30 research outputs found
Output privacy in secure multiparty computation
Abstract. In secure multiparty computation, a set of mutually mistrusting players engage in a protocol to compute an arbitrary, publicly known polynomial-sized function of the party’s private inputs, in a way that does not reveal (to an adversary controlling some of the players) any knowledge about the remaining inputs, beyond what can be deduced from the obtained output(s). Since its introduction by Yao [39], and Goldreich, Micali and Wigderson [29], this powerful paradigm has received a lot of attention. All throughout, however, very little attention has been given to the privacy of the players ’ outputs. Yet, disclosure of (part of) the output(s) may have serious consequences for the overall security of the application e.g., when the computed output is a secret key; or when the evaluation of the function is part of a larger computation, so that the function’s output(s) will be used as input(s) in the next phase. In this work, we define the notion of private-output multiparty computation. This newly revised notion encompasses (as a particular case) the classical definition and allows a set of players to jointly compute the output of a common function in such a way that the execution of the protocol reveals no information (to an adversary controlling some of the players) about (some part of) the outputs (other than what follows from the description of the function itself). Next, we formall
Experimental investigation of non-linear wave to plasma interaction in a quasi-flat magnetostatic field
A characterization of wave-to-plasma interaction in a quasi-flat magnetostatic field at 3.75 GHz has been carried out by using a small-wire movable RF antenna, connected to a spectrum analyzer. The coupling between electromagnetic and electrostatic waves leads to a characteristic spectral emission in low frequency range and around the pumping wave frequency. The most relevant results consist in the broadening of the pumping wave spectrum above critical RF power thresholds and in the generation of sidebands of the pumping frequency, with corresponding components in low frequency domain. The non-linearities are accompanied by the generation of overdense plasmas and intense fluxes of X-rays
Alpha Cluster Structure in16O
The main purpose of the present work is the investigation of the α-cluster phenomenon in 16 O. The 12 C( 6 Li,d) 16 O reaction was measured at a bombarding energy of 25.5 MeV employing the Sao Paulo Pelletron-Enge-Spectrograph facility and the nuclear emulsion detection technique. Resonant states around 4α threshold were measured and an energy resolution of 15 keV allows to define states previously unresolved. The angular distributions of the absolute cross sections were determined in a range of 4-40 degree in the center of mass system. The upper limit for the resonance widths was obtained, indicating that the α cluster structure information in this region should be revised
Evidence of Nuclear Rainbow in the 16O + 27Al elastic scattering @ 280 MeV
In the present work the 16O + 27Al elastic scattering at 280 MeV incident energy is investigated. This study is inserted in the research line aiming at the investigation of the nuclear rainbow in the scattering process involving heavy nuclei. Nuclear rainbow is a peculiar phenomenon which reveals the nuclear interaction at small distances, where the projectile and target density overlaps can reach values up to twice the nuclear matter saturation value. The rainbow features were thought to be very unlikely for systems
heavier than 16O + 16O because of the strong absorption, always present in heavy-ion collisions, which tends to hide the refractive component of the scattering process, responsible for the rainbow phenomenon.
The experiment was performed at the Catania LNS-INFN laboratory using a 280 MeV energy 16O Cyclotron beam impinging on a 109 ug/cm2 thick 27Al target. The ejectiles were momentum analysed by the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer and detected by its Focal Plane Detector. In order to obtain wide elastic and inelastic angular distributions, five different angular settings were chosen, which covered a whole angular range from about 5° to about 40° in the laboratory reference frame. 27Al excitation energy spectra up to 85 MeV were extracted, showing the population of the ground state and low-lying excited states of the residual nucleus. In addition, the spectra measured at forward angles showed the
population of large structures in a narrow angular range at relatively-high excitation energy, corresponding to the excitation of collective modes of the target nucleus, i.e. Monopole and Quadrupole Giant Resonances. Then, elastic and inelastic cross section angular distributions were constructed for each angular setting.
A model independent data analysis was performed. The total elastic 16O + 27Al angular distribution was fitted using exponential functions in three different angular ranges. This procedure made it possible to better appreciate the systematic deviation of the data with respect to the rapid exponential decrease expected for a strong absorptive system. The rise of the cross section observed at the largest scattering angles is the evidence of a well developed nuclear rainbow structure for the investigated system. The elastic and inelastic angular distributions were then compared with a new generation of parameter-free calculations based on the Coupled Channel (CC) formalism, using the Sao Paulo potential (SPP). The calculations were performed with the computer code FRESCO. A good agreement with the data was obtained using a reduced real component of the nucleus-nucleus potential and adopting the weak coupling model. In such a model, the 27Al ground state and the first low lying excited states (1/2+ , 3/2+ , 5/2+ , 7/2+ , 9/2+) were described as a 1d5/2 proton hole coupled with the 28Si 0+ ground state and 2+ (1.779 MeV) excited state, respectively. The effect of the inclusion in the calculation of other 28Si excited states was also investigated in a preliminary way
18th century French tragedy and the Greek myth
Ma thèse se propose d’étudier la valeur historique et littéraire de la production de tragédies à sujet mythologique de la deuxième moitié du XVIIIe siècle. Encore aujourd’hui considérées comme une pâle imitation des tragédies classiques grecques et françaises, les tragédies à sujet mythologique sont non seulement nombreuses au XVIIIe siècle, mais elles obtiennent un véritable succès en se montrant capables d’intéresser et de toucher les spectateurs. À travers une analyse des caractéristiques de l’écriture tragique au XVIIIe siècle, une réflexion sur la réception de la mythologie grecque à partir de la Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes et la reconstruction des horizons d’attente du public de l’époque, j’ai montré la manière dont les fables antiques sont exposées à un processus de resémantisation qui en fait les sujets tragiques privilégiés pour l'expression des questionnements idéologiques les plus pressants de l’Âge des Lumières, tels que l’affirmation d’une nouvelle rhétorique familiale, le rapport avec le pouvoir monarchique ou la religion. Plutôt qu’une tribune d’où faire découler les principes éclairés, la tragédie à sujet mythologique conjugue ses règles poétiques et de mise en scène à l’imaginaire autour des héros et des dieux grecs, afin de devenir un espace de remise en question des positions culturelles de l’époque. En évolution constante, la tragédie à sujet mythologique suit finalement les courants esthétiques et idéologiques du XVIIIe siècle, nous montrant la vitalité du genre et sa capacité à s’accorder aux présupposés théoriques de la période et à ses goûts.My thesis aims to study the historical and literary value of mythological tragedies during the second half of the 18th century. Though today these tragedies are considered outmoded or a poor imitation of classical Greek and French tragedy, they were very appreciated in the 18th century. This thesis analyzes tragic writing in the 18th century, the reception of Greek mythology (e.g. la Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes) and the reconstruction of the expectations of the audience. In doing so, I demonstrate how these tragedies reflect the most pressing ideological issues of the Age of Enlightenment, such as the affirmation of a new family rhetoric, the relationship with monarchical power and religion. Rather than merely deriving enlightened principles, mythological tragedy becomes a space for questioning the cultural positions of the time combining the poetic principles of the dramatic form with a new interpretation of Greek heroes and gods. Constantly evolving, the mythological tragedy ultimately follows the aesthetic and ideological currents of the 18th century, showing us the vitality of the genre and its ability to match the ideas and the tastes of the period
18F-Choline PET/MRI: role in instrumental diagnostics for primary hyperparathyroidism
reservedIntroduzione: l’Iperparatiroidismo primario (PHPT) è una patologia endocrina in cui vi è una incontrollata produzione di paratormone (PTH), con alterazione della regolazione dell’omeostasi del metabolismo del calcio. L’unica terapia potenzialmente curativa è la rimozione chirurgica, per la quale è importante un’accurata localizzazione della sede di malattia. Attualmente la diagnosi di sede si fa con ecografia del collo e scintigrafia delle paratiroidi. Tuttavia, in alcuni pazienti la diagnostica strumentale convenzionale risulta negativa, discordante tra i due esami oppure dubbia. In questi casi si sta sperimentando l’utilizzo della PET-RM con la 18F-colina come tracciante. Lo scopo del presente studio è valutare i risultati ottenuti dalla PET FCH, per poter meglio definire le situazioni che ne possono trarre beneficio.
Metodi: La popolazione esaminata è composta da 115 pazienti con diagnosi di PHPT candidati all’intervento chirurgico, con imaging convenzionale risultato negativo, discordante o dubbio e che hanno successivamente eseguito una PET FCH. I risultati degli esami sono stati confrontati tra di loro, e si è valutata la concordanza tra il risultato dell’esame e il tipo di intervento chirurgico effettuato. È stata valutata l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’indice di captazione della PET FCH (SUV Max A) e le concentrazioni di paratormone e calcio sierico totale. Sono stati valutati dei modelli di regressione logistica tra la concentrazione di paratormone e il risultato dei diversi esami strumentali.
Risultati: la PET FCH ha permesso di localizzare la malattia nell’84% dei casi. Nei confronti della PET FCH, l’ecografia è risultata più sensibile, ma meno specifica della scintigrafia. Le scintigrafie positive sono state tutte confermate dalla PET FCH. È emersa una debole, ma statisticamente significativa (ρ 0,29, p <0,005), correlazione lineare tra il PTH e il SUV Max A.
Conclusioni: nella maggioranza (84%) dei casi si è riuscita a individuare la sede di malattia. L’elevata concordanza tra il risultato delle scintigrafie positive con la PET potrebbe indicare che la scintigrafia positiva sia sufficiente per la localizzazione della sede, anche in presenza di ecografia negativa, dubbia o discordante, senza necessitare l’approfondimento di una PET FCH. Esiste, tuttavia, una minore quota (circa 16%) di pazienti in cui nessun esame è riuscito a localizzare la sede.Introduction: primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is an endocrine pathology in which there is an uncontrolled production of parathyroid hormone (PTH), with alteration of the regulation of the homeostasis of calcium metabolism. The only potentially curative therapy is surgery, for which accurate localization of the disease site is important. Currently, the location diagnosis is made with neck ultrasound and parathyroid scintigraphy. However, in some patients the conventional instrumental diagnostics are negative, non-concordant between the two tests or doubtful. In these cases, the use of PET-MRI with 18F-choline as a tracer is being tested. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the results obtained from PET FCH, in order to better define the situations that can benefit from it.
Methods: The population examined is composed of 115 patients diagnosed with PHPT, eligible for surgery, with conventional imaging results negative, discordant or equivocal and who subsequently underwent a PET FCH. The results of the tests were compared with each other, and the concordance between the result of the test and the type of surgery performed was assessed. The existence of a correlation between the PET FCH uptake index (SUV Max A) and the concentrations of parathyroid hormone and total serum calcium was evaluated. Logistic regression models were evaluated between the parathyroid hormone concentration and the results of the various instrumental tests.
Results: PET FCH allowed localization of the disease in 84% of cases. Compared to PET FCH, ultrasound was more sensitive, but less specific than scintigraphy. The positive scintigraphy were all confirmed by PET FCH. A weak, but statistically significant (ρ 0.29, p < 0.005), linear correlation emerged between PTH and SUV Max A.
Conclusions: in the majority (84%) of cases it was possible to identify the site of the disease. The high concordance between the result of the positive scintigraphy with the PET FCH could indicate that the positive scintigraphy is sufficient for the localization of the disease, even in the presence of a negative, doubtful or non-concordant ultrasound, without requiring the in-depth analysis of a PET FCH. There is, however, a smaller share (around 16%) of patients in whom no examination has managed to localize the disease
Il mito di Procne e Filomela: adulterio, rivalità, infanticidio dalle fonti al Tereo di Sofocle
La tesi prende in esame il mito di Procne e Filomela dalle fonti presofoclee fino alle tarde versioni latine per tentare la ricostruzione del Tereo di Sofocle
La tragédie française du XVIIIe siècle et le mythe grec
La mia tesi studia il valore storico e letterario della copiosa produzione di tragedie a soggetto mitologico della seconda metà del Settecento. Ancora oggi considerate come una semplice imitazione delle tragedie classiche greche e francesi, le tragedie a soggetto mitologico non sono solamente numerose nel XVIII secolo, ma ottengono un autentico successo, mostrandosi capaci d'interessare e commuovere gli spettatori. Attraverso un'analisi delle caratteristiche della scrittura tragica del XVIII secolo, una riflessione sulla ricezione della mitologia greca a partire dalla Querelles des Anciens et des Modernes e la ricostruzione degli orizzonti d'attesa del pubblico dell'epoca, ho mostrato come le fables antiche fossero esposte a un processo di risemantizzazione che le rende funzionali all'espressione degli interrogativi ideologici più pressanti dell'Illuminismo, quali l'affermazione di una nuova retorica familiare, i rapporto con il potere monarchico o la religione. Piuttosto che una tribuna propagandistica per gli ideali éclairés, la tragedia a soggetto mitologico coniuga le sue regole poetiche e di messa in scena all'immaginario collettivo intorno agli eroi e alle divinità greche, al fine di diventare uno spazio di rimessa in discussione costante delle posizioni culturali dell'epoca. In costante evoluzione, la tragedia mitologica segue dunque le correnti estetiche e ideologiche del Settecento, mostrandoci la vitalità del genere e la sua capacità d'accordarsi ai gusti e ai presupposti teorici dell'epoca.
My thesis aims to study the historical and literary value of mythological tragedies during the second half of the 18th century. Though today these tragedies are considered outmoded or a poor imitation of classical Greek and French tragedy, they were very appreciated in the 18th century. This thesis analyzes tragic writing in the 18th century, the reception of Greek mythology (e.g. la Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes) and the reconstruction of the expectations of the audience. In doing so, I demonstrate how these tragedies reflect the most pressing ideological issues of the Age of Enlightenment, such as the affirmation of a new family rhetoric, the relationship with monarchical power and religion. Rather than merely deriving enlightened principles, mythological tragedy becomes a space for questioning the cultural positions of the time combining the poetic principles of the dramatic form with a new interpretation of Greek heroes and gods. Constantly evolving, the mythological tragedy ultimately follows the aesthetic and ideological currents of the 18th century, showing us the vitality of the genre and its ability to match the ideas and the tastes of the period
À la recherche des réseaux intertextuels : défis de la recherche littéraire à grande échelle
International audienceThis article outlines some of the challenges that have arisen during the first phases of the ERC-funded Modern project, a five-year research programme that takes a new “data driven” approach to the literary history of the French Enlightenment. Drawing on a large curated corpus of French texts of the Early Modern period, the authors describe in detail the various steps for building intertextual networks using the output of text reuse algorithms. From corpus and metadata cleaning to training a neural network for filtering ‘noisy’ passages, this article provides a pragmatic technical pipeline for similar projects working with massive collections of digitised text, highlighting both the promise and perils of conducting literary research at scale.Cet article expose certains des défis qui ont émergé au cours des premières phases du projet Modern, programme de recherche financé par l’ERC (European Research Council, ou Conseil européen de la recherche) pour cinq ans, qui adopte une nouvelle approche partant des données (data driven) pour étudier l’histoire littéraire du siècle des Lumières. À partir d’un grand corpus de textes français du début de la période moderne, les auteurs détaillent les diverses étapes de la construction de réseaux intertextuels en se servant des résultats d’algorithmes de réutilisation de textes. De l’harmonisation du corpus et des métadonnées à l’entraînement d’un réseau neuronal pour filtrer les passages « bruités », cet article propose une chaîne de traitement pragmatique pour les projets similaires travaillant sur d’importantes collections de textes numérisés, tout en mettant en lumière les promesses ainsi que les périls de la recherche littéraire à grande échelle
Enlightenment Inflluencers: Networks of Text Reuse in 18th-century France
International audienc