37 research outputs found

    Agenda Setting Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Perbatasan di Kepri Tahun 2015

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    Bondary not only separate territories that are owned by different communities or countries but also ensure the safety and well-being balanced between each area concerned. Riau Islands Province is leading directly adjacent to neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore  the Philippines, and Thailand. Conditions islands region in Riau (Riau Islands) are very much separated by an ocean, the area is 252 601 km2 area consisting of 1,350 islands and 96% Ocean thus making control range of the government in development planning very difficult. This study will look at how the government’s Agenda Setting in the border area development planning Riau Islands, which will discuss the issue and political currents flow in the policy agenda to the policies made by the government of Riau islands as border regions. The method used in this study is qualitative. The study was conducted in Regional Development Planning Board (Bappeda) Riau Islands Province, the Regional Border Management Agency (BNPPD) Riau Islands Province and Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPRD) Riau Islands Province. Data collection techniques performed in this study were interviews, collecting data document written and unwritten, and non-participant observation. Results from this study is the first, the flow of matter to explain the issues and problems that occur on the border of Riau Islands namely the problem of limited infrastructure such as facilities and infrastructure such as facilities and infrastructure of housing, education, health, security, and also facilities and transport infrastructure, telecommunications, and Other causes of this region have low accessibility and isolated from the surrounding region. Secondly, the flow of Politics explains the policy process and then view and objectives to be achieved still has a perception about the construction of the border is still different, the level of public participation, NGOs, academics and NGOs are still relatively low, the handling is still partial, sectoral and yet integritasi, coordination has not gone good, both among sectoral, national level and between the central government and local governments, commitment and development budget in the border area is still relatively minimal. Third, Flow Policy describes several emerging priorities namely, development of processing industry, fishery and tourism in a sustainable manner in order to support the sector of maritime, increasing production and agricultural productivity, as well as self-reliance and food security community, Improved connectivity between regions and between the island and the means and basic infrastructure of society, Improving the quality of the environment and forestry, natural disaster mitigation and climate change, peningatan quality human resources and well-being equitable and civilized society, Improving the quality of public services and good governance. Key words: Agenda Setting, Planning Development, Borde


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    Kepulauan Riau merupakan Provinsi dengan Kunjungan Wisatawan Mancanegara (Wisman) yang cukup tinggi, dengan berada di urutan kedua setelah Bali, Kepri menjadi Provinsi yang seharusnya memaksimalkan potensi ini untuk meraup PAD dan sebagai penyumbang kontribusi keuangan negara yang tinggi pula, namun pada kondisi dilapangan dengan dibuktikan pada pertumbuhan PDRB Kepri belum terlalu signifikan dapat mensejahterakan masyarakat dan belum menjadikan pariwisata sebagai sector unggulan, padahal sector ini cukup berperan penting karena sudah berada di tiga besar wisman terbanyak di Indonesia. Maka atas dasar ini, penelitian ini akan membahas sinkronisasi kelembagaan dan kebijakan pariwisata di Provinsi Kepulauan Riau, dengan metode kualitatif yang dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Jika melihat rumitnya dan tidak sinkronnya birokrasi dan kebijakan mulai dari perencanaan hingga pelaksanaan pariwisata, maka diperlukan Kebijakan yang adaptive dalam membangun pariwisata agar sesuai dengan perkembangan trend wisatawan. Permasalahan Kelembagaan dari semua Stakeholder dibutuhkan sinkronisasi mulai dari perencanaan hingga pada pelaksanaan

    Perkembangan Smart City Kota Tanjungpinang

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    Perlu adanya terobosan komprehensif dalam pengembangan konsep smart city. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan yang akuntabel, transparan kepada masyarakat. Dengan semakin baiknya pelayanan kepada masyarakat, maka konsep dari kota cerdas akan benar-benar terwujud. Melalui kewenangan otonomi, daerah juga dituntut untuk mampu berinovasi dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik di wilayahnya. Smart City merupakan salah satu strategi pembangunan dan manajemen kota yang masih baru. Konsep ini muncul dan berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan teknologi. Smart City didefinisikan sebagai kota yang mampu menggunakan SDM, modal sosial, dan infrastruktur telekomunikasi modern untuk mewujudkan pertumbuhan ekonomi berkelanjutan dan kualitas kehidupan yang tinggi, dengan manajemen sumber daya yang bijaksana melalui pemerintahan berbasis partisipasi masyarakat. Pada Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dan difokuskan pada perkembangan indicator smart city di Kota Tanjungpinang, dengan melihat aspek apa saja yang sudah dilakukan Pemko Tanjungpinang dalam mengembagkan Smart City

    Konsepsi Trust yang Dibangun Etnis Tionghoa dalam Politik Di Kota Tanjungpinang Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Trust is an expectation that a person can be trusted in all relationships, demonstrate consistent and predictable behavior. Trust owned predictions related to gains and losses will result because these choices. Presentation concept of trust is very important to understand the issues of transparency and accountability networking interaction of the actors in governance. Some have argued the importance of trust in governane networking. First, in setting the theory of governance, the concept of trust into one keywords in it. Second, network governance as key words to make the trust as the foundation of the building.Third, the principle of transparency and accountability of governance actors is strongly associated with the concept of trust, where trust becomes the purpose of the implementation of these two principles. Various opinions of scientists put trust as the foundation, pillars and social capital in networking and building effective governance, so it is important to understand the concept of trust in the context of network and governance. Confidence (trust)is the basic element of relations between the actors and the social structure of the network, so the trust manifested in the form of building the network. Social capital makes the trust as an integral part even be the main pillars of social network system. The socialist social system built with the advent integrity of a particular ethnic, one of them ethnic Chinese in Kepulauan Riau, Especially Tanjungpinang. It was built in Tanjungpinang are ethnic Chinese with identity politics and ethnic politics they controlled sectors of the economy, education, culture, and religion is so strong that formed Hight-Trust

    Perkembangan Smart City Kota Tanjungpinang

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    Perlu adanya terobosan komprehensif dalam pengembangan konsep smart city. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan yang akuntabel, transparan kepada masyarakat. Dengan semakin baiknya pelayanan kepada masyarakat, maka konsep dari kota cerdas akan benar-benar terwujud. Melalui kewenangan otonomi, daerah juga dituntut untuk mampu berinovasi dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik di wilayahnya. Smart City merupakan salah satu strategi pembangunan dan manajemen kota yang masih baru. Konsep ini muncul dan berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan teknologi. Smart City didefinisikan sebagai kota yang mampu menggunakan SDM, modal sosial, dan infrastruktur telekomunikasi modern untuk mewujudkan pertumbuhan ekonomi berkelanjutan dan kualitas kehidupan yang tinggi, dengan manajemen sumber daya yang bijaksana melalui pemerintahan berbasis partisipasi masyarakat. Pada Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dan difokuskan pada perkembangan indicator smart city di Kota Tanjungpinang, dengan melihat aspek apa saja yang sudah dilakukan Pemko Tanjungpinang dalam mengembagkan Smart City

    Agenda Setting dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Perbatasan di Kepri Tahun 2015

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    Bondary not only separate territories that are owned by different communities or countries but also ensure the safetyand well-being balanced between each area concerned. Riau Islands Province is leading directly adjacent to neighboringcountries such as Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand. Conditions islands region in Riau (RiauIslands) are very much separated by an ocean, the area is 252 601 km2 area consisting of 1,350 islands and 96%Ocean thus making control range of the government in development planning very difficult. This study will look at howthe government’s Agenda Setting in the border area development planning Riau Islands, which will discuss the issueand political currents flow in the policy agenda to the policies made by the government of Riau islands as borderregions.The method used in this study is qualitative. The study was conducted in Regional Development PlanningBoard (Bappeda) Riau Islands Province, the Regional Border Management Agency (BNPPD) Riau Islands Provinceand Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPRD) Riau Islands Province. Data collection techniques performedin this study were interviews, collecting data document written and unwritten, and non-participant observation.Results from this study is the first, the flow of matter to explain the issues and problems that occur on the borderof Riau Islands namely the problem of limited infrastructure such as facilities and infrastructure such as facilities andinfrastructure of housing, education, health, security, and also facilities and transport infrastructure, telecommunications,and Other causes of this region have low accessibility and isolated from the surrounding region. Secondly, theflow of Politics explains the policy process and then view and objectives to be achieved still has a perception about theconstruction of the border is still different, the level of public participation, NGOs, academics and NGOs are stillrelatively low, the handling is still partial, sectoral and yet integritasi, coordination has not gone good, both amongsectoral, national level and between the central government and local governments, commitment and developmentbudget in the border area is still relatively minimal. Third, Flow Policy describes several emerging priorities namely,development of processing industry, fishery and tourism in a sustainable manner in order to support the sector ofmaritime, increasing production and agricultural productivity, as well as self-reliance and food security community,Improved connectivity between regions and between the island and the means and basic infrastructure of society,Improving the quality of the environment and forestry, natural disaster mitigation and climate change, peningatanquality human resources and well-being equitable and civilized society, Improving the quality of public services andgood governance

    Adaptive Policy for Digital Transformation in Indonesia

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    The development of digital technology is accelerating and has changed the way people communicate, shop, work and even interact with the government in their daily lives. This is a transformation of the digital era. This study uses the literature review method to analyze articles and case studies related to adaptive policies in digital transformation in Indonesia. In this research, the inhibiting factors and benefits of adaptive policies have been found in digital transformation in Indonesia. The inhibiting factors found include the lack of adequate digital infrastructure, the lack of skilled human resources in the digital field, as well as regulations and policies that have not supported the development of digital technology in Indonesia. However, the benefits of adaptive policies in digital transformation in Indonesia are enormous, including increasing productivity, competitiveness and economic growth. Therefore, it is important for the government to implement adaptive policies in digital transformation in Indonesia in order to minimize the inhibiting factors and maximize the benefits of digital transformation

    E-Readiness Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dalam Penerapan E-Government (Studi Terhadap Kepri Smart Province)

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    Smart Province merupakan bagian dari usaha mencapai Indonesia Cerdas (Smart Indonesia) yang merupakan amanat dari Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (Mencerdaskan kehidupan Bangsa) Smart Province dapat dicapai jika seluruh komponen yang ada di dalamnya, mulai dari level Provinsi, Kota / Kabupaten sampai ke area terkecil Desa mampu berkolaborasi dan bergerak bersama. Semua pihak Mengetahui peran dan fungsi bagaimana membangun kebersamaan dan menciptakan dan berbagi manfaat untuk masing-masing pihak yang berkolaborasi. Melihat fenomena ini perlu dilakukan pengukuran kesiapan dan upaya dari semua stakeholder sudah sejauh mana usaha dalam mencapai keberhasilan dari E-Government tersebut. Pengukuran e-readiness merupakan salah satu hal penting yang dilakukan dalam upaya mencapai keberhasilan smart government. Kepri Smart Province yang merupakan pengejawantahan dari wujud pelaksanaan e-government di provinsi kepulauan riau masih belum siap (ready) baik dari factor teknologi, institusional maupun factor manusia