1,397 research outputs found


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    Variational method in the design of an optimum solar water heater storage tank

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    Solar water heaters are now have been accepted as a reliable source of providing hot water heating in many domestic homes and are becoming more popular. Unfortunately, solar water heaters are still considered luxurious hardware in Malaysia. A cheaper and efficient solar water heater system is required to be designed. The only way to produce cheaper and efficient product is through the optimization process to obtain the minimum cost but still maintain the specification required or known as constraints. In this paper, the vertical water storage tank will be analyzed to obtain the optimum cost. Thermosyphon-flow solar water heating system is preferred for obvious economic reasons since they do not require circulation pumps and control units. Average temperature of the hot water in the storage tank is determined through temperature distribution simulation. The overall average temperature obtained is 49.3ºC and is used to solve the optimization problem. The constraints in the optimization process are the tank volume and heat losses from the water in the tank. The Lagrange multiplier method, which is based on the differentiation of the objective function and the constraints is applied. The minimum cost obtained for storage tank volume of 225 litres is RM 1321.6

    Natural Frequency Analysis Of All Edges Clamped Flexible Thin Plate

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    In this paper, the analysis of natural frequencies for all clamped edges rectangular flexible thin plate is carried out using Finite Difference (FD) and Finite Element (FE) approaches. According to the literatures, the differential equation of plate was obtained by considering the Kirchhoff hypotheses and Newton’s law. The dynamic differential model is developed by using the FD to obtain the natural frequencies of given plate; for this purpose, a displacement model is converted to combination of sine and cosine functions in form of Fast Fourier Series. In second method, modes of vibration are driven by FE method using the ABAQUS software. The obtained natural frequencies of both methods are evaluated and compared with previous literatures; the outcomes can explain that the improved FD method’s results are more accurate in compare with FE method’s

    Perencanaan Gedung Sekolah Menengah Atas 4 Lantai(+1 Basement) dengan Sistem Daktail Parsial di Surakarta

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    Tugas Akhir ini dimaksudkan untuk merencanakan struktur beton bertulang empat lantai (+ 1 basement), yang merupakan gedung untuk sekolah yang terdapat di daerah Surakarta (wilayah gempa 3) yang berdiri di atas tanah keras dan berdasarkan pada SNI 03-1726-2002 dengan nilai μ = 2,5 sehingga termasuk pada daktail parsial. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penyusunan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mendapatkan hasil hitungan struktur bangunan gedung sekolah empat lantai tahan gempa yang berlokasi di Surakarta sesuai dengan prinsip daktail parsial dengan nilai faktor daktilitas struktur gedung μ = 2,5 dan R = 4,0 serta sesuai dengan SNI - 03 - 2847 – 2002. Perencanaan struktur beton bertulang digunakan mutu bahan yang digunakan meliputi mutu beton f’c =30 MPa, mutu baja fy = 400 MPa serta rangka atap baja digunakan mutu baja Bj 52. Peraturan-peraturan yang digunakan sebagai acuan meliputi PPIUG-1983, untuk penentu besarnya beban suatu material terhadap gedung. SNI-03-1729-2000, untuk pembebanan pada rangka atap baja. PPBBI-1984, untuk perhitungan rangka atap baja. PBI-1971, untuk perhitungan plat dan tangga. SNI-1726-2002, untuk mencari besar gaya geser akibat gempa pada gedung. SNI-03-2847-2002, untuk pembebanan pada struktur gedung. SNI-03-2847-2002, untuk perhitungan beton bertulang struktur gedung. Analisis mekanika struktur untuk mencari gaya-gaya dalam yang terjadi pada portal struktur gedung menggunakan program “SAP 2000” 8 non linear. Perhitungan matematis agar mendapat hasil yang cepat dan akurat menggunakan program ”Microsoft Excel 2007”. Sedangkan penggambaran menggunakan program ”AutoCAD 2008”. Hasil yang diperoleh dari perencanaan Tugas Akhir ini yaitu struktur atap menggunakan kuda-kuda rangka baja profil 50.65.5. Ketebalan plat atap 10 cm, plat lantai 12 cm, bordes 12 cm, dan badan tangga 12 cm. Balok dengan dimensi 400/600 dan kolom dengan dimensi 600/600. Pondasi menggunakan pondasi telapak menerus dengan dimensi plat pondasi dengan tebal 250 mm, dan lebar B= 1,2 m, sedangkan sloof berdimensi (0,7 x 1,0 ) m2

    Perancangan Kereta Dorong Barang Dengan Pengungkit Beroda Gigi Otomatis

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    The development of science can be rise of some alternative in a product. It’s supported by the step up or changing of taste of the consumer and the economic development. The innovation of product is a exact solution to do by the producer to complete the condition of product and to satisfied of consumer. By the planning and staking of product, a product is produced in accordance with the quality with the customer requirement. The product of trial with lever automatic gear is the product which is needed to be innovation by the process of planning and staking product in that. Is because, the consumer demand specially the trial user in the things who wants to feel the benefit safety of it. With the measuring of anthropometric with measure (elbow stand up and high of waist stand up) will be get the plane of trial measuring with ergonomic and zero-one method for determine of performance value, the sum of making value of some product and values decision of a alternative solution can be chooser with is gotten from identification of customer requirement. By step planning process and the development of this product which can be fill the customer requirement

    Leakage current and surface discharge phenomena : effect on tracking and morphological properties of LLDPE-natural rubber compounds

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    Polymeric insulators are widely used for high voltage outdoor insulating application due to their substantial advantages compared to the porcelain and glass insulators. Although polymer materials have been proven good, research on development of new polymerbased materials is still on going since the benefits of using polymeric materials are not yet utilised to their full potential. In this work, a new formulated thermoplastic elastomer materials that are composed of linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and natural rubber (NR) filled with different loadings of alumina trihydrate (ATH) fillers is presented. A surface tracking and erosion test is conducted to investigate the characteristics of leakage current on the material surface under the influence of wet contaminated conditions. A computer-based leakage current monitoring system is developed to monitor the leakage current waveform pattern as well as its frequency spectrum. The scanning electron microscope is used to investigate the morphological properties of the materials before and after the tracking test

    Vulnerability of public buildings subjected to earthquake by finite element modelling

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    Tremors in Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia due to Sumatra and Philippine earthquakes have been reported several times. Engineers are concerned of the seismic vulnerability of public buildings due to lack of earthquake consideration in Malaysia’s building design procedure. This study addresses the vulnerability of public buildings in Malaysia subjected to earthquakes from Sumatra and Philippines. A case study has been conducted on low rise to medium rise reinforced concrete buildings, which are mostly categorized as moment resisting frames. The buildings are analyzed using Finite Element Modeling (FEM) under different types of analyses including Free Vibration Analysis (FVA), and Time History Analysis (THA) considering low to medium earthquake intensities. The study indicates that more than 50% of the buildings produced dynamic amplification factors of slightly more than one indicating not much of a dynamic response to the buildings. The performances of the structure are shown by the yield point at beam-column connections where the internal forces at beam elements exceed the design capacity of the beams. In the non-linear analysis, the largest damage index is still under the intermediate level where no structural damage is indicated, but some non-structural damage are expected


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    Abstrak Tujuan pada penelitian ini: untuk mengetahui bagaimana praktek mediasi dalam perkara perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Serang, dan mengetahui efektivitas Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 pada praktek mediasi di Pengadilan Agama Serang dalam menangani perkara perceraian. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis sosiologis empiris, dengan hasil dari Peneilitan menunjukkan Prosedur mediasi pada Pengadilan Agama Serang telah sesuai seperti yang tercanmtum dalam PERMA No.1 tahun 2016, dan Efektivitas mediasi di Pengadilan Agama Serang masih belum efektif dalam menyelesaikan perkara perceraian. Berdasarkan pada data yang diperoleh, tingkat keberhasilan mediasi belum sebanding dengan jumlah perkara perceraian yang dimediasi, dimana terdatat sebanyak 968 perkara yang dimediasi hanya sebanyak 68 perkara yang berhasil dimediasi atau hanya sebesar 7% presentase keberhasilan mediasi pada tahun 2021. Rendahnya tingkat keberhasilan mediasi ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, yaitu kemauan para pihak amat kuat untuk bercerai, terjadi pertikaianyang telah berlarut-larut, faktor kejiawaan atau psikologis dan adanya perasaan segan untuk mengalah


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    Speaking English in Indonesia is still a foreign language learning. where the students' ability in using English is still low. The use of English is only used when they are studying English subjects in class, without being practiced directly in daily communication like other countries.the reason because the students are shy and afraid. The aim of this research to describe the naturalness of environment on English speaking skills at English study program Madura University. This research is qualitative research by using narrative. Researched obtained data from, observation, interview and documentation. Based on the result of the study show the students in the English study program feel in the English study program feel insecure when speaking in public, mix English and Indonesian when the student don’t know the vocabulary. The English study program does not have a language laboratory facility that helps students to develop their abilities, the students often communicate with their classmates and with teacher, but when talking to the lecturer most are afraid of being wrong. Students only talk in class and during class. When, outside class rarely to speak Englis