water holding capacity at water potential -3 and -15 bar. Results of our studies showed soil amandement improves some soil physical properties, combination amendment with variety of peanuts resulted significant effects to soil physical properties, and combination treatments mostly influenced soil physical properties at soil depth of 0 -20 cm. Addition of 10 tons ha -1 cow manure or 10 ton ha -1 straw compost is enough to improve soil physical propertie
Pusat Penanganan Muatan Peti Kemas Terpadu di Gresik adalah sebuah
wadah yang mengelola dan memberikan layanan jasa distribusi Peti Kemas yang
berada pada kebupaten Gresik, Dengan kata lain suatu suatu kawasan di daratan
yang melayani pengelolaan peti kemas,dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas bongkar
muat, lapangan penumpukan dan gudang serta prasarana dan sarana angkutan
barang dengan cara pengemasan khusus dan berfungsi sebagai pelabuhan umum,
serta tempat untuk menyelenggarakan pelayanan jasa kepelabuhanan, pelaksanaan
kegiatan pemerintahan dan kegiatan ekonomi lainnya, ditata secara terpadu guna
mewujudkan penyediaan jasa kepelabuhan sesuai dengan tingkat kebutuhan.
Metode pembahasan yang digunakan berupa pengumpulan data yang
mendukung diperlukannya sebuah Pusan Penanganan Muatan Peti Kemas
Terpadu di Gresik ini, yang kemudian dianalisa disertai contoh studi kasus dan
literatur sejenis, sehingga pencapaian akhir dapat memberi gambaran yang jelas
mengenai obyek yang akan dirancang.
Gagasan awal rancangan dari berdasarkan Pertumbuhan lajur ditribusi
Peti Kemas tiap tahun semakin meningkat tajam, Tidak semua pelabuhan di
wilayah Pebuhan dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan kapal-kapal peti kemas. Itu
disebabkan kondisi beberapa pelabuhan tidak memungkinkan dapat melakukan
handling petikemas, Karena arus petikemas harus didukung dari hinterland
sekitarnya, kendati fasilitas pelabuhan sudah disiapkan.
Pengertian operasi Pusat Penanganan Muatan Peti Kemas Terpadu meliputi
manajemen kedatangan/keberangkatan kapal, bongkar/muat (B/M) barang baik
untuk aktivitas tujuan manapun bagi kegiatan transit.
Konsep dasar rancangan dari Pusat Penanganan Muatan Peti Kemas Terpadu
di Gresik didapat dari sebuah tema rancang yang ingin dihadirkan, yaitu yang
berdasarkan analogi didalam proses pertumbuhan (Biomorfik
Berdasarkan penelitian awal penulis, ditemukan bahwa ada banyak masalah di
dalam pemahaman teks. Masalah ini disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Contohnya,
beberapa siswa tidak bisa menentukan ide pokok dari teks, beberapa siswa kesulitan
menentukan informasi tersurat dari sebuah teks, beberapa siswa kesulitan
menentukan informasi tersirat dari sebuah teks, beberapa siswa tidak bisa
menentukan referensi kata dari sebuah teks, beberapa siswa tidak bisa menemukan
informasi fakta dari sebuah teks, dan beberapa siswa tidak bisa menentukan
persamaan atau lawan kata dari sebuah kosa kata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui hubungan antara gambaran terbimbing dan pemahaman membaca naratif
teks oleh siswa kelas dua di madrasah aliyah negeri 1 Pekanbaru. Jadi penulis tertarik
dalam melaksanakan penelitian ini untuk mencari signifikan hubungan antara
gambaran terbimbing dan pemahaman membaca di dalam naratif teks.
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan Correlation Research. Tempat
penelitian di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. Populasi dari penelitiaan adalah
semua siswa kelas dua. Jumlah dari populasi adalah 221 siswa terbagi dalam 6 kelas.
Karena populasi terlalu besar, pengambilan sampel yang digunakan oleh peneliti
adalah random sampling. Jadi, penulis mengambil 2 kelas IPA (2 IPA 3 dan 2 IPA 4),
yang terdiri dari 60 siswa. Di dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan test
dan angket. Untuk menganalisa data, penulis menggunakan SPSS 17.
Berdasarkan analisis data, ditemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan
hubungan dari gambaran terbimbing dan pemahaman membaca di dalam naratif teks
oleh siswa kelas dua dari Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru. Kesimpulannya,
gambaran terbimbing mempunyai hubungan kuat dengan pemahaman membaca di
dalam naratif teks oleh siswa kelas dua dari Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pekanbaru
Functional Group Structure of Bamboo and Pine Wood Biochar Due to Differences in Pyrolysis Temperature
The quality of biochar produced through the pyrolysis process depends on the combustion temperature, duration of combustion, and the raw materials used. Biochar is a carbon-rich product resulting from the thermal decomposition of organic matter. Biochar from bamboo and pinewood was produced at 400℃ and 800℃ using a closed chamber where the temperature could be set. Biochar is made through carbonization with pyrolysis. This study aimed to find out the functional group characteristics of two types of raw materials, bamboo and pine wood. This research was conducted at the Environmental Soil Physics Laboratory, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Two types of feedstocks, bamboo, and pinewood, were used as sample experiments. The feedstocks were burned inside a closed chamber with no oxygen present. (Thermo scientific thermolyne F4820-33). The temperature was at 400℃ and 800℃, and a burning time of four hours. Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) was used to characterize the functional groups of biochar tested. Our research showed biochar from pinewood burned at a temperature of 400℃ gave the characteristics of the functional groups OH, CH, and C=O with strong intensity. It indicates that there was decomposition of organic matter into organic compounds taking plac
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