2 research outputs found

    Logistyczna obs艂uga klienta w bran偶y opakowaniowej

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    The packaging market is an example of an industrial market with a very high level of competition. Recently there has been a struggle for a competitive advantage based on quality, price and technological innovation. Faced with this situation, some companies in the industry are adopting a customer service logistics strategy as a competitive strategy, described in the literature on the subject and known from business practice. In this paper an attempt was made to examine the effectiveness of this method of achieving competitive advantage in the packaging industry. For this purpose, data obtained from 8 packaging companies applying the strategy known as the strategy of the most important element of customer service were examined. The research was based on interviews with managers of these companies and portfolio analysis. The research confirmed the hypothesis that the most important service element strategy involves the risk of high service costs or low costs with low profits at the same time. As a result, recommendations and conclusions have been formulated for the management of such entities.Rynek opakowa艅 jest przyk艂adem rynku przemys艂owego o bardzo wysokim poziomie konkurencji. Toczy si臋 tu walka o przewag臋 konkurencyjn膮 oparta na jako艣ci, cenie i innowacyjno艣ci technologicznej. W obliczu tej sytuacji, niekt贸re firmy z bran偶y przyjmuj膮 strategi臋 logistycznej obs艂ugi klienta jako strategi臋 konkurencyjn膮, opisan膮 w literaturze przedmiotu i znan膮 z praktyki biznesowej. W artykule podj臋to pr贸b臋 zbadania skuteczno艣ci tej metody w osi膮ganiu przewagi konkurencyjnej w bran偶y opakowaniowej. W tym celu zbadano dane uzyskane od 8 firm opakowaniowych stosuj膮cych strategi臋 zwan膮 strategi膮 najwa偶niejszego elementu obs艂ugi klienta. Badanie opiera艂o si臋 na wywiadach z mened偶erami tych firm oraz analizie portfelowej. Potwierdzi艂o ono hipotez臋, zgodnie z kt贸r膮 w przypadku strategii najwa偶niejszego elementu obs艂ugi klienta istnieje ryzyko wysokich koszt贸w obs艂ugi lub niskich koszt贸w przy jednoczesnym niskim poziomie zysk贸w. Sformu艂owano te偶 zalecenia i wnioski dotycz膮ce zarz膮dzania takimi podmiotami

    Recycling and Upcycling in the Practice of Waste Management of Construction Giants

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of recycling and upcycling technologies on the level of efficiency of large construction companies in the context of waste management practice. The research methodology was based on regression analysis and factorial analysis of variance. Based on the assessment of waste management efficiency in the context of recycling (upcycling), the positive dynamics of the efficiency of its implementation was determined in comparison with traditional waste disposal. The levels of the relationship among net profit, investment in waste management, and recycling efficiency for the companies under study were determined. Regression analysis of the impact of recycling efficiency on the performance of the companies under study in the context of waste management demonstrated a positive effect of an increase in the efficiency of recycling (upcycling) on the net profit of all companies under study. However, at the same time, there was a different effect and degree of influence of this indicator according to the formed scenarios. Despite the high efficiency of recycling (upcycling), the prospective increase in its level does not have a proportional relationship with profit but depends on the development factors of the construction company. Two-way analysis of variance demonstrated a strong influence of the efficiency of recycling (upcycling) and waste disposal on waste management efficiency. It was proven that companies that currently have a high level of recycling (upcycling) efficiency are practically not focused on traditional waste disposal, since recycling has a more significant and positive impact on the effectiveness of their activities