2,922 research outputs found

    Investigating the Utility of the Film War Zone as a Component of a Street Harassment Prevention Program

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    Street harassment, the sexual harassment by strangers in public places, is a common experience shared by many women and has been linked with other forms of sexual victimization. The negative impact of street harassment, such as fear and behavior to avoid being harassed, points to the need for preventing the behavior. This study sought to determine whether the documentary-style film War Zone may be effective in impacting men’s attitudes toward street harassment, and whether the effectiveness of the film would depend on men’s hostility toward women and level of peer acceptance for street harassment. Findings do not support the effectiveness of War Zone as a component of street harassment prevention. However, the data does suggest that endorsement of hostile attitudes toward women predicts a lack of empathy, and that endorsement of hostile attitudes toward women, a lack of empathy, and peer acceptance of street harassment predict acceptance of street harassment

    What Effect Do the Reading Comprehension Strategies of Text Coding and Journal Writing Have on the Reading Comprehension in the Mathematics Classroom of 9th Grade Students with Special Education Needs?

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    This study focused on improving the reading comprehension in the mathematics classroom of 9th grade special education students through the use of text coding and journal writing. This study was designed for nine students attending a newly opened public, urban Midwestern high school with a strong reputation in the gifted and talented community. The intervention was conducted over an eight week (two months), 25-minute sessions, occurring every other day at the end of the school day. Data measured the student\u27s participation in intervention sessions and the overall success from session to session. All students demonstrated growth on their post-test assessments through the continued practice of the reading comprehension strategies of text coding and journal writing

    M 234.01: Higher Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers

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    M 121.01: College Algebra

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    M 132.00: Number and Operations for Elementary School Teachers

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    The Professional Degree as Marital Property Under North Carolina\u27s Equitable Distribution Statute

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    The Legislature in enacting the North Carolina Act for Equitable Distribution of Marital Property altered the common law approach of dividing property upon divorce strictly according to record title. Under the new statute, marriage is viewed as a joint venture to acquire property through monetary and non-monetary efforts of each spouse. The Legislature authorizes the courts to reward these mutual efforts by dividing marital property in an equitable fashion. Marital property is that real or personal property acquired during marriage which is traceable to the joint efforts of both spouses. Under the new statute, only that property classified as marital property becomes divisible by the court. The appellate courts of North Carolina have had little opportunity to interpret the new statute and have not faced the difficult issue of whether a professional degree obtained by one spouse during marriage should be classified as marital property. The statute classifies professional licenses as separate, non-divisible property. While this classification exempts the professional license from distribution in North Carolina, the Legislature left unclear the issue of whether a professional degree could be valued and distributed upon divorce. Other equitable distribution states have faced the issue. This comment focuses on these states\u27 approaches and outlines North Carolina courts\u27 possible responses when the contributing spouse demands a share of the other\u27s future earnings derived from the professional degree

    Mountain Lions In North Dakota: A Public Opinion Survey

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    Breeding mountain lion (Puma concolor) populations currently inhabit the western portion of North Dakota. In recent years, apparent increases in human-lion interactions across North Dakota, and other Midwest states, have challenged wildlife managers who strive to balance biological and social carrying capacities of these animals. In 2019, we surveyed 2,000 residents of North Dakota, USA, using a self-administered mail survey to discern knowledge of and attitudes towards mountain lions, and to explore whether the presence of these animals would influence decisions to recreate in western North Dakota. Our questionnaire included 12 questions designed to ascertain respondent attitudes towards mountain lions. We used K-means cluster analysis to create a binary response variable, pro- and contra-lion attitude, and logistic regression analysis to identify factors that may explain or predict general attitudes towards mountain lions. Our results indicated that North Dakotans were nearly evenly split on their attitudes towards mountain lions, 52% pro-lion and 48% contra-lion. A pro-lion attitude was associated with respondents being less worried about mountain lions, having lower perception of risk, and a belief that human-lion encounters were decreasing. We found little evidence, beyond limited risk factors, that mountain lions influenced recreation in western North Dakota. Our research may be beneficial for mangers desiring targeted outreach messaging, while also contributing to the growing body of research on attitudes towards mountain lions in the Midwest

    Examination of Perceived Norms and Masculinity Threat as Predictors of College Men\u27s Behavioral Intentions as Bystanders in a Party Gang Rape Situation

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    Sexual assault of women is a well-documented phenomenon in U.S. samples, particularly on college campuses. Innovative approaches to prevention encourage men and women to intervene as bystanders in sexual assault situations; however, bystander behavior is notoriously inhibited by various situational factors. This study used a mixed-method approach to better understand the role of situational factors in college men’s bystander behavioral intentions in a party gang rape situation. The first aim was to develop an experimental paradigm using vignette methodology to manipulate the amount of masculinity threat present in a party gang rape situation, which could then be used to explore the effect of masculinity threat on men’s bystander behavioral intentions. Although I was unable to heighten masculinity threat, findings indicate that a previous relationship with the offenders results in men expecting a typical male college bystander to experience less negative affect in the situation. The second aim was to use the vignettes to examine whether men’s perception of the rape-supportive and traditional masculine gender role norms among the offenders involved, as well as indicators of masculinity threat, would predict men’s bystander behavioral intentions. Boding well for bystander intervention programs, the majority (98%) of men reported intention to intervene to stop the assault to some degree, although this intention was lower for men who perceived the party gang rape situation to result in more negative affect for a typical college male bystander. Data depicts the party gang rape situation as one in which masculine norms and masculinity threat are salient; however, these aspects did not play a role in intentions to intervene. Eighteen percent of men reported some intention to join in the assault, which was predicted by perceived masculine norms and men’s demographic characteristics. Findings point to the importance of culturally competent programming and the utility of incorporating a social norms approach in bystander intervention programs. Programs may benefit from addressing concerns about retaliation, particularly as a function of men’s relationships to the offenders. A limitation is the exclusion of individual difference variables to explore whether men’s own attitudes interact with situational factors to predict bystander behavioral intentions

    M 105.01: Contemporary Mathematics

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    M 133.01: Geometry and Measurement for Elementary School Teachers

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