7 research outputs found
NeÅ”kodljivost peroralne primjene sulfadimidin natrija u ÄinÄila (Chinchilla lanigera)
Safety of peroral sulfadimidine sodium (sulfamethazine) treatment was tested on two chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) groups. Sulfadimidine sodium was administered in drinking water to male chinchillas aged 5.5 to 7.5 months. Concentration of active ingredient in water was 960 and 1600 mg/l, respectively. During the initial five days the animals were drinking non-medicated water and, subsequently, over five consecutive days, water with sulfadimidine sodium. Sulfadimidine sodium, in concentrations of 960 and 1600 mg/l, did not influence the general health status of chinchillas or quality of faeces and body weight during and after the five-day treatment, nor did it influence the quality of fur, clearness of its colour and its density, which were unchanged immediately after the experiment and at 2.5 months post-treatment. This finding can be considered favourable for chinchilla breeders. Consumption of water with dissolved sulfadimidine, in relation to the non-medicated water intake, was reduced by 10% in group 960 mg/l (P>0.05), and by 24% in group 1600 mg/l (P0,05), a u skupini koja je dobivala 1600 mg/l za 24% (P <0,01). Peroralnim davanjem otopine sulfadimidin natrija u koncentracijama od 960 i 1600 mg/l postignut je prosjeÄni dnevni unos ovog antimikrobnog lijeka od 62,36 Ā± 4,37 i 89,66 Ā± 8,46 mg/kg t.m. Navedene doze u suglasju su s opÄe prihvaÄenim dnevnim dozama sulfadimidina za veÄinu životinjskih vrsta od 50 do 100 mg/kg t.m. Na temelju postignutih rezultata može se preporuÄiti primjena sulfadimidin natrija u vodi za piÄe u obje navedene koncentracije za lijeÄenje bakterijskih infekcija ÄinÄila i to prije svega onih probavnog, mokraÄnog i diÅ”nog sustava, a u okolnostima kada su izdvojeni mikroorganizmi ili protozoi osjetljivi na ovaj sintetski kemoterapeutik
Aktivnost biotransformacijskih enzima u jetri puranskih zametaka i puriÄa.
The activities of two enzymes from phase I of biotransformation, aniline hydroxylase and ethylmorphine N-demethylase were investigated in turkey embryos and poults. Measurements were performed five times prior to hatching, at the 18th, 22nd, 24th, 26th and 27th day of embryosā life and five times after hatching, at the 1st, 5th, 9th, 16th and 26th day of turkeysā life. Ten days prior to hatching the enzyme activities in embryo livers amounted to 116.8 Ā± 1.6 nmol p-aminophenol/g liver/30 min, and 222.8 Ā± 25.0 nmol formaldehyde/g liver/30 min for aniline hydroxylase and ethylmorphine Ndemethylase, respectively. A three- and two-fold increase in aniline hydroxylase and ethylmorphine N-demethylase activities was observed immediately after hatching (1st day) in relation to 27-day-old embryos, respectively. Thereafter activities continued to rise and in 26-day-old poults they amounted to 672.9 Ā± 10.3 nmol p-aminophenol/g liver/30 min, and 2672.6 Ā± 27.9 nmol formaldehyde/g liver/30 min. Body masses, as well as absolute and relative liver masses were measured after hatching. The ratio between liver/body mass showed that relative liver mass increased from the 1st to the 9th day of life, followed by a constant slight decrease until the 26th day of life. These results generated in physiological conditions indicate that biotransformation phase I reactions are higher at the end of first month of turkey life than those in turkey embryos and in newly-hatched turkey. Thereby, liver capacityfor hydroxylation and N-demethylation of xenobiotics and endogenous compounds gradually increase in young turkey.U puranskih zametaka i puriÄa istražene su aktivnosti dva enzima iz I. faze biotransformacije: anilin hidroksilaze i etilmorfin N demetilaze. Mjerenja su provedena pet puta prije leženja, i to 18., 22., 24., 26. i 27. dana razvitka zametka, te pet puta poslije leženja, 1., 5., 9., 16. i 26. dana života puriÄa. Aktivnost jetrene anilin hidroksilaze u osamnaestodnevnih zametaka bila je 116.8 Ā± 1.6 nmol p-aminofenola/g jetre/30 min, a aktivnost etilmorfin N-demetilaze 222.8 Ā± 25.0 nmol formaldehida/g jetre/30 min. Dvostruko odnosno trostruko poveÄanje aktivnosti tih enzima izmjereno je neposredno nakon leženja u odnosu na 27 dana stare zametke. Nakon toga, aktivnosti enzima uglavnom su i dalje rasle, a najviÅ”e su bile zadnjeg dana mjerenja, tj. 26. dana života: 672.9 Ā± 10.3 nmol p-aminofenola/ g jetre/30 min i 2672.6 Ā± 27.9 nmol formaldehida/g jetre/30 min. Tjelesne mase puriÄa te apsolutne i relativne mase jetre mjerene su nakon leženja, neposredno prije uzorkovanja jetre za enzimske analize. Vrijednosti relativne mase jetre u puriÄa uveÄavale su se od 1. do 9. dana života, nakon Äega su se smanjivale do kraja promatranog razdoblja. Rezultati istraživanja aktivnosti navedenih enzima, iz I. faze bioloÅ”kog prijetvora u fizioloÅ”kim uvjetima pokazuju da su njihove vrijednosti viÅ”e u puriÄa u dobi od mjesec dana nego u netom izleženih puriÄa i puranskih zametaka, Å”to je znak da se postupno uveÄava kapacitet jetre za hidroksilaciju i N-demetilaciju endogenih i organizmu stranih tvari
Residues of Lindane in Adipose Tissue of Lambs and Sheep from Islands Krk and Cres
Concentrations of lindane from adipose tissue i.e. omentum of sheep from homesteads of island Krk that were treated
with lindane, were compared with the concentrations of lindane measured in adipose tissue of non treated sheep from
husbandry cooperative on island Cres. Evaluation of food safety for this samples were estimated by comparing obtained
results and maximum tolerance concentration (MTC) for lindane (2.0 and 0.2 mg/kg). In treated lambs from Krk measured
concentrations of lindane were in range from 0.0038 to 1.8644 mg/kg, and in treated sheep from 0.0094 to 1.646
mg/kg. In control group of lambs and sheep concentration of lindane was 0.0051 mg/kg. Estimation of food safety based
on the results from this research are discussable, regarding the fact that MTC prescribed before year 2007 was 2.0 mg/kg.
When the new law Regulations of MTC for residues of pesticides in food and animal feed (NN 119/07) came into the force
prescribed MTC was 0.02 mg/kg. If food safety of sheep meat from Krk would be estimated based on latter, then 73.4% of
samples of lamb meat and 80% of sheep meat could be proclaimed unsafe for human consumption. It is encouraging that
after completion of using lindane in year 2005, levels of lindane in adipose tissue of lamb from Krk in year 2006 were under
the concentration set by new legislate (< 0.02 mg/kg)
Krvne grupe i hematoloŔki pokazatelji u hrvatskih autohtonih pasmina pasa. II Dalmatinski pas.
The aim of this research was to establish the blood groups as well as haematology indicators in one of Croatiaās indigenous breeds, Dalmatian dogs. 40 healthy dogs were examined. The ages ranged from 2 months to 12 years. Blood samples were taken from all animals in order to determine blood group DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) 1.1. and a standard haemogram. In 38 dogs (95%) the DEA 1.1. blood group was found. The findings obtained indicate that the incidence of DEA 1.1. blood group among Dalmatian dogs was higher than in other dog breed but this data included data about other Croatian indigenous breeds. The average haematology indicators were not within canine physiological standards because the haemoglobin concentration as well as levels of haematocrit and MCV were higher than reference values. The obtained data completes our present day understandings of the specificity of these physiological values in Dalmatian dogs.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi krvne grupe i hematoloÅ”ke pokazatelje u jedne od hrvatskih autohtonih pasmina pasa, u dalmatinskog psa. Istraženo je 40 zdravih pasa u dobi od dva mjeseca do dvanaest godina. U svih je istraživanih životinja uzorkovana krv te je utvrÄeno da 38 pasa (95%) ima krvnu grupu DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) 1.1. Å”to je viÅ”e nego u drugih pasmina pasa, ali i viÅ”e nego u ostalih hrvatskih autohtonih pasmina. OdreÄeni hematoloÅ”ki pokazatelji takoÄer su viÅ”i od referentnih vrijednosti, a to se prvenstveno odnosi na koncentraciju hemoglobina, razinu hematokrita kao i na prosjeÄni obujam eritrocita. Rezultati upotpunjuju dosadaÅ”nje spoznaje o posebnostima odreÄenih fizioloÅ”kih vrijednosti u dalmatinskog psa
Activities of hepatic biotransformation enzymes of turkey embryos and turkey
The activities of two enzymes from phase I of biotransformation, aniline hydroxylase and ethylmorphine N-demethylase were investigated in turkey embryos and poults. Measurements wer
UÄinak kloramfenikola na aktivnost biotransformacijskih enzima jetre i na trajanje anestezije nakon primjene pentobarbitala te kombinacije ketamina i ksilazina u zamorÄiÄa (Cavia porcellus)
The effect was investigated of chloramphenicol on the activities of hepatic biotransformation enzymes: aniline hydroxylase (Ah) and ethylmorphine N-demethylase (EtND), as well as on the levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Moreover, the influence was established of the pre-medication with chloramphenicol on the duration of anesthesia using pentobarbital and ketamine/xylazine guinea pigs. Male guinea pigs, weighing 269-353 g, were subcutaneously (s.c.) treated with 60- and 100 mg chloramphenicol sodium succinate/kg body mass once a day for three days. Thereafter the anesthetics were injected: 30 mg pentobarbital/kg b.m., i.p. in one group and 60 mg ketamine/kg b.m., s.c. + 4 mg xylazine/kg b.m., s.c. in the other group. Treatment with chloramphenicol did not signififi cantly affect the concentration of serum ALT or GLDH. As expected, 100 mg chloramphenicol/kg b.m. significantly decreased the activity of Ah and EtND for -36.1% and -38.6%, respectively. On the other hand, the duration of pentobarbital anaesthesia and ketamine/xylazine-induced anaesthesia in chloramphenicol pre-treated animals was not significantly prolonged. Our results also indicate that decreased enzyme activity in the presence of chloramphenicol did not influence the hepatic metabolism of two tested anaesthetics in guinea pigs, and in contrast to dogs, cats, rats and mice, did not prolong the duration of anaesthesia.U radu je istražen uÄinak kloramfenikola na aktivnost jetrenih biotransformacijskih enzima anilin hidroksilazu (Ah) i etilmorfifi n N-demetilazu (EtND) te na razinu serumskih enzima alanin aminotransferaze (ALT) i glutamat dehidrogenaze (GLDH) u zamorÄiÄa (Cavia porcellus). Osim toga, istražen je utjecaj premedikacije kloramfenikolom na trajanje anestezije pentobarbitalom i kombinacijom ksilazin/ketamin. ZamorÄiÄima muÅ”koga spola, težine 269-353 g, supkutano je apliciran kloramfenikol u obliku natrijeva sukcinata u dozi 60 i 100 mg/kg tjelesne mase tijekom tri uzastopna dana. Nakon toga primijenjeni su anestetici: prvoj skupini 30 mg pentobarbitala/kg t.m., i.p. i drugoj skupini 60 mg ketamina i 4 mg ksilazina/kg t.m., s.c. Rezultati su pokazali da kloramfenikol nije znaÄajno utjecao na koncentaraciju ALT i GLDH u serumu. MeÄutim, kloramfenikol u dozi od 100 mg/kg t.m. znaÄajno je umanjio aktivnost Ah i EtND, i to za -36,1% i -38,6%. S druge strane, trajanje anestezije nakon primjene pentobarbitala i kombinacije ketamina i ksilazina u zamorÄiÄa prethodno obraÄenih kloramfenikolom nije bilo statistiÄki znaÄajno produženo. NaÅ”i rezultati upuÄuju na to da umanjena aktivnost biotransformacijskih enzima nakon primjene kloramfenikola nije utjecala na jetreni metabolizam dvaju testiranih anestetika u zamorÄiÄa te da primjena kloramfenikola nije produžila vrijeme trajanja anestezije Å”to je suprotno nalazima kod pasa, maÄaka, Å”takora i miÅ”eva