10 research outputs found

    Higher dimensional black holes with a generalized gravitational action

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    We consider the most general higher order corrections to the pure gravity action in DD dimensions constructed from the basis of the curvature monomial invariants of order 4 and 6, and degree 2 and 3, respectively. Perturbatively solving the resulting sixth-order equations we analyze the influence of the corrections upon a static and spherically symmetric back hole. Treating the total mass of the system as the boundary condition we calculate location of the event horizon, modifications to its temperature and the entropy. The entropy is calculated by integrating the local geometric term constructed from the derivative of the Lagrangian with respect to the Riemann tensor over a spacelike section of the event horizon. It is demonstrated that identical result can be obtained by integration of the first law of the black hole thermodynamics with a suitable choice of the integration constant. We show that reducing coefficients to the Lovelock combination, the approximate expression describing entropy becomes exact. Finally, we briefly discuss the problem of field redefinition and analyze consequences of a different choice of the boundary conditions in which the integration constant is related to the exact location of the event horizon and thus to the horizon defined mass

    Next-to-leading term of the renormalized stress-energy tensor of the quantized massive scalar field in Schwarzschild spacetime. The back reaction

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    The next-to-leading term of the renormalized stress-energy tensor of the quantized massive field with an arbitrary curvature coupling in the spacetime of the Schwarzschild black hole is constructed. It is achieved by functional differentiation of the DeWitt-Schwinger effective action involving coincidence limit of the Hadamard-Minakshisundaram-DeWitt-Seely coefficients a3a_{3} and a4.a_{4}. The back reaction of the quantized field upon the Schwarzschild black hole is briefly discussed

    Regular black holes in an asymptotically de Sitter universe

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    A regular solution of the system of coupled equations of the nonlinear electrodynamics and gravity describing static and spherically-symmetric black holes in an asymptotically de Sitter universe is constructed and analyzed. Special emphasis is put on the degenerate configurations (when at least two horizons coincide) and their near horizon geometry. It is explicitly demonstrated that approximating the metric potentials in the region between the horizons by simple functions and making use of a limiting procedure one obtains the solutions constructed from maximally symmetric subspaces with different absolute values of radii. Topologically they are AdS2Ă—S2AdS_{2}\times S^{2} for the cold black hole, dS2Ă—S2dS_{2}\times S^{2} when the event and cosmological horizon coincide, and the Pleba\'nski- Hacyan solution for the ultraextremal black hole. A physically interesting solution describing the lukewarm black holes is briefly analyze

    Charged black holes in quadratic gravity

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    Iterative solutions to fourth-order gravity describing static and electrically charged black holes are constructed. Obtained solutions are parametrized by two integration constants which are related to the electric charge and the exact location of the event horizon. Special emphasis is put on the extremal black holes. It is explicitly demonstrated that in the extremal limit, the exact location of the (degenerate) event horizon is given by \rp = |e|. Similarly to the classical Reissner-Nordstr\"om solution, the near-horizon geometry of the charged black holes in quadratic gravity, when expanded into the whole manifold, is simply that of Bertotti and Robinson. Similar considerations have been carried out for the boundary conditions of second type which employ the electric charge and the mass of the system as seen by a distant observer. The relations between results obtained within the framework of each method are briefly discussed

    Regular black holes in quadratic gravity

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    The first-order correction of the perturbative solution of the coupled equations of the quadratic gravity and nonlinear electrodynamics is constructed, with the zeroth-order solution coinciding with the ones given by Ay\'on-Beato and Garc{\'\i}a and by Bronnikov. It is shown that a simple generalization of the Bronnikov's electromagnetic Lagrangian leads to the solution expressible in terms of the polylogarithm functions. The solution is parametrized by two integration constants and depends on two free parameters. By the boundary conditions the integration constants are related to the charge and total mass of the system as seen by a distant observer, whereas the free parameters are adjusted to make the resultant line element regular at the center. It is argued that various curvature invariants are also regular there that strongly suggests the regularity of the spacetime. Despite the complexity of the problem the obtained solution can be studied analytically. The location of the event horizon of the black hole, its asymptotics and temperature are calculated. Special emphasis is put on the extremal configuration