31 research outputs found

    Uloga nagiba padina, gustoće vrtača i analize vodne bilance u izdvajanju kompleksnog slivnog područja rijeke Slunjčice (Hrvatska)

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    Due to the high vulnerability of the karst aquifer to the surface contaminants, a precisely defined catchment area has the highest priority. In this study, the influence of slope inclination, the doline density analysis, and the water budget analysis in the delineation process of a complex karst catchment area is discussed. To define hydrogeological role of lithological units, cross sections of slope inclination and doline density were combined with hydrogeological cross sections, while the degree of karstification was used to describe the permeability of rock units. The verification of karst catchment delineation area was performed with water budget analysis. The methodology used for the determination of hydrogeological behavior and delineation of a complex karst catchment area (Slunjčica River basin, Croatia) is shown with the flow diagram. It has been found that the highest doline density appears in the range from 0 to 1Ā° of the slope inclinations, and that it decreases with a higher slope degree. Although the results of this study confirm that even with the relatively small number of input data it is possible to define the karst catchment area, it must be emphasized that the doline density analysis presents an indispensable tool in the research related to the definition of karst catchment areas.Radi vrlo visoke prirodne ranjivosti krÅ”kih vodonosnika, izrazito je važno precizno određivanje slivne povrÅ”ine. U okviru ovog istraživanja razmatran je utjecaj nagiba terena, gustoće vrtača i vodne bilance u procesu razdvajanja složenih krÅ”kih slivnih područja. Za definiranje hidrogeoloÅ”ke uloge pojedinih litoloÅ”kih jedinica koriÅ”tena je kombinacija hidrogeoloÅ”kih profila s podacima o gustoći vrtača i nagibu terena, dok je za opis propusnosti pojedinih stijenskih jedinica koriÅ”ten stupanj okÅ”enosti. Za verifikaciju i provjeru izdvojenih slivnih područja koriÅ”tena je vodna bilanca. Metodologija koriÅ”tena za utvrđivanje hidrogeoloÅ”ke uloge pojedinog područja i određivanje slivnog područja (rijeka Slunjčica, Hrvatska) prikazana je dijagramom toka. Utvrđeno je da se najveće vrijednosti gustoće vrtača pojavljuju u dijelovima terena s nagibom padina od 0 to 1Ā°, te se smanjuju s povećanjem nagiba padina. Iako rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju da je čak i s malim brojem ulaznih podataka moguće odrediti slivno područje u krÅ”u, potrebno je dodatno naglasiti da analiza gustoće vrtača predstavlja nezamjenjiv alat prilikom istraživanja vezanih za određivanje slivnih područja u krÅ”u

    Difference in anaemia expression in men and women with renal failure treated with peritonial dyalisis

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    Anemija je poznata i česta komplikacija kroničnoga zatajenja bubrega (KZB) sa značajnim utjecajem na morbiditet i mortalitet, smanjenje kvalitete života i troÅ”kove zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Smjernice za liječenje anemije KZB ne određuju spolno specifične ciljne vrijednosti hemoglobina (Hb). Iako među spolovima postoje sličnosti u temeljnoj fiziologiji anemije KZB, sve je viÅ”e dokaza dokaza o različitom odgovoru na anemiju. IzvrÅ”ili smo retrospektivnu analizu anemije bolesnika tijekom prvih Å”est mjeseci liječenja peritonejskom dijalizom (PD). Spolne razlike razine Hb koje postoje kod zdrave populacije održane su i kod terminalne faze KZB na početku liječenja PD-om, kao i nakon Å”est mjeseci liječenja. Veći udio žena (15-30%) zahtijeva uvođenje lijekova za stimulaciju eritropoeze (LSE), za razliku od muÅ”karaca. Prosječna mjesečna doza eritropoetina bila je 70% veća kod žena. Unatoč nižim apsolutnim razinama Hb, žene pokazuju viÅ”e razine Hb u odnosu na referentne vrijednosti specifične za spol, nego muÅ”karci.Anemia is recognized as a common complication of chronic kidney disease (CKD) with a significant impact on morbidity and mortality and a decline in quality of life and health care costs. Guidelines for the treatment of CKD anemia do not specify sex-specific Hb targets. There are similarities among genders in the basic physiology of anemic CKD, but there is growing evidence with respect to differential responses to anemia between genders. We performed a retrospective analysis of patients during the first six months of peritoneal dialysis (PD) treatment. Gender differences in Hb level seen in the healthy populations are maintained in subjects with end stage renal disease at PD inception and after six months of treatment. A greater proportion (15-30%) of females require erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESA) than males. The average monthly EPO dose was 70% higher in females. Despite lower absolute levels of Hb, women manifest higher Hb levels relative to gender-specific normative values than men

    Epidemiology and Clinical Presentation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Zadar County, Croatia

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    Results of the retrospective, population-based study, 2000ā€“2010, on inflammatory bowel disease, ulceratice colitis (UC) and Crohn\u27s disease (CD), from Zadar County, have been presented and compared with world experience and com- parative data from Primorsko-Goranska and Vukovarsko-Srijemska Counties. The average incidence rates (per 100 000) were 8.2 and 8.4, for UC and CD, respectively. Prevalence rates, at the end of the follow up, were 133.9 for UC and 111 for CD. Constant increase in the incidence rates for both, UC and CD, have been recorded, for CD more prominently in the second part of the follow up, 2006ā€“2010. Prevalence rates have being continuosly rased for both diseases, data for UC ex- ceeding that for CD. Results of data comparison among the counties contribute in favour to the hypothesis of Zadar County as a rapidly developing area and strongly argue against the existence of the North-South gradient between Vukovarsko-Srijemska and Zadar Counties

    Kronične nezarazne bolesti kod hrvatskih branitelja u odnosu na opću populaciju: 25 godina nakon rata

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    Many published reports have documented an increased prevalence of chronic medical conditions among veterans, but there were only a few studies that compared these increases with the general population. The aim of this study was to determine differences in chronic medical conditions between Croatian war veterans and the general population. This study included two groups of subjects, i.e. 1453 participants who are Croatian war veterans and 1429 participants from the general population. Medical history, physical examination, laboratory tests and specific diagnostic procedures were taken during systematic physical examination in both groups. The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, malignancy, psychiatric diseases, cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis, smoking and alcohol consumption was analyzed. Croatian war veterans were found to be more likely to develop hypertension than individuals in the general population (29.5% vs. 24.3%), as well as diabetes (7.3% vs. 3.8%), hyperlipidemia (56.4% vs. 27.3%), hyperthyroidism (3.1% vs. 0.8%), coronary heart disease (4.3% vs. 1 %), malignancy (4.1% vs. 2.2%), psychiatric diseases (15.4% vs. 1.1%), and alcohol consumption (53% vs. 29%). Significant difference was found in favor of the general population for hypothyroidism (14.3% vs. 8%). There were no differences in the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cholelithiasis, nephrolithiasis, and smoking. Our findings confirmed the hypothesis of a higher prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, malignancy and psychiatric diseases among Croatian war veterans and emphasized the need of better control of their medical conditions.Povećana učestalost kroničnih bolesti među veteranima dokumentirana je kroz brojna istraživanja, no samo ih je nekoliko studija uspoređivalo s općom populacijom. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u pojavnosti kroničnih bolesti između hrvatskih branitelja i opće populacije. Ovo istraživanje obuhvatilo je dvije skupine ispitanika, 1453 hrvatskih branitelja i 1429 sudionika iz opće populacije. Anamneza, fizikalni pregled, laboratorijske pretrage i specifični dijagnostički postupci provedeni su tijekom sistematskog fizikalnog pregleda u obje skupine. Analizirana je učestalost hipertenzije, Å”ećerne bolesti, hiperlipidemije, hipotireoze i hipertireoze, kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti, koronarne bolesti, malignih bolesti, psihijatrijskih bolesti, kolelitijaze, nefrolitijaze, puÅ”enja i konzumacije alkohola. Utvrđeno je da hrvatski branitelji imaju veću vjerojatnost za razvoj hipertenzije (29,5% prema 24,3%), dijabetesa (17,3% prema 3,8%), hiperlipidemije (56,4% prema 27,3%), hipertireoze (3,1% prema 0,8%), koronarne bolesti srca (4,3% naspram 1%), zloćudne bolesti (4,1% naspram 2,2%), psihijatrijske bolesti (15,4% naspram 1,1%) i čeŔću konzumaciju alkohola (53% naspram 29%) nego pojedinci u općoj populaciji. Uočena je značajna razlika u korist opće populacije za hipotireozu (14,3% naspram 8%). Nije bilo razlika u učestalosti kronične opstruktivne plućne bolesti, kolelitijaze, nefrolitijaze i puÅ”enja. NaÅ”i nalazi potvrdili su hipotezu o viÅ”oj učestalosti kardiovaskularnih bolesti, malignih i psihijatrijskih bolesti među hrvatskim braniteljima te naglasili potrebu bolje kontrole njihovog zdravstvenog stanja

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Acute Stroke

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine whether Helicobacter pylori infection (HBPI) is an independent risk factor for acute noncardioembolic stroke, and also if there is a link between HBPI and other established and well-known risk factors for stroke, as well, to find if there is link between HBPI and severity of disease. In this prospective single centre study where enrolled 82 patients with acute stroke and control group was consistented 93 healthy individuals. The results of this study showed no difference between H.pylori seropositivity distribution in the investigate and control group (25.8 vs. 34.8%), additionally, there was no significant difference on the severity of the disease. Furthermore there was no evident association between acute stroke and HBPI in the patientes with three and more risk factors, but we found significant link between HBPI and carotid stenosis. Further studies are needed to clarify the possible causal relation between infection by this organism and stroke. It is necessary not only the elucidate of pathophysiology related to the association, but also to evaluate whether antibiotic treatment may result in clinical benefit of the patient

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Acute Stroke

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine whether Helicobacter pylori infection (HBPI) is an independent risk factor for acute noncardioembolic stroke, and also if there is a link between HBPI and other established and well-known risk factors for stroke, as well, to find if there is link between HBPI and severity of disease. In this prospective single centre study where enrolled 82 patients with acute stroke and control group was consistented 93 healthy individuals. The results of this study showed no difference between H.pylori seropositivity distribution in the investigate and control group (25.8 vs. 34.8%), additionally, there was no significant difference on the severity of the disease. Furthermore there was no evident association between acute stroke and HBPI in the patientes with three and more risk factors, but we found significant link between HBPI and carotid stenosis. Further studies are needed to clarify the possible causal relation between infection by this organism and stroke. It is necessary not only the elucidate of pathophysiology related to the association, but also to evaluate whether antibiotic treatment may result in clinical benefit of the patient