5 research outputs found
Advanced glycation end products’ response to resistance training in postmenopausal women with type ii diabetes
The aim of this study was to investigate the role of resistance training (RT) on advanced glycation end products (AGEs) concentrations in postmenopausal women with type II diabetes. Postmenopausal
female patients from the Sanandaj Diabetes Association, aged 48-58 years, were randomly assigned to either experimental (n=7) or control (n=8) group. The experimental group has performed a routine program of resistance training for eight weeks, three sessions per week with 70% of one repetition maximum. The control group did not have any type of exercise program during the study. Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures showed that advanced glycation end products’ values in the experimental group (compared with the pre-test)
was significantly reduced (p=.014). Similarly, AGEs concentrations were significantly lower in the post-test in the experimental group compared with the control group (p=.000). In addition, fasting blood glucose (FBS) levels in the experimental group after 8-week resistance training was associated with a significant reduction (p=.005). The findings suggest that eight weeks of RT reduced blood glucose concentrations, which lead to decreased levels of advanced glycation end products in postmenopausal women with type II diabetes
Suplementacija kreatinom mijenja hormonalnu reakciju organizma na vježbe s opterećenjem
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of short-term creatine supplementation on hormonal responses to resistance exercise. 27 trained men were randomly divided into a creatine supplementation group [the CR group (n=15), taking 4×5 g creatine monohydrate/day] or a placebo supplementation group [the PL group (n=12), taking 4×7.5 g maltodextrin/day]. A double-blind research design was employed for a 7-day supplementation period. After this period, the participants performed exercise testing. Blood tests occurred on day 1 prior to supplementation loading (1Pre) and after this period [on the exercise testing day: pre-exercise (Pre), immediately post-exercise (IP), and 15 (15P) and 30 (30P) minutes post-exercise] for the measurement of the serum growth hormone and testosterone concentrations. Significant differences in the number of repetitions and volume were seen with CR (7.2±1.3 repetitions, 1560±386 kg) compared to PL (5.6±2 repetitions, 1089±341 kg) at set 5 of the exercise protocol (p=.01). Serum growth hormone and testosterone were significantly higher at 15P in CR (6.1±1.8 ng/ml, 70.1±19 pmol/L) compared to PL (4.1±1.7 ng/ml, 44.8±16 pmol/L) [(p=.02), (p=.01)]. The enhanced exercise performance resulted in a significantly greater increase in both the growth hormone and testosterone concentrations, indicating an augmented anabolic hormone response to creatine supplementation.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj kratkotrajne suplementacije kreatinom na hormonsku reakciju organizma kod vježbi s opterećenjem. 27 treniranih muškaraca nasumično su podijeljeni u grupu koja je uzimala kreatin [CR skupina (n=15), 4×5 g kreatin monohidrata po danu] ili u placebo skupinu [PL grupa (n=12), 4×7.5 g maltodextrina po danu]. Dvostruka anonimna metoda istraživanja bila je korištena pri realizaciji sedmodnevnog suplementacijskog perioda. Nakon perioda suplementacije, provedena su finalna testiranja. Testiranje krvnih uzoraka provedeno je prvog dana eksperimenta neposredno prije suplementacije (1Pre) i nakon eksperimentalnog perioda [na dan finalnih testiranja: prije izvođenja vježbi s opterećenjem (Pre), neposredno nakon izvođenja vježbi s opterećenjem (IP), te 15 (15P) i 30 (30P) minuta nakon izvođenja vježbi s opterećenjem] za mjerenje koncentracije seruma hormona rasta i testosterona. Statistički značajne razlike u broju ponavljanja i veličini ukupnog opterećenja utvrđene su kod CR skupine (7.2±1.3 ponavljanja, 1560±386 kg) u usporedbi s PL skupinom (5.6±2 ponavljanja, 1089±341 kg) kod 5. serije provedenog protokola vježbanja (p=.01). Serumi hormona rasta i testosterona bili su statistički značajno veći u 15P kod CR skupine (6.1±1.8 ng/ml, 70.1±19 pmol/L) u usporedbi s PL skupinom (4.1±1.7 ng/ml, 44.8±16 pmol/L) [(p=.02), (p=.01)]. Bolji rezultati u finalnom testiranju kod CR skupine rezultirali su statistički značajno većom koncentracijom hormona rasta i testosterona u odnosu na PL skupinu, što pokazuje povećanu reakciju anaboličkih hormona na suplementaciju kreatinom
PGC1-α mRNA expression cross talk with tumor volume growth and total antioxidant capacity in breast cancer model mice: following discontinuous aerobic exercise and vitamin D intake
The modifications of PGC-1 induce the change of the carcinogenesis and tumor growth and lead to increased antioxidant enzymes. The present study aimed to determine the cross talk between PGC1-α mRNA expression, tumor volume growth, and total antioxidant capacity in breast cancer model mice, followed by discontinuous aerobic exercise and vitamin D. In the present study, 40 female NMRI mice were randomly assigned into five equal groups (n=8): healthy control group (H.C), cancer control group (Ca.C), cancer with the vitamin D group (U.Ca.VD), cancer exercise training group (Ca. Ex), and cancer exercise training with the vitamin D group (Ca.Ex.VD). As the results indicate, the bodyweight of cancer groups (p=0.041, F=3.61) and the tumor growth rate significantly reduced compared to the H.C group. The results indicated that the PGC-1α mRNA expression and TAC (p=0.013, F=5.16) change significantly different between the study groups. Besides, based on the results, a significant positive correlation was observed between PGC1-α and tumor volume growth among the groups, whereas a negative relationship exists between PGC1-α and TAC and among TAC and tumor volume growth only in the Ca. Ex.VD group. The correlation between the variables confirms using vitamin D treatment with the implementation of discontinuous aerobic exercise, as a synergistic effect, improves the total antioxidant capacity and is effective in controlling tumor growth. We recommend that further studies be done on exercise training along with supplementation intake synergistic
The Effect of Training Type on The Signaling P athway of Ceramide-Dependent Insulin Resistance in The Flexor Hallucis Longus Muscle of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
Objective: This study aimed to compare the effect of different physical training on the mechanism of ceramidedependentinsulin resistance in the flexor hallucis longus (FHL) muscle of diabetic rats.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 7 healthy as a healthy control (HC) group, and 21 diabetics (55 mg/kg Streptozotocin) Wistar rats (200-220 g; 8-10 weeks old) divided into the diabetic control (DC), moderate continuoustraining (MCT), and moderate intensity interval training (MIIT) groups. Both MCT (55-70% of maximal oxygen uptake(VO2max), and MIIT (85% VO2max) groups trained for 10-25 minutes at a speed of 10-20 m/minutes. The changes inthe expression of blood glucose, insulin, insulin resistance, lipid profile and total ceramide were measured as well asceramide synthase-1, Glucose transporter type 4 (GLUT4), Protein kinase B known as Akt, phosphorylated proteinkinase B known as pAkt, protein kinase C (PKC), and tumour necrosis factor α (TNFα).Results: Blood glucose, triglyceride (TG) and ceramide synthase-1 (CS1) expression levels in the MCT groupdecreased in comparison with the DC group. FHL protein expression of GLUT4 in the MCT group was higher than theDC group. FHL expression of GLUT4, pAKT, AKT/pAKT, PKC, CS1 and total ceramide in the MIIT group were higherthan the DC group. Cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), TG, and TNF-α protein expression in the MIIT groupwere lower than the DC group. GLUT4, PKC, pAKT, AKT/pAKT in the MIIT group were higher, and total ceramide andTNF-α were lower in the MIIT group than the MCT group.Conclusion: It seems that both training plan MIIT and MCT have favorable effects on the metabolism of glucose,insulin, lipids, and the decrease of TNFα level in the diabetes, but in connection with the improvement of the ceramidesmechanism, it seems that the MIIT training plan is more optimal than MCT training plan
Utjecaj dvaju različitih perioda odmora na volumen treninga u vježbama s otporom za donje ekstremitete
There is a lack of studies using rest intervals in the same lower muscle groups on multiple exercises volume completed. The purpose of this study was to compare the workout volume (sets × repetitions per set) completed during two lower body resistance exercise sessions that incorporated 1-minute vs. 3-minute rest intervals between the sets and exercises. For this reason, thirteen trained men completed two experimental sessions that consisted of 4 lower body exercises – leg press (LP), leg extension (LE), leg curl (LC) and parallel squat (PS), performed for three sets with 80% 1RM load. The two experimental sessions differed
only in the length of the rest interval between the sets and exercises; one session with a 1-minute and the other session with a 3-minute rest interval. The results demonstrated that for each exercise a significantly greater workout volume was completed when resting interval lasted 3 minutes between the sets and exercises (LP: 48.42±3.38 vs. 58.17±3.01; LE: 47.04±2.52 vs. 57.81±2.04; LC: 38.01±2.79 vs. 53.61±2.64 and PS: 33.03±2.25 vs. 51.87±2.01 for 1-minute vs. 3-minute rest interval, respectively). These results indicate that during a resistance exercise session, if sufficient time is available, resting 3 minutes between the sets and exercises allows a greater workout volume for the lower body exercises examined.U znanstvenoj literaturi trenutačno postoji nedostatak istraživanja u kojima bi se testirao utjecaj različitih intervala odmora istih mišićnih skupina donjih ekstremiteta na ukupni volumen treninga u kojemu se izvode različite vježbe. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je usporediti ukupni trenažni volumen (broj serija × broj ponavljanja) izveden tijekom dva treninga s opterećenjem za donje ekstremitete, koji
su uključivali odmore od 1 minute odnosno od 3 minute između serija i vježbi. U tu svrhu trinaest je aktivnih muškaraca provelo dva eksperimentalna treninga koji su se sastojali od četiri vježbe donjih ekstremiteta: nožni potisak, opružanje potkoljenica, pregib potkoljenica i paralelni čučanj izvedene u tri serije s opterećenjem od 80% 1RM. Dva eksperimentalna treninga razlikovala su se samo po trajanju odmora između serija i vježbi; u jednom treningu korišten je odmor u trajanju od jedne minute, dok je u drugom trening korišten odmor u trajanju od tri minute. Rezultati su pokazali da je za svaku vježbu u kojoj je korišten 3-minutni odmor između serija i vježbi izvršen statistički značajno veći ukupni volumen treninga (nožni potisak: 48,42±3,38 pri 1-minutnom odmoru nasuprot 58,17±3,01 pri 3-minutnom odmoru; opružanje potkoljenica: 47,04±2,52 pri 1-minutnom odmoru nasuprot 57,81±2,04 pri 3-minutnom odmoru; pregib potkoljenica: 38,01±2,79 pri 1-minutnom odmoru nasuprot 53,61±2,64 pri 3-minutnom odmoru te paralelni čučanj: 33,03±2,25 pri 1-minutnom odmoru nasuprot 51,87±2,01 pri 3-minutnom odmoru. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da tijekom treninga s opterećenjem, ako je dovoljno vremena na raspolaganju, 3-minutni odmor između serija omogućuje veći volumen trenažnoga rada u analiziranim vježbama za donje ekstremitete